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I am said to have big problems and I don’t know why people say so and more so as often as they do anyway; what is happening around here is a simple case of people making as much trouble as they can over how their personal decisions affected them and how their involvement with others who have made better decisions generally means they were superior the whole time through which other peoples personal decisions serve them financially and their personal decisions might well come through for them at some stage eventually never the less, meaning they will basically get to own everything. What they have found is that I find it insulting whenever they work it on me and would fancy they showed up here for the purpose of reading Books I had written only. Hence I wonder if it is to say that I really cannot do anything about them if I had decided that my Christian teachings were more important than chasing the fact they want me to spend my energy deciding to hate them in order to keep my bits together and get through my time in the world.
I am not as interested in them as they suppose I am; the case is rather that my Public image is not their exit for the way their decisions have affected them and this other thing I do which involves finding out how it gets to end and then when it means that spending time to find out how it gets to end with their personal decisions making them worse off while those they want to get help from are inferior, implies I may not sell my Books, then what I do is gather up all that has occurred in the process and then market it i.e. the public image is not their own and is not their exit. In the end especially for those who have some sort of Celebrity status, the reality is that they are famous and their children have a certain opinion of them, while I am an Arch Prince who will only be one the day they thought they were comfortable with it – I am not interested in them in anyway, only in whether or not they got a Book from my Place and I had to deliver it to their addresses. The question of the reasons they do it is not an emotive one; they are predators of a financial kind; a typical example is a story about how I am complicit with sexual abuse and sexual assault while reality is that I put up with it all the time, while celebrities that have suffered on account I was unable to look into my public duties with respect to them and the distant violence abuses of society fools which is of a sexual kind affected them once in a blue Moon, think there will be hell to pay for the damage to my academic work, finances and the 6 years of insults on media which damaged my Book sales, only for them to build publicity that suggests they need what I am doing thereafter and hence caused it in the first place i.e. when people are trying to avoid prison, these facts not matter how well hidden will be displayed for a Jury of random members of the Public and the Media at the Law Courts where Justice will be delivered on the basis of fact. The story of how they are determined to ensure I was not an Arch Prince but rather a Celebrity and one that did not come off too well for that matter is nothing unusual, just the part where I am likely to cut to bits the reasons they do it i.e. the money they have for the purpose of abusing me as it seems their biggest problem is that they cannot let other people be.
The Financial predating of others have never been a new thing either – it complains about sexual assault and claims others are complicit without evidence all the time, while its whole business is to wreck peoples finances and academic work to show its boyfriend that it would give the world to its lover, as stupidly as possible and most of the time it plays out in terms of claim that their victims do too much of male behaviour and it affects balance in society; too much male behaviour means she finds a way to completely destroy your life in order to please her boyfriend, then set about deciding when you are supposed to get into a fight to make her feel safe and make enough trouble to ensure you did get into a fight to help her stupidities feel safe, followed soon with claims that they want to have the same power I have while none has ever seen me get around ripping up peoples academic work and finances to have power by in the first place. It goes without saying they are not important people and I am never going to get into a fight for any of them, needs to keep away from my Books, keep its hands to itself and stop following me around.
The annoying part that is actually adding up is that we have not yet seen these idiots pay for the damages they show up around my concerns to do yet; what we have seen is their stupid feminism, especially on Media and at Industry pass around even more abusive insults at me to help suggest they are incredibly important, just to make better the health damaging business of constantly being in bullied by their stupidities who run off their media jobs on Publicity I build for my Books, making their insults and disobedience as profitable as possible, rotten to the core and wishes to ensure all knew it was about a New Country and not the fact its in need of an exorcist, if I have not offended them in anyway but need to be weakened and threatened and attacked everyday - they will give the world for their boyfriends and I am not an exception with a big mouth that has continued for years because I have not responded to it. I do get told I have made out I am in control while most people think I am not but its an old case of Mr Popular making a mess of me while he cannot deal with the little men that get behind him to strike him bum but in the end what damage they do here tends to make society trouble makers very happy because it offers up the means to claim my life and career now exists in the hands of Media and Celebrities from whom I could never recover it - lest it be said they do not get what they want as it were. When I say I want them o stop running off their jobs on Publicity I build for my Books, since it is not too much to ask, the last things I expect is a disobedience, defiance, continuation, copying my methods when I protect myself and threats - it does make me very angry.
The Story of insults and abuses and financial encumbering activties that Liberal USA has thought them to develop at my expense, talking nonsense of something I did not the right hand side which they found provocative has never been difficult to stop, as we all know that if I cut their finances to pieces it certainly will. It may seem like hate on my part but it is not; Politicians spend all their time being opportunistic about Public matters and nothing else, the same way Celebrities spend theirs grabbing other peoples public image - these goons are what they have left in the Middle for us all. So they claim I break rules at the Monarchy by complaining all the time, while that is just a publicity they have built out of a business of making sure their culture and society goons thought about what I know most of the time lest I have to pay the price for their wicked activities because they think I am on the side of freedom and democracy to such an extent - if they do not tell me that what I am doing will vanish into parts of their lives where they get to decide what happens to another human beings existence, there is no probability they will be asking the Politicians for some privileges of injustice as soon as they possibly can - it then feeds into the Celebrities making out I cannot take them on while I am spending time on this, which tends to mean they want some of it too - the other business they appear to spend their time on concerns how I claim to be loved at the Monarchy when I am not but what really happens is that I expect HM will be displeased if I were found using some obscene or swear words, bearing in mind that apart from the result being I am never really ready for anything, half the people I am likely to swear at will have been people who are comfortable in their skins and the other half will have likely be people who are terribly ill and so they are very good at relating with me in terms of the swear sensibilities, the present continuous and past participle nonsense that they support financially beneficial popularity, blame culture and nepotism by.
My Public image is now mostly encumbered by the fact that people can never stop making out I am in one form of difficult situation or another - the truth of it is an old story of how Industry goons and Celebrities get to develop systems and processes of making a lot of money from their fear of employment and at the heart of it are a group of some incredibly stupid men with whiles that never diminish, wanting to discipline others by making sure people have bad attitude while trying to sell some products at the Markets; it does mean when they start these sorts of stories each time they run out of things to say, I tended to have developed a sense they want to see what it will look like if I handled them until the problem with the lazy Industry goons and Celebrities were resolved, otherwise I do not know who they are and the big mouth needs to stop wagging around my concerns in such ways; they have produced this sense they are the lives of Men but its not their nakedness I see in my Bathroom as such which is very frustrating.
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- Aid for the Conventional Secondary Governance.
- Accepting homage| acknowledging service| accepting responsibilities.
The idea that when the Labour Party or its leadership says something about predators and creators it has some resonance with me is utter nonsense, it does not. They are the ones creating the predators who always want a piece of other peoples property without asking because asking will make them inferior and after years of putting people through hell if government it helping them, when they have lodged themselves in other peoples companies cannot get off the bloody media. So everybody always e...
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It’s all men with cultures and societies who think it is sport when they wreck people’s lives and property if they do not get what they want and if they desires are stirred without being met, their foolish children are the same too which is what fame and fortune popular culture is all about. The part where they claim I have been brought down and reduced and forced to incorporate the story of their stupid lives into my work and get down to a job is a popular statement of course but the reality is the same old story of what I do not hurting badly enough since the reason is that every time their foolish violent children turn out in public places to express the betrayal of their parents that prevents them from giving me a good beating the reasons and their consolation happens to have been also that it is my property that was destroyed by their parents who think they are parents of everybody to get it done anyway and like those stupid insults of holding public office to put up with their abuses and thereby being their important servant, I couldn’t care less if they did either and if they wish to prove a point do need to get off the media and stop making noise, so we can find out. I do what I do to ensure they are under control so I can get back to my academic work, the white ones will never be affected of course since we do not share the same skin colour looking for a piece of me directly outright and there is no point doing it without selling the books.
The story of Immigration is largely the biggest load of nonsense we have to deal with recently around matters like these; the UK Prime Minister transforming a process of Bulgarians asking him questions about his business connections in the world and what we is trying to accomplish when he speaks of detaching the UK from the EU because it is not giving him as much as he thought he could make people who are more powerful than he is such as myself work without pay to make richer, into some great story about setting out laws that will limit the movement of migrants from the EU. The truth behind his rhetoric is of course that most migrants are actually financially well off which is why they contribute so much to the economy itself and that quantity amounts to about 80% of the remaining 20%, 10% of which are Political asylum seekers that are of the same social and income bracket as they are more or less and of the remaining 10% 7% at least are workers and other economic migrants which is why the economy likes to take advantage of them so much, most of which these days come from the EU and of course the remaining 3% are plain old hungry migrants over 98% of which will not be allowed through the borders due to the fact they do not have their papers and of those that are allowed through over 80% would have cheated their way into getting the papers or would have forged them of which the previous government was very good at fostering due to their social disposition of immorality and lawlessness with that stupid culture they believe everybody wants to see in their own lives; so when I did mention something about a problem with immigration it was the idea that this particular group will turn society on itself to feed their greed, lust for power and wickedness all built around their ignorance and violence. This is simply one of the matters that tells the story the most accurately about how well the UK Prime Minister David Cameron is choosing his friends; things I like as it were, really, really like, such as being told by idiots driving around lowly saloons of how quickly I must walk by the traffic lights, the fact that there is a connection between a crushing and ever crushing process of insulting people and the next big break and the next big sale and the fact they do not like women very much which means I will certainly do them again and I can go on forever if I wanted.
At this level it is not my opinion that the altercations between British Politicians and Europeans is a serious matter, since it is largely a procedure of people whereby they will not accept split leadership from me.