They love to say I have an intellectual property administration business that exists to close down peoples jobs which I don’t; what happens is that I run it in ways which ensure my information ends up with culture and society and they always want to get up on media to see how powerful their publicity power can be by setting themselves out as the means through which those who want to get rich quick can wreck my life if they desired – they relish the battle of wills and so on but do not relish it happening over their incomes – so we see it play out with those who grab my public image to go off and play with fashion designers, those who do it with earn advertisement contracts and then show up on media to lay claims of ownership to all concerning my person and so on – the point is that when people show up on a Book sale business to make use of the writer and not the Books, they are wrecking it and shouldn’t complain when things are happening to their incomes as well – the people that appoint themselves arbiters to sit about posing questions about my entire existence like to think they know corruption but I know what is happening when I do the numbers; the intellectual property administration business was not intended for such a propose like most things we hear them complain about. The Politicians say its Politicians when they stifle my income and keep living the dream at international communities of sacrificing my entire empire to avoid re-establishing relationship with consumers to get out of a recession, I know what is really happening when I work on the numbers. It’s all basically getting to the hatred for media and bleeding him if he gets up there to take his conveniences and income boost out of my company whenever I have worked for it again sort of scenario. There is the talk of my swear words of course and it’s a matter of less important people passing insults at me so I have no control of what people think of me when security operatives fear their challenges which leaves my finances wide open to criminals when others have created the notion I am glorifying myself by it since it is what happens to their stupidities they do not wish to stop exhibiting on a regular basis – so do I find it all insulting? – perhaps I do – do they know it is the wrong thing to do? So; hence their bit is more important than mine but all together it’s a fuck obviously since it means I know more than they do so I can teach them what they need to know to be more important than I am and when I say it often they do not get to swear at me when I have had enough of them already: - those who try will always find they are cracked up and out of my league as it were. They know when they make a mess of others in such ways, especially where security service operatives fear the challenges they face, they open up their finances to criminals but now they must find a mule for it and a means to top up their finances so often that they can do whatever they like on grounds they are famous and since it already adds to the history of being attacked for my morals financially and then being attacked for the things I have departed from my morals to do on account I am desperate naming it new trends that make them feel they are really modern, those who swear at me will find they are cracked up out of my league very quickly; the image that readily comes to mind is one of goons by the street corner who tackle you for being moral as your suffering will make the latest trend and then when you became a sex worker started a new story of how this was the latest trend again because it makes them feel they own the neighbourhoods more than you do and are happier modern children than you are.
It beats the imagination all the time that another person’s career can mean in his view, the right to show up on your livelihood and ensure he does not go along with any rules associated with people showing up in it; e says he needs to do that to boost his self confidence that helps him keep a job that is far more important than yours and that usually means running a mid-sized business that services the purpose of speaking for the super-rich while he does the opposite of serving customers and we are not talking about damaging my business and personality directly in order to get into the good Books of civil rights goons either, that one is just the way it works when you want to get into the real world to make money; they do not get to swear at me as well and I tend to notice signs of it way too often for their own good and mine too all together so regularly with that big mouth they have. They cannot get on a persons public image to make fame and fortune and then go their way after; hence need to stay, damage to Book sale business while they do means I have their own as well. Its never really a crisis; truth is a lot of the things politicians do is supportive of my actions but since its a matter of people working hardship based cynicism as violently as possible, its not good accepting the support if the structures are such that those who are completely innocent will suffer but we have now come to that stage where I need to take it seriously the bit where I get persecuted for being a Christian and if I cannot take the heat thus turn to sex work, I get persecuted by the new trend I have created with my great idea of telling others how to live their lives with a Bible and this is always more violent than it is not at such a stage of which they must have built a trend out of it which means that any changes I make to myself will be followed up on in the same way: what he is doing now and how we can cause more suffering to attain a certain feeling.
They love to speak of my sexual habits which reality is that I get along with women that are older than I am, I have women in a Court who tend me all the time and do not have sex with them; so my personality is so different they can do whatever they like with it and nobody would ever notice hence the abusive corruption of involvement and the abject disrespect that generally means that my whole life becomes confusing - then they realise after that I need to put up with more as a result of having an intellectual property administration business which exists to take away their jobs by making their bottoms hurt and making them shame themselves and for 15 years at least the corruption of involvement itself has been life threatening up to this point.
The question is whether it is prejudice that gets me opposing everything American Democrats do which it isn’t – what we have moved away from is the business of being a Cunt just for existing on account that you do not look tough, they have had to seek privileges of injustice from their Politicians when people want to soften them for it as well, what we now have is that I am their bitch and their ex as insultingly as disobediently as possible; so its very expensive thing and they can afford the Royal Public image when damaged too, besides which there will be criminals following me around who do not like me very much as well, hence I do not get told that I am relaxed about handling it, never the less which when I get my hands on them as well will I tend to show them any quarters for it too. I am clearly not their bitch or their ex on which others are getting ahead apart from their stupid selves but its what they want to do with their time, only tends to become a problem when my finances have been affected which means they spend time on it and have not had time to work out how to pay their bills, then become convinced I am on the side of freedom and democracy to such an extent as I would assist them with that whether I liked it or not, meaning they have been making use of my time, spending out stupid sugar babies to run me down on Media and Popular culture, then will they have a new thing to complain about on a global scale as well.
Now I am said to be taken advantage of all the time by black people which is utter nonsense – they are just punishing me because I had decided they will not peddle my faith, personal life and public image, has now turned to very abusive nonsense concerning their community croons inventing own religion that mimics the Monarchy all together, so whenever I try to recover from the insults and abuses I am trying to pick up my life at their expense when I do not want people making progress at mine and it will get worse – what they are complaining about involved the fact that they needed to access me and play with me to such an extent that I had to drop out of University so that they might have this access and to play stupid hurtful narcissistic nonsense with me and so I had to ensure they understood my opinion of them is that the idea they always get what they wanted was made up and I had to make that clear in every way imaginable. The rest is like the other ethnic groups spend time taking turns of opportunism to have a go but their own specifically involves getting the hand up my bum and getting me into a fight, blabbing about getting the better of me which they have never achieved and will get their opportunity to when they look hard enough and then shall we find out as it were. They do complain all the time but step outside of my door and there will be culture and society kept as an obstacle which when I walk past will be damaged and then they may cling to my Public image for what is less than a period that seems like an eternity to get rich fast and famous, as stupidly as possible, while the idea that when I get my hands on it we will be dealing with the result of the last time they saw it was a bluff in their stupid view. So its an old case of these complete idiots doing what they do best i.e. its usually somebody older than they are, most of the time their parents, who decides that enough of its needs and insults had been seen, so the bottom will hurt right up to the stage where it wants to be important and rich by force, then such a person can grab the fame and public image thereof – its not just black Communities, the whites do it as well i.e. a slightest whiff of racism and that bottom of yours will hurt to a point where you want to be famous and successful then I will grab the fame once it is ready and I do it as well if the Companies or persons broker equity with me i.e. support these badly behaved children so Politicians may get into Government buildings and continue running off public place nonsense about nice criminals who only just need money.
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Fatcat games should not actually scare anybody, it hopes people will be scared which will play into the hands of younger people who want to be like them and media setting agendas for peoples offices with rumours and secrete society powers, looking for trouble. The Fact of the matter is as I will use myself to demonstrate that I am not responsible for the fact their stupid businesses because they really are idiots are not making any more profits and when I look back at the fact that I had already taken steps to detach them from loved ones just like they have deployed their bought grown up hooligans on my personal life to ensure I cannot marry anybody my age and so have to marry somebody younger when most young girls do nothing but serve them to have jobs and of course those entertainers especially from the Music Industry and their Paparazzi are doing things which are absolutely expensive bearing in mind younger businesses want to get going during the economic difficulties and they have decided to use their Fatcat powers and money to stifle it and there is no known way for the economy to recover since it is only the young businesses that can narrow down recession costs to the point where goodwill makes up for it to kick start any kind of recovery while they the big fat cats can only do anything when they make deals with investors and creditors. Hence I have proceeded to sack them as well so that when we go down economically we all go together. Of course they have vast millions stashed away somewhere but it is the old story; I am not the one responsible for the fact their businesses cannot make any more profit and of course those other fools of theirs that move into peoples right hand do not yet know when it is night and people who have not given into being famous in a way that enables them to have feeling of home with their lives need to sleep which is where my problem with the media will be settled it seems. [Year date: 29/8/2011]
Problems of moral insecurities and Political progress should never be agreed on the basis of torturous activities that I happen to endure or is reported on Media I have endured at the hands of powerful ideologies of evil-I do not know when it began to function that way and to me it is still all bubbles of fantasies created by idiots, however there are results that cannot be ignored surfacing in Public. This has gone on because of ignorance and desperation of leaders to settle matters of crisis for the better part of the last decade.
So the story that messes with everything is a matter of what my problem with black people seems to have been of course but it is rather simply that when I am concerned with circular society, I am only concerned with the ones in Europe and not anywhere else – even the Communists understand that when they are richer and more powerful but because black people share a skin colour with me the world can be unravelled for that reason alone and we will put this matter to the test as well. In the end of which we know we all get to pay for the maintenance of those we take advantage of and those developing economies they do with abusing me will have it to pay with very soon enough as well. If they want me to spend some of my money on poor people in the world that is one story but if I need to look at half naked women and rag tagged kids running around in the streets I have enough here in Europe (they can go to hell).
I have been informed that the pages of these website are instances where I had gone above and beyond in my ability to be rude and disrespectful but I have not - what happens is that I am engaged with a Community of people who rely on my Equity and what I faced with is people endearing themselves to criminals on my Public image, to make money they did not have to work for: it comes in three parts - one being that they hated a Politician who interfered with their need to trash other peoples careers over Country ownership gimmicks while living a resort lifestyle, the other was an expression of an alliance with Celebrities to make the most of my earnings by, the third is usually a process of mocking me having clung to my career and allied themselves to a bigger power, sold at top shelves in shops all over the world. Simple property and equity broker and a process where I sold Books at the shop is shut down by this, so is my private and personal life, as I am still single in my 40s but we did not hear them complain about it for me either. I created these pages after and not before whereas in hindsight, I should have created the pages long before - just having developed other mechanisms for such matters, a small gesture to make sense of some things that will never change I suppose.
They do claim I hated the idea of people appointing themselves to get involved with Government matters but it will not be the first time we had to listen to Politicians call on a Crown to take down a character that interferes with their ability to dispatch their duties because I plodded on regardless of the unusual attention and it was regarded as insistence after my career had been grabbed from what is a very abusive process of claims that I had picked up a career that was rightfully their own.
- Political Law.
- The Office of HH The Arch Prince in London - Papers in functional aesthetics.
Political Resolve on Demand
The IMF Chair person Mrs Lagarde said 15/9/2011 that the economic crisis is being hampered by a Political lack of resolve, clearly this caused a stir. I agree with this but what I don’t agree with is the nonsense that goes off from it by financial idiots all over the place about how I am responsible for it. I am not responsible for it; they are the ones that see buildings for example or buy products for building structures which are...
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Here to heed and comply the instructions of The International Communities of the United Nations and the European Union and NATO to grab everything concerning the structures of interests absolutely, to give the Political systems of the world a clean and fresh break. It should be noted that being an EU National, I am doing so on the platform of what we share with Russia and now in part with China in the EU, which is that the peddling of National Political history for any or indeed a fundamental reasons are not acceptable in any form.
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It is never true that I am trying to create a New Europe; what need to be known about my work in that is that I am passionate about a situation where every aspects of European society, historical, contemporary and Modern gets an equal footing in Politics and society and every other aspects of life. The reason is that it is important to make it clear that on one hand we do not intend to wipe out the existence of racism and other nonsense like it and those who practice such things must understand the rest of us will get together to hold down the bad guys for them do they can do evils and on the other hand, things become really complicated when useless and irresponsible business idiots then finish up and try to get it done for us and more so like some favour. Hence it has been important to set out facts on events which have occurred so far i.e. if we tell you to leave out Country, you will leave with all that is yours and so we must use an entire Parliament and a Collection of Political parties to take away all you own so that if we do it has the right effect with an insolent Politics and Politician big mouth so to speak. Hence the result is that they have access to media as well and cannot have enough of getting involved with all I do in order to change it as insolently as they can and are apparently doing very well therefore all together.
They always come up with that statement of peoples quest to use white culture to get rich destroying everything and how all they have left of some Germanic racism of some kind is the new modernisation there is and how everybody wants to use that to get rich and then destroy it and they will not stay away therefore from the superior race’s property and it makes them angry all the time but that seems to come only after they have spent a good 12 years of my time with their Politics and media and football squandering the finances of a literary empire because they are so superior and stubborn they can get involved with anything and anybody that they want to and the purpose of course is not just to ensure when they tell me to leave their Country it has the right effect when all I have to rebuild my life elsewhere has been taken away from me by them, its also a matter of bending my entire existence into a condition where it applies that their activities have dominated before, so when they complain about these things it does suggest that their inability to stay off my Royal Property and my Public work and my Books and my Literary Empire and my Twitter and Face book and other social networking pages etc has not eventually created the results any normal person would have been able to foresee i.e. I will rip it up for them if their insults do not move elsewhere very soon indeed. The bottom line for most of my actions comes in two forms and the first is that they are always angry especially so for their stupid black friends whom I do not give a permission to practice their alternative lifestyles on my body but are convinced they should because we share a skin colour, are always angry and talk nonsense with their anger which I have come to love to explore, about handling me with a big mouth only – the other is that there are a collection of villages that existed here before the second world war blew up everything and I want them acknowledged as I am fed up with living a life where I seem like I desire other peoples girl friends all the time and this is very bad for being a Christian since it makes it really difficult to pray; I mean they might be superior and everything and therefore believe that they are not necessarily obliged not to do to me things I have expressed displeasure at while I am also prevented from doing things to them they do not appreciate at the same time but have they tried out being a Christian that has not been able to pray for a year yet? I mean its all very well to do these things on a daily basis and then complain of a superior civilisation others want to make money from instead of build their own rather than get off my income and stop stirring civil war but it is also a question of whether they believe I think the devil comes with horns and tails? Of course it is all criminals and even they should see I am fed up with the insults; the media ones make the rest relevant and they know that so I really do not have to qualify them.
These things come through at this stage for very good reasons it should be noted and on this occasion it does on account I am ready to find and secure myself a trading disposition of in this case a good book distribution contract or something where I can find one, so it is entirely normal to find criminals with a conversation on their media about such their superior culture that others want to get rich from etc; however it is the insults which I have had enough of and as I said the media ones ensure they provoke me that make me act on it.
Of course I am aware of the claim that my activities as a none white person in areas of society where I should not be found has created the economic and social crisis we have today about which I am to get the Country out or there will be trouble and they can see I am already doing things I do hoping that I will cover my tracks before then. The reality about this claim of course is that it is designed to ensure I build an empire and those insults end the money up somewhere else, for of course the insistence of their Politicians to build success that is not a threat to the fathers only gives industry mobility to scumbags like them and does nothing to create a recession and some social damage – I mean the whites were never the only group of people to suffer as a result of the fact the issues I have to deal with are bigger than them and any of those abusive noise making will see me have their Hyde again, there were always the blacks as well in the first place and the case has always been a simple matter; for the whites circular society was never enough and then we hear the complains later – for the blacks the extra they add is that black communities were their personal and private property in their view . From where I am, nothing these fools do will change anything; none of it will change my name, none of it will rob me and by the way with respect to the matter of how far I can go it is supposed to have been related to the insult of whether or not I can blush, which of course is one of the biggest problems bearing in mind I am black and that would be pretty impossible as it were.
Building an empire to watch your millions end up somewhere else on account people have made up their own ideas about who you are and are determined to enforce it, holding royal office and losing all your money to end up on benefits so idiots can do academic work and get important does not create social damage and an economic crisis as it were, only mobility for idiots like these, especially the one that lets them find some big stick with which to whack those who dare to have something they have.
Now the story of EU Migrants and a process where it is being discussed at or pushed at me is not one I actually do comprehend since it does not make any sense to say the UK Government is part of NATO but full of Politicians that feel there should be restrictions on EU Migrants that happen not to have been rich; I mean what would they do if somebody were to attack a NATO Ally anyway? However their complain is that the UK is specifically targeted by Gangs and drug dealers and trouble makers but I have no idea then how much of those they have gone into the Middle East and Africa and the US and the South Americas to bring into the UK to serve the various purposes of their stupid companies they cannot keep out of government. The point is largely that this matter is something they are stirring from a corner i.e. start off something about the most privileged migrants and develop it into an antagonism of anything that looks like migrants and that is why they love to throw the insulting questions and need to do something insults at me all the time. It is the same case as whenever they say the reasons I do what I do is a mystery because when idiots have a distant violence and a whipping stick by it and a black people that never stop pocking you to make you susceptible to it, then the reasons they like to throw up at me things I must do which I actually cannot do so that this obsession with applying that violence on me can occur for various reasons ranging from having a bad day to simply being an extremist is very clear with those stupid insults at Parliament running at the very pinnacle of it about which it seems media idiots and media personalities have no other function in this world and the purpose of it all is to spend my earnings. They will say instead that the problem is that I want people to live like they were less than they really are but everybody knows they wish to apply some distant violence on me for sport and hence throw up these issues to make me open up all the time and that is why I will never stop taking away their security so I can see them come around for that stupid fight and hence get to kill them as well as it were. So it goes without saying a one more occasion of throwing up matters that do not concern me at me which I am not expected to deal with but they expect to hang around a means for something I can be forced on will kick it off - as I said of which it always has no other purpose other than to spend my income and yes the story of migrants comes into play on account I have not given them my stuff this time around. I am not of the opinion this matter is a major crisis; its a simple case of the kind of fame that I have and the downsides of it - no idea why celebrities and media idiots cannot have enough of manipulating it and no idea why they complain all the time when they are perfectly aware that they would have done so if they wanted a piece of me but as I said the benefits of spending my income outweighs the cost and we shall see as well. The need to spend my income becomes so intense that they take away my breathe so I do not get the feeling I have taken a breathe but that the breathe I have taken is now their own and it goes on like that about people wanting them to exist in a condition where they are less than they really are telling lies all the time which is a worthy use of other peoples time.
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