They have been going on about this claim that I have now lost everything I had which I cannot see for my part, I mean since they really loved getting on my nerves and it seemed that if I paid such great attention to their famous peoples insults and abuses, to the extent that I had taken the necessary steps to take away from them everything they had including their dignity due to the extent of the abuses associated with their alliance with criminals who want to read astrology and sell drugs, whilst getting Scorpios I am supposed to be afraid of to live like me and confiscate my career for them, complaining that their bottom hurts and they could not tell what the problem was but also knew I had the resources to sort it out whilst their stupidities had built an innocent crowd on my doorstep, then I would recover everything that I appeared to have lost, unless their stupidities were also suggesting that I couldn’t. I do not think it is a crisis, the previous issue before this a few hours earlier was that I liked to bother people on the premise of thinking I am good looking whilst I am not, about which I had to explain the way I am stuck with the filthy aspects of their self-seeking, trash other people’s schedule and finances to get head in life and want yet another peoples career to cover their backside with, thinking they were better than I am whilst I am really fully aware of the limits of their private parts fondling insolence well off neighbourhoods and will likely attack them until everything normalises in this place. Either way I am not making an effort in the direction of their narcissistic stupidities because it is not a matter of their good looks and its abuses, as much as it is a matter of a Matrimonial bed chamber in which the issues associated with security services ensuring the ports and industrial parks were working as they should and in good condition, produced results where products showed up on the Highstreets, whereby intellectual property administration work that I did with companies at the Trust and the management of opinionated ageism which gets me most of my parliamentary privileges was the public life, is not work that their narcissism stupidities can actually do – it did not end well naturally over those gimmicks where they claimed if you told them they could not do something they would simply go ahead and do it, revealing what I really am at their well off neighbourhood, rogue landlords, corrupt private security abusive shop keeper insolence expense. They do like to claim they had by now sectioned entire neighbourhoods and there was nothing I could do about it, at the same time we were aware if I gave that work to a fashion models coven, it will be completed in a short period of time, I do not wish to retrieve the matter of Scorpios becoming libras, that was one of their insolent famous peoples media narcissism big ideas, the best work I had done is located in my literary work and it needs to read a Book.

They claim there were underlying issues and there were, as people who do not engage in these sorts of activities could understand what I meant when I asked if there was a regular daily business of doing stupid things with other people’s schedule, concerns and entire lives whenever they were pursuing their own daily affairs, regardless of if the society gimmicks of astrology reading and alpha courses insults had been initiated and was being used to confiscate peoples outdoor activities, so they can cover their backside and pursue fame on the public lives of their victims, if the astrology reading and alpha course gimmicks bits had already been initiated, do they still get around every day, doing stupid things with other people’s lives in the course of pursuing their own, whilst pushing complains that the politicians had to stop and pay attention to, with respect to victims existing responses? There was the other issue raised that they were making acumen from the idea I suggested their activities did not affect me whilst it really did but it actually does not; the problem is the famous idiots and their crowd on my door step undercutting me over a need to ensure that my career covered their backsides as they got famous, which is now building up to a health scare, I mean I handled it by changing my diet, until the King decided they were fighting communists on my behalf because I am too cowardly to do it myself, regardless of having known that security services were aware of my diet thing and his Mother was aware of what was happening with it too, so they built a public and global level narcissism crisis from it, which engulfed everybody. The extent to which I am affected is that seeing it was possible I will one day wake up to them stuffing their issues up my bum to tidy up neighbourhoods if it was impossible to stop bothering me, tidy up those neighbourhoods with my personal life and public image and section them as places I am not allow to go with a backup crowd, whilst I am asleep and suffer heart failure when I am old enough to unless I play with heart failure first and did it better than they did, the extent to which it affects me is that I am likely going to be the reasons for the demise of the famous personified famous stupidities. Here it is said that my idea that they did not bother me was not built on a reality that others could witness but it really does not, just the fact that no matter how tight the schedule of the famous idiots, a need to run me down will be slipped into it, so being fundamentally interested in everything they abandon in their lives to show up here bothering me, same as their society gits, it is the way the society goons and narcissists had taken advantage of their jobs that they made available to run the narcissism of being happy by handling my personality, to a point where their stupidities were now so happy there was excess happiness that could be put towards advertisement and money making, was the part their famous stupidities were complaining about and so the bullying had become the way to make me do something about it and me playing with the stress and heart disease is set to be the way I am likely to be responsible for their demise.

They make two claims from here – one being that the way I ran my Bookshop was not financially viable, of which reality rather suggests that the government spends its time wasting tax payer funds to prop up the livelihoods of a bunch of gits who had arrived at a stage where they were aware they did not have to spend their time paying attention to what they did or a living and were better off helping the politicians dominate people, they show up here thereof all the time and end up having to decide what they wanted to do due to the contents of my Books and I do not write Books that belong to their stupidities in this place. I mean they complain when they engaged with my Books their whole life stopped, there were many instances where I had showed why it had stopped i.e. of the 47 years people spent in the work environment, they have screw around spent 15 to prop up businesses that helped make stupid people famous, to arrive at the stage where these individuals were now working with them over a sense that all I can do is appeal to their common sense and choice to make them stop the property vandalism and career abuses, whilst the Politicians progress one moment from activities that left people so blackmailed that the state of mind suggested they were in charge, at the same time that an assumption was made that the careers and finances of such persons will not be affected. The other related claim is that Americans were becoming more of a threat which is utter nonsense as they are the people who needed to stop screwing around so much all together – for my part, the financial mess that I tolerate here after 23 years of career work is going to end or I will weaponize the fact that they had to decide what they wanted to do every time they came into contact with my Books, bearing in mind it belonged to them and also the way their whole stop stops every time they find out my Books offered them a better way to get things done, having spent decades propping up careers for a bunch of already socially and morally corrupt pricks who were dithering on the edge of schizophrenia and claimed they were working German influence with Media narcissism. They claim that the threat Americans posed was greater towards me than it was towards most people and yes this is exactly the reasons I think the claim that it was a threat to the entire world is exaggerated – they are reading astrology and doing alpha courses that helped them get hoodlums to better their stupid lives by confiscating social activities of an Arch Prince; started with Obama who is a Leo and was entitled to claim he had astrology rights to my privacy and Scorpio Biden who claimed it was designed in the stars that his stupidities and that of their idiots was entitled to dominate me and finger my private parts to get what they want – it loves the lip flapping that I had lost everything whenever it wants to find out what it is the carnage that will help me recover if I had – alternatively, they love their insults especially the poof well off neighbourhood boo boys whose abuses prevent people from engaging with a Bookshop and there was a complain that Politicians had to pay attention to every day. Poof Leos were about the idea I am messing around with a community of people that were larger than I am and more in number, who wanted to be better off with my property, insolent Scorpio was about being able to gang up on me and section whole communities where it gets to decide how my property was spent to help its stupidities make money – the rest need show up here to encumber my career publicity playing with me over the consequences of their own personal decisions, then bandy the insults and see what comes of it too. here it is said I am suggesting their activities had no effect on me but it does not – Scorpios are complaining about the way I pushed them into unnatural conditions which was the outcome of a response to spending their youth being tough and showing up here later to bully me and suck up to Celebrities for money, looking like they had sectioned me and planned my entire life for me to turn out that way, so their stupidities could enjoy the adulation that they were tough and make money doing so – the Celebrities have always wanted to take advantage of a Libra, so they invite themselves into my affairs when I am working my PR, made money off it through media narcissism and were sharing it with Scorpios, since my response is usually an interest in what they abandon in their stupid lives to spend their time on me, the effect is a twisted and unnatural condition to live in – poof Leos who have started a new one in my 40s have not got one of those yet, hence the current mess. Here there was the point raised that it is not clear how any of these got any better whilst they complained that the world I am comfortable with was not good for them – with know for the latter, the world will never be good for them if this new world they wanted to be comfortable with was devised on my property and private life, for the former getting better would mean that each time they complained about me, the reason should be the insolence I tolerated; at this point I am the guy who tolerates the sexual insults in public places, so when extremists want to tell me how to exist, then they had to show up later complaining about a new disposition as a bunch of extremists because they could not manage the situation but better really means that I paid enough attention to those insults to say that as it continued, the reasons they complained about me was the fact that it did. At which stage it is said that I continued to assume that working this better situation was the wrong thing to do but I don’t think it is, we are here because they claimed I had lost everything to their gimmicks, so this is currently the extent to which their stupidities were a lot of fun for others, that as the insults continued, the career and finances should not be the reasons they complained about me on the local and international stage, it should be the insults, especially over their involvement with security services to adopt a better disposition for it. The point was then raised that I am not as protected as I used to be but seem to be unaware of it which is not the case as we are here due to the realisation that I am not as protected as I used to be - the two main idiots were the poof Leos and abusive Scorpios, I will burn the showbusiness along with its rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks to keep their imagination off my body parts and privacy I suppose.