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Time and again there is this sense I cannot be free from the sense that whenever crimes are committed I should have a role to play in some way; none of which makes any sense whatsoever when people spend their time performing sexual abuses on other people randomly, whereby we know I am taken unawares every time because its not what I was raised to know or how I was raised, in the same way they issue threats at me when it gets too much even when they know their family members are responsible for the smell – so we also therefore know that there are certain things they do with each other to ensure that they were vulnerable to the distant sexual abuses and that this is the source of the violence, which is actually very far away from where my whole life and concerns are located, being brought into it by stupid media and Celebrities all of the time. I mean I do not spend my time making money by working on peoples bodies and health for instance and more so even while I know I am lending them a huge amount of distress for it; it therefore goes without saying that these idiots are not in charge even though they are in love with telling other people how to exist and the crux of the matter is still that when people had failed to integrate it is usually a sign of a flawed sense concerning an understanding of what is right and what is wrong, therefore that the ethnic minorities have integrated while the Country will only burn if none of that rubbish about wrecking peoples lives to prevent a process where they were forced to integrate, which then also meant others could integrate with them as well was not controlled. The idea I am going to get harmed by them is still their big mouth wagging after 14 years of daily narcissism that has helped their stupidities recover the villainous health, I mean its perverted everything associated with supporting those who have the energy to work for money and could make themselves wealthy through work if they wanted to, due to an existing economic crisis and will only rest when its stupidities had gotten to enjoy the ultimate wickedness that will destroy all the religion in the world, in the form of war and I suppose when they had confiscated my Royal Estate all the reasons people become homosexuals on this planet will have vanished alongside it, a cracked up out of my league talking nonsense all the time that it had not backed up in 15 years and needs to stop threatening me. I want their distance from my Books and other concerns, especially now they have run out lies to tell on Media.
They seek privilege of injustice against me all the time but I never remember meeting them as a Minor, they did not pay the Fees at the University when they wrecked the academic work over the pleasures of their industrial narcissism and are equally not paying the fucking bills now for exactly the same state of affairs. I mean people will think fucking bills means I am swearing but I am not; its descriptive – as my point of view is that Socialist Mistresses passing insults at people in Public places has never been how advertisement is made; they have had their run on these matters and every part of life is now permeated with an abusive nonsense associated with their sense of importance and if the idea here is that they have no plans to quit while they are winning, I am going to sack it. I do get told that the situation was my creation and yes it was, as the problem had always been that the best of my achievement involves government and I am never free from being bullied by them unnecessarily, get to University to study and pass exams for a qualification that will help me Manager a Royal Estate and I end up dropping out for those who were there first and the kids that came in after me, as stupidly as possible – quite impossible to keep them away from Government which also involves culture, society and history apparently knowing perfectly the fact they are very important at Industry is not compatible with most of these things but had connived with media to decide who is responsible for all problems; the part where they get into government with a mentality that never works for money to claim that they got elected by a large crowd and if they had turned it into customer service will make them rich, is when you drop out of school, the part where they set out warehouses they have no time to work on and bully people to get rich on account their stupidities had taken up government office recently, will be when your whole life gets flushed down the loo, I had to ensure they could not permeate both world and sit about pretending that both were the same thing at the expense of either myself or the general public and if it was about me alone then I would have had the license to do whatever I liked as well, this they are very well aware of, especially their counterparts in Europe who are likely the most insolent in the whole world, although that big mouth tends to dispute it.
I do get told I know where I am heading but nobody knows what my outlook is and it is rather very simple: dropped out of University because of their Industrial narcissism focusing on the fact I paid attention to the culture and society trouble makers on account that it is what you do with an academic environment, except the University is not like school so you do it yourself and acknowledge that the student who fails their exams might not necessarily be something to look down on, as he could be the child of a wealthy business person that has never been to school and it only gave way to the business of making sure people cannot study at work or at school once done making them all dropouts, set about making stupid people rich, employing criminals in the neighbourhoods and once it was done spending its money on the Celebrities to make trouble for everybody, it immediately became convinced it had to get the money back from somewhere and if I see it around my market place or some political gimmick getting its stupidities near National treasury I shall try to teach them a lesson they will never forget as well but if they follow around at the University when I attend it again, I shall do my best to ensure they had seen that Celebrity culture and popular culture for the last time. Its therefore all paid for at this stage; the Celebrities are rich because people cannot be allowed to study at work or at school, I am on benefits because their Politicians get to University to pillage my academic work and generally tackle me to get the kind of respect I am giving to God and thereby win elections with it all the time on account they saw me attend Church and I heard HM wants payment for the damage done as well and some think I may be blabbing now but will have to do my bit but then again, I do not suppose these goons whom none could tell off over any of these issues didn’t think it would be a walk in the park.
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I hear the clash between US Police and people on the streets is a matter of governments being forced to allow middle size people the freedom to pick on those they are bigger than such as myself and this of course is what the whole prognosis of their anti gun campaigns in the US are based; I wouldn’t know for my part, I only know that whom they are bigger than is an illusion they entertain since we are all aware by now they are still as predictable as ever and anything that does allow harm c...
Fun and the moving-on Advantage
When we hear them complain we easily think it is the end of the world already. I hear they say my activities lead to a condition where women feel there is no more fight left in them and having become disillusioned are turning to eating and putting up weight – the reality of course is that those who cannot control their eating cannot control their eating but the birds that you cannot catch being the birds you cannot catch and the birds that are out of your league being fat is not something that my actions have created, people are just being lazy: I mean the Americans and Africans can handle people’s lives the way it shouldn’t be we hear but can their own be done regardless and can it be done after all no matter what and can it be done whether or not there is a UK/US relations? So it is not a matter of fat on the beach and fat on the summer outing because of my actions, I mean I have set out my method for selling the space they occupy in life and existence itself and really like to think I am solving a problem when I sell it to those who buy those abusive products they create and that is just one of many – the most effective when you are talking to others and they get involved or indeed when you need some career and professional alienation. I hear their Politicians say there is no point anybody listening to me on account I have got a website but for those ones it is always a matter of how paedophilia is right when practiced on those that are not children, the prognosis being when I kid messes with your power he needs a beating and so when you make sure they are fundamentally terrified of you and their idiots in Africa and the Caribbean can only rely on insolent spying to build up false confidence of a beating up that will happen in their dreams, you dont have to give them consent to do it on account you can pass the whole thing off as some civil rights that you have got: naturally once done we will see them on media and around public office government money all the time which is what is happening at present and each time they have been able to determine what people think about them are back with those insults and audacity again which is why I will take that public office and that media away from them too. I am not a victim of wealth distribution created by those who care about what happens to people who cannot stand up for themselves in the world, I believe I have warned them when I create a public life for these things it will hurt like hell and nobody knows what they will call it considering it is not being done by a white person as well.
Now I am aware of all of the complains people make about my repressive actions but I really dont care – everybody knows that whenever anything wrong happens around my books they are 005 responsible and when it really comes down to it the reason is that they had so much fun that they didn’t notice when they damaged it. The reasons they do it is what they want to get from people all the time which is utter nonsense; everybody knows there is only one reason i.e. to ensure that each time they want something from those whom they have marked out for squander they always get it and once they feel they have got that my life becomes a hot bed – I mean an example is what we have here, they have continued to have so much fun that they didn’t notice what was being damaged everyday damage for the last 14 years so far. I know they do say when I speak of it then things get better and that has no basis on reality either – everybody knows what happens is that their Politicians hate what they regard as goons such as myself turning up from Church to pretend they know everything about anything but before then it was a case of deploying government funds to hold me down academically and financially for them, so that even when I am a grown up, their civil rights fraud will be applicable to me and my finances as enforced from the highest levels of government. It does go without saying that they do need to stay away from me as we are not mates or stop complaining.
It’s the same old story; politicians and Popular culture are responsible whenever anything goes wrong with my possessions and now that they are, they want to get all over the world taking the glory for every contribution I make in it cleaning off their filth on me and linking that to making fame and fortune – that also means that upon realising the result is that I will turn up in public to make myself heard which they expect from everybody they target, then of course I can have my personal life confiscated by them as well; so I have not got a clue why they always believe that finding out what I think will determine whether or not what I want to do changes anyway: it’s a big party that they have created with their power, that they have ensured those who do it are open and kept open so everybody can jump in and enjoy one – sounds like sex abuse and tourism power and it will end very well too. The fear and threat bits are all very well – I mean it’s a case of whether these things are real provocation or not.