Crown Authority Enforcement pressure points
Fashion – Administration of involvement corruption and privilege Politics
Culture, Society and Ageism – Municipal Education, Money ideology and Hermitage Books Publisher matters
Celebrity – Criminality Admin and Armed Forces Recruitment processes
Hermitage earning Margins theft – General Public Job opportunities and Hermitage Funding
Security Services – Communism and Hollywood Culture influence
Very taken by those talk about the difficult situation I found myself and how their stupidities planned to make it worse each time somebody tried to protect me – the truth being that I rented space from the scumbags and the usual process of assessing how I had set up my social media in a way that tackled the trolls, being so good Politicians were drawing means for Online law making from it, how I set about putting Celebrity interests in me to an inventory lest I get sued for being me at a later stage of my life and showered me with a history of the worst sorts of abusive insults in case Celebrities needed to use me and I had ideas to the contrary or got out of hand, what the idiots are saying now being that it is likely to get worse, the more I press it unto them that my entire life had stagnated since their stupidities began – I really needed it as such considering what their madness did with University studies years before and what they have now done with and to my social media. The blabbing at all times is that I provoke them, while reality is more that I had a personality others would like to deploy to get paid for being popular which I had no wish to share making the fun bits of their stupidities, while the fact people do not think of me as a writer being the consequences of this nonsense meant that I had a fun bit of my own as well. Their need to keep making those stupid comments about my social life when they have got their own will lead to outcomes where I burned their cash and smashed their pride and joy.
They do claim I want people in my life, the same people I get nasty at all the time, it is utter nonsense; the way it really works is that people invite themselves into my concerns or I take risks with myself to associate with people – in the case of the former, if they move on, they ensure my career does not mean anything to anybody or run away with financial incentives, if I rebuild those incentives, not only was it socially very bad for me that I had to, they also had their arrangements with criminals before they invited themselves into my life to begin with. For the latter, I take risks with myself as a matter of being vulnerable to people somewhere, to build trust and when that trust is no longer viable, never ask how we end up in such a situation, then keeping them until it is resolved, is never really entirely nice. I understand most of these matters play out to make life difficult for the female community and yes it does, since women depend on men to a large extent, it is important to get involved but keep the guard up; these idiots always ensure that a person can never keep the guard up while running off a campaign of hate towards women at the same time, none gets what is needed and they planned to get everything. I do not think it a crisis either, we know that at some stage the feminists will catch up with those stupid real men society gimmicks and spend a lot of their stupid time working the shame issues associated with the fact they really were real men and then it will pick up the history of insults it had built for me after I responded to the destruction of my career for Political gimmicks and then the way it will end very badly will be news to everybody. The rest of the time we had to listen to that nonsense where I am a character that loved to pick up battles that were too big for me; it will never move it onto the section where it gets to stop making a mess of peoples careers, because sometimes the attack that comes its way was exactly what it deserved, other times it was a bit too much and there was a neighbourhood, it thinks that the stupidities it blabs in my direction when the gimmicks it performs in its private time alongside the life it shares with its friends, showing up where my career is, was likely to be seen as a privilege that its popularity stupidities deserved.
We understand that social gimmicks had since been invented where they claim I never stopped bothering people and had to be stopped - the problem naturally was that the Men had decided to get mentally ill people, criminals and hoodlums to share my personal space because they were planning to use my personality as the tool by which they got to where their stupidities needed to be in life - so people had all sorts of abusive ways of making em softer while they got to do so. The reasons we have ended up here is that Politicians regularly got into conversations with these idiots over my attitude, so until recently, they did not believe that somebody was ripping up my career and finances to build a crowd that helped decide how my personality got used to make them money. That said, I had it all under control as per making an example of them to explain how my time had been spent - ranging from the time that I got a factory job and all my movements were put to criminal populairty backyard, which effect was eventually that I could not feed properly and then the horror of finding energy while I was dealing with smelly abdominal pain, associated with a bbody that wanted to answer the call of nature with nothing in its alimerntary canal, so I pushed back as it was driving me insane and my ex employers decided to black list me literally, which then progressed to the University fiasco bits that the media and celebrity idiots played a part in and set about denying at the same time, then we got to the part where their last statement of conflict with women was to sacrifice the careers of their Daddy's Sons and Daughters over it, before they settled on an obsession with my Books and my Bookshop. The problem I now face is that a group of famous idiots had decided their careers for the future was to be built on my Books, set about trashing the finances and building communities that stagnate everything here getting imagination up my anus - so the need to manage the gap between Celebrity Holidays and Celebrities being obsessed with my Public image to rip up my finances over lifestyle gimmicks abusively, which is filled with industry fools who take advantage of any instance that I got a job to spend my public image and Bookshop in a bid to get rich fast, the community gits who did it because they either had an opportunity to cook for Celebrities or knew somebody who did and the Media fools who want to be connected to rich people, I think I am going to burn their Celebrity culture for it, while the gimmicks where they got to move into my right hand, which professional pressure point is that it is never quiet enough for people to just read Books in this place, as they made comments on my public image, kept their own and got on several mortgages to say the least, developed into stupid threats, as I lived on Universal Credit to tolerate it. So it is all lies that I bother people, it needs to stop moving into my right hand as this is not their own and I do not write their Books in it, while the threats and need to cease making thsoe foolish finance damaging fun comments on my Public image it seems, is set to end with a process where I met up with it, hence what I am currently doing to achieve such a process. Eventually they realise they had support from the Prince of Wales which is as high as support for their narcissism gets and the Prince of Wales suggests it is about managing their activities while I am the one doing the correct thing when it comes to actually managing it.
They do claim its something State provided security said to provoke them and I suppose there is bound to be more of those if I had to prevent them shutting down my married life to make money and exert power over what they claim is provocation from Royals, by making sure I shut down their own as well and burden the women with the production of Children as much as they grind the need to perform violence in order to protect their stupidities at me everyday. I am told they think my experience is an example of the reasons the USA is the best Country in the world for everybody but I believe I have given them enough opportunities to stop making a mess of my finances, of which I suppose that a means to abuse others over claims your military was bigger than their own and get involved with their livelihood to cling to their income margins and make a complete mess of it, while deciding what their relationship with every person they got involved with was going to be like, explains the reasons that they lived in a Country where the system ran people down all the way to health care, since it is rather clear that if the wealthy were not doing the business of making sure other peoples career meant nothing to anybody who got involved with it, the poor people will do it because they did not want to work for money. I am not looking for them, just those occasion where it is said people would take out a part time job, a college study and an internship, looking for their own British person they can get involved with to take their careers up to the top stage, with respect to which I believe I have prepared rather well. The need to get involved with my concerns like a third party I signed a contract with, skewering my Literary empire to get rich fast, is going to end badly as we do not have a contract or equitable agreement for it.
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The claim is that I never take a stand on anything while we know there has no an indication that the person writing most of what I have written has not gotten a break from being threatened by ethnic minorities gangs and racists who work in the interest of celebrities in equal measure for at least a decade – what happens is that they want me to be stuck with civil rights while they got rich making me work for money as they avoided work because I am sub human with their big mouth and the process would involve the exact stage at which I had stopped being generous with my life because I could no longer cope in terms of ethnic minorities and then in terms of racists the stage I wanted to escape from my own religion because it was becoming to hot to handle that whilst I was living at the mercy of peoples generosity I was pushing off ideas that more morality was the way forward. They have not stopped claiming these are privileges due to their insanity because racism tackles more of their stupidities than it does other peoples stupidities, fighting for my civil rights before I was born and assuming the right to handle and damage anything they wish telling lies and brewing conspiracies around here all the time – my point being that they are now out of their depth, ran out of what to say as a tool for seeking more conveniences at my expense while abusing me because they think themselves to be superior.
There is talk of this matter of Top Royal Family Members abusing Office and how I get along with it every time and I could never understand what they mean either – its usually a two part question; should somebody expect The Queen to get off State concerns and pay attention to her friends and if HM does get off State concerns and pay attention to her friends what does it mean? Its not to say I am thinking there is a definite answer to what people are saying, its just reality that there is nothing wrong with being uncomfortable because more attention was paid to State concerns than it was paid to friends who paid a price and if this is eliminated then we can work out what abuse of Office there is we have left. They always say that I am given an advantage at Court while reality is that I had only a very small task to perform and it was associated with the way I understood my religious matters and how it would make the smooth operations of Church and State matters possible – saying this 95% of the times usually means an idiot gets off on Media especially when negro to tell me there are more worthy people for my position unless I try and ensure everybody understood how small it was; so it does without saying I am a Royal Hermit but when it gets on my nerves I will be an Arch Prince and they will be responsible for the consequences. I am not responding to it because there is a general Public need to do so as such, I am because I am looking after a Bookshop I need to ensure is in good order before I begin to pay great attention to the Academic pursuits they have already once botched.
The part where it is said that I underestimate how much they hate me then says it all but it has always been a case of the fact if people decided they were incredibly uncomfortable before chasing the academic work and career, there will always be a question of hindsight as to whether they would have behaved differently – what is happening then being prove of what the outcome usually is when people had not done that i.e. my very existence makes people sad but its all temporary as I have always been known by them to handle the matter on the go comfortably, so I am about to rip up their Celebrity culture to bring about general emotional balance here, the way I see it. Its been the story all round, it seems as if I have not been tolerating these abuses for over a decade and a half while they look like some cracked up out of my league white idiots with friends getting ever worse and those stupid threats too will never change a thing about a need of mine to get them into very difficult situation so that when they complain it makes sense of what they are doing with me and my concerns all together but the part where they need to churn my tummy and laugh alongside their friends bragging about their group powers and so on, such that when I tell them off, their case is that they were very tough and promised I will be weeping and wailing in misery using my own to do it thing is all I get – so its difficult to understand what the Politicians who have gotten them into this state where its impossible to tell them they are hoodlums and stupid people because they have money, suppose that telling me off for it will achieve anyway. They speak of the spiritual aspects closely linked to the fact I always talking about their threats and inability to keep their hands off me as a major reason for a response on my part but I am a Christian and they need to understand that it is part of my faith to intercede for others, hence unlikely to allow that which I have suffered to be inflicted on other people, as it allows them speak of how violence is not part of my Christian teachings which is all good; it is not a part of my Christian teachings and I want them keeping their hands and imagination off my body parts so they might advertise homosexuality at me a lot less than their stupidities are doing presently and I fail to see why they need have a conversation about how much they hate me if they are looking like characters who need the services of an exorcist as soon as possible altogether.
The misogyny question was whether where I am was an agreeable situation for somebody in my position to be in life as per my finances and it is the same way we find that they the idiots have never really wanted to have the conversation about the way it was all about their civil rights, which existed to find some strange people they could protect by making sure what was likely to happen to such persons happened to me and got me finding a solution, which would make me more generous and leave them opportunity to tell lies on media endlessly but it is the part where they decided their relationship with those strange people causing them harm, was that which was to be made sense of over the same civil rights giving them the auspice to handle my Bookshop, claiming they were important and famous – so it all comes down to their insults and a need to tell me what to do really. On the more practical front, it seems that the academic system had become a toxic environment, so contrary to those claims about my abilities being controversial and some people saying that the contrary had been proven, I actually do have two separate types of work place Legal studies qualification, thus nothing I did was out of the ordinary or without academic merit in any case, the point of letting it run being that my academic achievements are no longer a main concern of theirs, they could make the academic system as toxic as they like at this stage. It is the way that it affects me apparently, the way that the way I manage what I did as measured against the prospect I may have done something to get into trouble with the Police, that is the main point of call – everything that buzzes away at the background, had found its way into my bedroom which speaks volumes for a bunch of idiots Politicians enjoyed listening to when their media and famous stupidities had something to say about my attitude, their involvement getting a community of twats that love to get imagination up my bum, seeing reasons to grow their numbers larger.
- Power and the Corruptions of Involvement
- Men and Media
- Celebrity culture and Television Personality
- City centre and Finances
Now concerning matters of what I do to offend Ministers of Parliament, there are no such deeds – what happens is the actions of a collection of very insolent people who feel they can get in touch with those that are in some way a greater power than you are in order to get you to behave as they want because they need your personality according to them for other things they wish to achieve. Some of them even say these things might have happened anyway but when they have happened are consequen...
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Now the recent claim I have stolen the jobs of Church leaders and so on I should say is where this whole matter of where I steal jobs is supposed to come to an end. I mean I have been stealing every single job in the world so far and it is a good excuse to get around damaging my property when people feel they are stupid and strong and it is a good excuse for others to ensure I get off my office and get entangled in a fight with them too but the reality remains the same which is that these are all things they do to replace respect for me and what I do with a process of abuse and twisted behaviour which eventually leads to a means of seeing me at present and imagining what I could have been which can be put into context as something others can make use of to create fame and decadence and it tends to occur 24/7 on their stupid media because they have nothing else to do with their time and their Politicians are funding it with tax payers money hence the important jobs I get to steal.
I do not think these matters are a problem it’s just impossible to figure out what they are complaining about for their part, more so of which the way to run a business is certainly not to show I know what I am doing but to get on my sales derivatives whatever form they might take every day and of course people certainly are not expecting to wreck my academic work while they keep theirs all the way to the International community’s because it is a certainty that when and each time they do I will deploy their own to make it correct the issues – I have been clear on this matter of what they need to do to ensure they get off me and how a business is run and the alternatives they leave me with their vandalism – they think they want to talk about how I am the reason young people feel they have nothing to live for because they feel others might be richer than they are but I am something they can always beat and it is not looking good either.
I see no point in doing the vandalism and complaining a discriminatory nonsense that nobody gets to last as long as I am around, when they get attention for anything - I have had quite enough of all who do these things.
Making sure these trouble makers especially older men of the society type do not continue to tell my customers and fans what my books are for or whether they are permitted to buy them has never been a complicated task - its all hard work to ensure that everything which disturbs the sanctity of my office is punished and the punishment is visible for the world to see, instead of being concerned about whether or not where I station is shameful and will cost me a piece of my importance if disclosed, which is always completely pointless like the complains we get from black people and homosexual idiots after their biggest problem with me seems to be an ego I was supposed to apply to a Royal Office concerning which I have scored a zero - but first I must make them understand they can never be more gay and they can never be happier than I am and to do that I must beat them at competition for it every single time.