I understand that most of my activities are seen by Americans as an act of war but for me its irrelevant what they think of my activities, the main problem is still that it is impossible to work hard enough and cut out enough losses to facilitate a process where your career was not a subject of obscurity mongering money loving civil rights idiots because of Americans and it is never life threatening at a certain stage when the gits become convinced they can get away with anything the last time we checked – then it will feed even further into the fact that Americans can never let people breathe from the process of setting up contraptions that are supposed to operate as a business but really exist to hurt people while making them comfortable, so that your property gets stuck in it and before you moved on because it was set up to hurt people and not to do business, you have lost your whole world and probably your family as well – then my party piece comes after it i.e. its impossible to experiment with life and put your hands to a series of things you can do until you settle up on one that really works for you because Americans exist and want you to be stuck somewhere getting taken advantage of over ideas about what could have been with you; it is also equally impossible to tell what the exact problem the scumbags have really is and where it affects me the most is the part where they cling to my Book sales numbers and its impossible to put out the assets, build community relations identity and sit around providing a service without being stuck somewhere trying to live out a dream while people screw with you to get rich by being stupid, the main structure for it being those stories they tell of something I did on the right hand side which they think of as an affront to their freedom and which they find provocative, something that prevents them from taking advantage of me to get rich and means I am now caught up in the fight of my life which it seems I am going to shut down only when I cut to pieces the incomes they earn which currently gets to their stupid heads, while they appear to have become convinced such nonsense is about to facilitate a game of how I do at home and outside where I live being the same as their own which then calls for a fight and to the victor the spoils with a big mouth; at the heart this itself being the business of being a happy person that is happy enough to sell goods and make money by relying on me for the insults and abuses that make me unhappy enough to give up a personality and public image being shut down.

I do get told it’s a serious matter but I appear not to handle it as seriously as it really looks which is not the case – I have warned them about running off their needs and the celebrity culture or popular culture on the publicity I build for my Books, they have rather instead preferred to make out I am a victim of circumstances if they were getting together with their society fools who need me to drop out of university so they might play practical jokes on me as abusively as possible building a Publicity that suggests what I do with my schedule is a process of responding to their stupidities. It is not an emotive issue, just as example of the sort of nonsense that creates outcomes in which you took out a contract somewhere working with them at some stage, then ran away with 90% of the profits and you hated each other enough to start picking up the guns – usually the crunch point is when it asks for the money and you tell them to get lost and they want to sleep with your wife; so its irrelevant what the idiots think of my activities as this is not their lives and I do not write their Books. Besides which I am rather very proud of a history of making sure their slob self preservation energy was no longer being spent threatening me on account they had money issues but was spent in mainstream employment where they get to work for their money and detach their stupidities from the way things work by not mixing up government with Industry.

The part where they claim I am a hardliner and some claim I am a mad man, similar to the sorts of behaviour that created the world wars because absolute nonsense; I have warned them about showing up near my Books to spend anything that looks like personal security to produce these two prospects of them being either very stupid individuals or thinking that I am likely to suppose security will fall on my lap when I am lucky enough, hence their need to destroy or waste it on how their foolish personal decisions have affected them adding up to a process of mortal threats that their stupid self-seeking twerps on media and popularity culture will not give up until somebody gets seriously hurt. I am not a mad man at all, besides which I do not care if they got hurt by gangs or criminals and want them off my Books and public image before they end up with an Office space war between me and them all together – the reality of it has always been that society people will be happy to rip up the academic work and then launch further attacks because they lived in nervous society on account of what I got up to but it does not occur to them then that for all their claims of being provoked by people who make a mess of their world on account they see their surrounding according to what they hear, may also have applied to me as well – the Media and Celebrity and Industry ones are pretty much the same, as I share a Public image with them about which there is a mini war because I do not see the world according to what my sight perceives like they do – same as the pony tail idiots who run around popular culture and celebrity doing security and Fashion in the most lawless arrangements where they spend peoples best made plans for living on some nonsense about how the US fights for peoples existence looking for more of what they are complaining about, blowing off that big mouth all the time due to the way their fashion and Celebrity industry is worked to affect me, as I do not see the world around me according to what I smell just like them, as far as they were concerned; so I have had enough and do not wish to tolerate any of it showing up near Books they do not like and have no wish to buy around here any longer before they get to find out I am able to show up at their homes and give them warnings for it or spend their stupid savings on the mess they make here all together. As for the hardliner story; these gits are slobs, in terms of National income never ever do their bit – others spend 40% of personal resources making sure what is already owned is not taken and another 20% on person maintenance before they can invest 40% and try to employ bread winners in other peoples families thereafter without any reason or purpose and the scumbags have not yet found a way to ensure the energy they preserve is helping them kill of the idea that they were losers in much the same way that am fed up with being suckled and need to see them show less of their stupid selves around my Book sale business if the last time they checked that stupid salary that gets to their heads had not yet been shared with others as well. As for all these nonsense being a matter of the US fighting my Wars, it is fast becoming a problem that needs to be solved; it is starting to become a real problem, that the stage at which the Politicians spent tax payer funds to help them out with the financial problems they create for themselves because they spend most of their time trying to make a mess of other peoples lives when they cannot control it, is not the point at which they should have continued to tackle me, as they were not in need of money and self confidence at that stage.

  • Thought reading freedom and Capitalism  
  • Spiritual at the Arch Prince's Royal Estate


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 Usually starts with made up claim all that is religious is free for all due to the fact God gave the messenger everything they have so they might hand it to the world and any who asks them but that they try to keep it to themselves and then the stage for incredible wickedness that always tends to have an excuse is set and beyond it is where the real issue lies of course of the need to provoke me until they are scared of me because I am always angry and remain that permanently so they can use the life I should have had to enjoy life – after which the corruption of all that is pure and good ensues which can never be wrong if there are Politicians in the world and it is about making money. It is of course really difficult to work out what their problem is, since they need you to stay fundamentally and mentally angry about extremists, while the extremists should understand all that happens in your fault because you mess around with how evil they are provoking them into showing what they can do and of course they never seem to run out of Politicians that give speeches and agree with media on something to set out an auspice for them, for obvious reasons: they do that but cannot seem to leave my ideals where it is supposed to be i.e. inside of me as it were - I mean sometimes they do when they are being violent about doing; which brings to light the destruction of normalcy to ensure One is angry without purpose or reason on account they have needs and enemies and that those enemies are angry as well and yet their complain about the results is costly still for somebody else and we must all think they are not unfathomably useless people as far as they are concerned.