The story that I am completely deranged is common place naturally but it’s an old story of before you write it we had read it and before you had published it we has made a public case of it for ourselves Industrial espionage fun that makes you feel your chest is about to explode but then see what they intend to and have started to do with the parts of the Books they think are fallacies and then you think you will not live till 60. So the community croons will chase your private parts, they will mess up your personal space to feel like daddies putting people beyond the reach of employment, then sell your public image to celebrities to feel among and make some money but will not move on after that and need to stay; when they stay, the girl ones cannot claim I have been stalking them, whenever they rely on their disobedience too much.

Eventually they say I am a confused person who has no clue what he is doing but it’s either this is the truth or the truth is rather that I have become just as busy as they have made themselves with respect to bullying people and making the victims feel it is their fault and have come to love targeting them as many times as I get targeted by them too. We would not have to deal with this if they were not so busy explaining their mad behaviour away with what I say and do which is intended to help me run a business, getting my Books sold, believing their own lies and tackling all people because of me to get a response all the time and the whole issue runs through the entire spectrum in the same way as well i.e. I set up my Intellectual Property Administration business and run it by making my property and information show up at Culture and Society but whilst it is not their intellectual property administration business and while the services are not about them, they simply set themselves up very unnecessarily as the means by which any goon can flush my life down the loo literarily whenever somebody has money and publicity, then tell me I am not in favour with the Royal Family which is utter nonsense as the only people I am not in favour with are the people who are getting married into it; even when they are not marrying into British Royal Family, they will spend all their time making sure it’s about finding out whether or not I can be homosexual – apparently it seems to be the distant version of somebody attending one of their functions to be told he does not belong and needs to be checked up so it might be settled as per whom he has attended with or whom he is grovelling for; then they will say there isn’t a reason for it to be about other people while that is never what they say when they become most concerned with picking up something I said or did in terms of the gospel to run around the world making sure people do not respond to it, thereby destroying any means through which I can ensure that what happens to me does not befall the person next to me as well if I come across misfortunes, like every Christian does, looking for trouble all the time – so it is about other people until they had said otherwise but the advice still stands i.e. it’s important they do not get to threaten me as they are nothing themselves and do not actually matter.

Thus, when the case of speaking about a bad relationship with those Royal Family members are getting married to, I am in a bad place when I have not had my case sorted out at Media and celebrity and Industry goons on the left and on the right alike – which means I will only be in danger when I have been sorted out as a problem by media scum and celebrities, who need to take the advice offered; just in case they take the body type based problems too far as the Monarchs they support have to abdicate the Throne. The number of times I have to prevent State Provided security people from sorting it, when their world of Men and girls based bullying and lying and stealing that they describe as careers which clearly cannot be done differently when they are informed it is hurtful to those they appear to be doing it to etc, the number of time I have to prevent it along the path where they have to sort the culture mess they make and lay off my body type but would rather get on public places to blow off their big mouth about using my entire empire to sort it as well, which is usually the best indication that they really love provoking me, way beyond explaining away their stupidities along the lines of how I look inside to sort Public and society and culture problems which will never run out and means I need tolerate anything they throw at me especially when female and share a skin colour with me too. I mean over 90% of the reasons people think a higher authority should do something about me to make them comfortable is made up, affecting grades and business and other activities especially finances and because they have gotten used to it, everything done to rebuff them faces a response on their part as well - so they do need to be aware of this fact and stop being so stupid.

I am not suggesting they do not have grounds for complains either; what is happening is that I can never feel good because I have a body type that can stop them from being cracked up and out of the league of those they are superior to at the same time, it is something that is a part of me and nothing they demand should therefore be turned down as it will never run out, since if it does I will get into trouble - the result is that I will cut up their city centres and any mobility they have on the right hand side as well and when people in the Royal Family get involved on their side; I will not be performing Royal duties in this direction so they can sort it with their own body types and abdicate their positions as soon as possible. They appear to have no other way of sorting out their careers and I am fed up with my property and work being seen in this way too - so there has to be a way they can be made to listen to what others are saying to them, married to Royal Family or not; keep their hands to themselves and transferred rubbish where it is meant to be. I mean I am a Man as well and do think about hustling and looking after women and children as well but it is still impossible to work out how others build their own on lying and stealing and telling tall tales like that to a point where I am being threatened and it may mean my life is in danger; they do love to show up around my Public concerns and this Estate so often, if it is squandered so will they find out what I am capable of too, in my view, the more married to the Royal Family it is should mean the more trouble it gets into as well and the whole process of daring to have what they do not should stop translating into a means by which to show up around my concerns all the time as they are not needed here.

They love to say that if I talk like that it will get me into trouble but it cannot be any worse than everything I say being followed up by another heart wrenching set of scum that have appointed themselves arbiters with their stupid media to talk rubbish about what I deserve and what I get like a schooling in corruption with that big mouth they have got. If I see their City centre nonsense and others that move right to ensure nobody dares to say anything to them about what they cannot have or others having what they have never had, and it will be the last time that they ever see it. Nobody's career really involves hustling for money by issuing accusations at me that build up into a world where there is no foundation by which anything that happens in it may be substantiated, which gets me complacent about my safety and threatens my life as well over the Monarchy they made up and the Politicians feelings they made up and so on, hanging up on public places for me very unnecessarily - they clearly have the time for it and I do not think anybody's career looks like that either - the next time it gets on my nerves is the next time I will make them rue it too: they always say information is not what I am lacking but it is time I lack to come up with a plan that will support me when I no longer have the right to feel good because people are scared of me and the result is that they now feel good enough to issue those mortal threats but then again I think that making it clear what will happen when I see their stupidities around my concerns again will suffice for now. I do not think that they are a problem as such; when it is trying to show itself to be clever, it will go about picking up culture where it should be and making a mess of it, then start to think that mess should end up in other people’s lives because it wants to chase a career but it should end up in my life because it thinks my life should come to a stop in order to make way for him and the next time their stupidities show up on my concerns, more so in such threatening ways will be the last time they see themselves in possession of the parameters by which it works all together and it will not be the you cannot go anywhere left because I am better looking while there are gangs and criminals on the right making sure you have nothing I do not and more so do not get to talk about anything you have which make stir my feelings - this is the one they are complaining about; cracked up out of my league.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland