I am told
it is a shame that I had turned completely the other way but I have not,
nothing here but an alliance between Media/ Celebrities and a handful of
hoodlums and criminals that are engaged in collecting all I got up to, as that
which they could pass off as somebody else’s career – it is as we can see,
completely relentless as predictably as possible. That said, as far as those
stupid threats were concerned, none knows why they were always picking up my
assets; one car after another, one house after another, one product after
another, sell, sell, sell – it is shooting off its big mouth naturally as the
reality here is that it got a job and now has a history where it gets a job for
money instead of pursue me. Generally, however it is mostly the Queens Domain,
they were doing this because they had a plan to handle the Country and get rich
to live in a world where they paid less taxes by doing things the Government
could not do, that said which Royal property is usually separate from State property but this was a risk their stupidities were taking.
On a personal front however, it does need to watch its mouth and get a Book
when it shows up here, otherwise it gets to find out who it spends a lot of its
stupid time shooting its mouth at while it is the poor people on minimum wage
beating me up for them, about which they look like they want to make a big
thing out of the way it fits into their stupidities putting up money leverage
to build confidence that stops my entire life when they want my property and
get imagination up my bum. The Media however has done something similar in the
past when they decided all incentives in my livelihood and those found on my
person, had to end up in the hands of broadcasting Organisations who will
secure lucrative advertisement contracts thereof, I believe this one about
criminals and hoodlums that collect my career for them is set to be the last as
well; professional idiots need get a Book when they show up near a Bookshop and
more so if they had a reputation of doing that obsessively, or that stupid
dream their foolish women had of me being at war with women so their men could
take me out, is set to become a reality. On the matter of reasons I am always
being targeted by them, it was a myth that I thought they were important, of
which an arch prince that is currently sharing his public image with
Celebrities and Media fools with detrimental consequences, understands the idea
that he thinks they were important was a process of asking for trouble but the
idiots had built me the reputation never the less, so it is used as an argument
every time I asked them to desist. I am not afraid of them as supposed, as they
are not the only idiots on the planet, to pick up some money and go into the
City to seek fortunes, I am fed up with their interest in my concerns and have
given them exit, to appear on media for the sake of their own social lives and
public images, not mine.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland