Claims that my actions advocate propel and support a rule and system of things where a process by which more people become criminals is a handful of rubbish. I am only interested in the things I do which make me famous and there is nothing to worry about in any case, those who create such notions ought to see that when the economy is healthy again a declaration of such a statement on my part while of a certainty have the desired effect. The Politicians on the other hand just keep showing signs of a desire to get hurt before we do anyway (they and their media idiots want the left now but nobody knows if they will want the right in the next three weeks or so but what we are all certain off is the need for a conversation about their capabilities when it comes to violence). I should I suppose use this opportunity to express the fact that the notion I am scared of competition is wholly wrong too. That has more to do with the fact that for everything I do, I must be delayed by insolent Politicians that have big names for their abuses such as racism and discrimination, so that an idiot can stand over me to do their own and win therefore competitions. For them, the question is that of what the point is if they have already secured the winning before they get into the competition, for me the point is that it is a competition of destruction. I am therefore not a child anymore and completely unlikely to move elsewhere to do my stuff if people are so stupid; everything here costs something at this age and they will most definitely always pay up. It is either that of a habit on my part for completely destroying those stupid civil rights of theirs where they hide my things each time they steal them, claiming it is public property and that they are winning competitions.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland