Please excuse my language on some occasion – it would have been inconclusive and disingenuous that while my Books are so rudimentary to speak in another form and term bearing in mind what Civil rights based, organised and petty criminalities become when their main support systems have been taken away from them. Bearing in mind the entitled expectations of civil rights greed-based wickedness, insults and relentless abuses.

Mind some racial slurs, in context they mean nothing but nevertheless must be explained as a response to my position being incessantly compromised by people who also want everybody to think they do not need help from an exorcist and hence in a circular sense, need to become more responsible persons.

After 15 years, I have apparently ended up with the same problems where badly raised vice ridden gits who lived in moral sewers were clinging to my finances to make me get into a fight with others, which purpose was to allow them feel special and safe - this time it is said to be developed on a premise that will prevent me from being a coward but it certainly did begin as a sense that their foolish Civil rights operated in such a fashion.

The real world is one in which if civil service staff which is the biggest staffing body in the Country, the main holders of National wealth at the markets and neighbourhoods, wanted to engage with culture, we know they would engage with Carnival once a Year, so Celebrity culture only refers to entertainment that people had to buy. They do claim I am asking Celebrities to give up their wealth which will never happen and I am not, just setting the Legal stage for a process where Celebrity failure to desist from delaying peoples careers and mock their victims the closer such persons got to retirement, eliminating everything which suggests they are not entitled to other people’s careers, they were set to give up their wealth for it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland