It is not
yet a satisfactory result at this stage, for gimmicks that were built up on a
career publicity, which is a product of the things that myself and my clients
did with my Assets, Assets which are the things that myself and Clients loved
to get involved with the most each time we were working at the premises, it is
still using the stupid media presence to pressure me and collect aesthetics a
hoodlum, its idiots are still abusing my privacy and private body parts, still
talking into me via the media presence and trying to order my steps everyday, whilst the Radio lesbians had taken the mental
illness they inflict at the work place, to a whole new stage. They do claim I
would have recovered any losses if I worked with them but it is not a matter of
recovery, it is a matter of getting the career schedule working again if they
were keeping their own – we know there is behind it a sense that I expect
Celebrities to be nice to me, reality however being that there were
complications to my personality because I am surviving and there were
complications to their own because I existed in a world where rules did not
apply and they could take anything they desired to take from me, lip flapping
the insults all the time with woke stupidities that will decide how I got to
respond. So a Media presence built to inflict health
scares on me through individuals who thought that it rewarded them for access
to my career and that reward would never materialise if I were in a position to
push back, will not be shut down while they got to complain. Thus it is all
happening because their fans were dangerous; a Bookshop would still work
perfectly regardless of their famous idiots passing it off as a profile for self re-invention, it is not because of the support they
provided for the famous fools, whilst it had a reputation which suggested it
was in the interest of many to teach it a lesson, it may ask me about my
actions personality whenever it was insane enough as well.
The claim
I never had a chance against the Celebrities is not annoying because people
think I did not have a chance, it is annoying because the statement is possible
on the back of what had occurred in terms of a bunch of idiots who never stand
up for themselves unless they had money to buy security, extracted the money
for it from my career publicity. So what they were also saying at this stage is
that they have seen the world and ate some exotic foods, they are now at the
peak of their health and probably did not have need of access to hospitality
that is set out for public figures to cover their backsides before they got
into a fight, which is not actually true but wrecks my finances by tackling
clients anyway. it is the same as claims that they were fighting for me and I
ignored them which had never happened, as what really happens is more a matter
of Politicians leading the country, assisting businesses on red tape matters at
the engine of economic growth, work done on my part at a Royal Office to
provide hospitality for public leadership and they had to do something which
facilitated idealistic gits accessing finances from overseas – my point being
that they ought to stop handling me and allow the idealistic gits access
finances by themselves so that it my be possible for
such persons to decide what it is that they wanted to do when their idealistic
gimmicks had hit a brick wall.
They speak
about their German influence gimmicks with it endlessly but I do not see why
the German influence gimmicks should be such a problem anyway – the details are
that going back to the beginning, the fear was not present back at school
because no matter how big, they can only hit so hard and if you wanted to hit
back or harm them you could. This bully personality has not changed and its
interest in your personal space soon grows into something of a need to claim
its country was more powerful permitting its stupidities to pick up your career
and use its publicity for something else. The threat issued was that their
stupidities were going to churn my tummy and attack me because I smell at some stage but they have not done that yet, considering it would
set off something completely new and I would try to achieve the end to their
practical jokes at any cost. The point is that none is asking them for an
opinion about my existence, particularly when I was conversing about a
completely unconnected issue, seeing that those stupid opinions can progress
from ugly women who have not had good looking men for decades, posing a threat
to students and hoping Politicians would make some available, to a sense that
culture was an abusive contraption that allowed people to do a small evil in
order to do a greater good, to which effect security services was the place to
do favours so that it could finger my bum and abuse my virtues in order to get
rich fast, so none is asking them for any opinion about my existence, I am
drowning in their German influence threats and insolence, when it shows up here
it needs to read a Book, preferably it did not show up at all. I have been told
I am unable to see the magnitude of what I have said here but it has always
been the case that the cause of alarm were the point in which its stupid women
were no longer afraid of get involved with my personal space because each time
it peddles its insults at me and I decided to live in its comfort zone
especially when I was doing something active, the wars its stupidities had won,
some git will show up to suggest I stood up for myself in a manner more worthy
of more important persons, so I could never smell good but we are now at a
stage where the idiots are always showing up here, making a mess, when I clear
it out they create another one, tell lies, build a crowd, cling to my earnings
and there was a way that it was all my fault, especially if I was backed my
state provided security. It knows nothing about me and shows up here virtually everyday shooting off its big mouth, needs to stop handling
me – the problem is still the same, that I am always stressed because nothing
of my concerns were handled according to purpose by these idiots, for instance
a court of female journalists that may want to build her career on something I
did with public Office over the way that failed to tie his shoe laces went out
for a walk at 12.00pm and raped a woman on his way home, whilst they had
various ideas about misogyny endlessly, so she builds the career there and
supports me via the provision of some sort of industry footing by public
appearances, these fools on the other hand get involved in order to get rich
fast and it is an undercurrent which meant that each time they got on my nerves
it was explosive, so they needed to build a community and it keeps getting
worse, since that would mean a suggestion that there was no way that I could
seek a reckoning with that stupid community, so that each time it wanted to
order my steps and ensure I did not have a career until it was able to get into
an argument with me and win the argument as its stupid liberalism was built on
such nonsense, it will do so by announcing a public presence for itself to
begin with. Eventually it claims that we are puppets of the USA which is utter
nonsense – personally, I do not think those that were unable to assist
Americans in a real way should be getting involved as such, I am because
American interest in me was a spiritual one; such that there were some
Americans who think I am the kind of Brit that does it for them and in that
situation, such bad things could occur as somebody getting killed, whilst
Police were trying to solve that crime, we got to see the sort of spiritual
context gimmicks that were performed by media and popularity gits over the
crime, so that perhaps more people get murdered I suppose. In the end it was
never a matter of puppetry, it is more difficult for Americans to get around
sociological matters that emerge whilst they are at University
than it is for us British even though the culture is identical to say the
least, so if there are Americans that think I do it for them, chances are I do.
Then again this was the way that we did it, get your head around the
sociological matters that kick off when you are at University and decide on
which you thought was the most flexible as a matter of the way you wanted
people to see your career and you can then meet somebody and say, your
acquaintance was a person, based on your qualifications, if given a job here
and there, you can do it comfortably – whilst I am doing this, it will show up
to ensure that I lived in hell due to its interest in the sociological
activities that criminals engaged in, when finished, claimed poverty was
brought about by a lack of wealth sharing and starts a whole new crisis that I
have not actually got the energy or finances for, before
its stupidities got off issuing threats. I should also state that the stage at
which this conversation was necessary was one in which I found myself in an
amusing disposition as they had gone on to National Media to declare the way
they felt that conservative women were sexier then left wing women – I could
never make sense of it since they never had a National media conversation at a
time, about 14 years back when they said that left wing women were sexier than
conservative women – my amusement being that these are a bunch of people who
are so disrespectful they hurt each other to such an extent that the person
most willing to offer up flesh seems to have become the sexiest, I mean I am a
Hermit and should know since in order to continue being useful to the Church,
mistresses are not for sexual purposes but it is also uncanny the social
conditions that have built up to this, garnished with its stupidities
pretending the force that drives it to survive was greater than the one that
drives me to preserve myself as a matter of an unusual interest in my personal
space. It does not do anything that any of my concerns were set out for and
does not do anything for me, so I am always miserable, its stupid threats serve
as a last straw every single time, before it gets off suggesting what I have
said here would have betrayed the way I felt about people, since it believes
that its existence gave indication to what people were like. Its famous idiots
do the same too endlessly, even when the finances that helped to buy the
security without which they could never stand up for themselves, was extracted
from my public image, it was doing the same things never the
They do
claim I am struggling with these issues whilst I am really
not – I have not gotten to a sense of self discipline
over an effort that will ensure they had no comfortable homes by which anything
I said about the way people handled my Books and public appearances would be
adhered to instead of people telling me they had done better than me in life.
Same as the middle management gits and their media friends who keep complaining
whilst the source of all problems was the media presence built up to assist
people who came into contact with my person and career, to make money with it
on media or suggest that such an assistance would be made available if they
unpicked my career but will not shut it down, believed its male society
stupidities had complained about the consequences and come through at the other
side instead. It is a matter of working hospitality for Politicians who are
governed by party whip and parliamentary whip, speaking of the parts that
people see play out in public, otherwise there would be no democracy in the UK,
they do claim I work it too hard which makes me a threat to democracy and it is
utter nonsense just like the stupidities of their famous madness pursuing that
hospitality to arrive at a stage where they think they had attained it and were
now healthy and supreme to bully anybody they liked and get rich fast with
publicity – the whip affects everybody, for instance when somebody was supposed
to be at school but was a truant at a time that politicians who are governed by
the whip showed up in the neighbourhood for a public function that involved
planting trees. No self-discipline yet, as to ensure however their famous gits
turned out, it stopped creating a situation where the money customers were
meant to spend on my Books was spent on another product by raising awareness
for my career while getting paid for something else, over some desire to ensure
it was possible for people to steal my career.
premise for operation has become questions about the never ending clash with
the male population and feminists, of which in my opinion there was none, it
was a bunch of characters who were playing games to get rich fast without doing
any work, so what becomes of their gimmicks is the way they hatch a plan to
take advantage of those who spend all that time working an academic
qualification and a career, should the government intervene, a situation was
created where the Government made laws that did not represent them because
there was not enough activity on their part, so that that the Government could
on the basis of obvious evidence, decide that a particular thing was a state of
affairs and the law should operate in a particular way, at the end they form
groups and become a threat to all. I should know about it as I am the architect
of what is now a global stage chaos – all that self-improvement seminars for
the male population and the struggle with personal relationships after stifling
my academic pursuits and now my bookshop as well with advertisement garnished
practical jokes, to take an interest in women I was involved with, marry and
divorce them, leaving me single in my 40s. They claim I always pursued the
power option which is utter nonsense and such practical jokes will lead to a
result where I devised a clash between myself and their communities in order to
settle the problem – if I were to take such claims seriously, it would have
applied with respect to suspicions of British intentions in South America,
where the resulting state of affairs is one that was created from a process
where a group fo trouble makers with their girls,
social media and abuses always come up with ideas about the way that perfectly
legitimate businesses can be managed on the basis of who got to steal the most
and therefore had the biggest guns by which to do so, in the end all they
manage every time that such matters are settled is a simple wild tribalist
raid, whilst others become monsters engaging them with sophisticated warfare.
That said, on the matter of the idea I have not done enough to show British
interest in South America is not about imperialism, we know that there is a
British satellite in South American called the Falklands and therefore they
were neighbours, we had to devise a way to get along with diplomatic
neighbours, just as we also know that most British professionals preferred to
make their Holidays in South America not Europe which the Celebrities preferred
because in Europe it was more a matter of paying people to stop pushing insults
at you in order to start making a Holiday at all, whilst in South America a
relatively poor person can buy a respectful environment to recharge in if they
raised the funds for it. In retrospect, I am an Arch Prince, I am popular too,
there is no need for their abusive doing anything for money immoral society
gimmicks to show up on my public image and ensure I could never smell good,
then progress to an alliance with corrupt private security and rogue landlords
to gain access to my privacy, expecting there to be no consequences.
I. Uno I
Kingdom of Great Britian and Norther Ireland