So the reasons these happen is still the fact that it may be surprising how many Countries in Europe find it difficult to get along with the British, the Germans being top of the list and it’s their behaviour towards living in general that is the main problem – the British want to get round people all the time they say but they are the ones who flirt with tyranny all the time, where Daddy wants you giving up Public image and finances to somebody else because they live in fatherland and their behaviour towards women being as bad as it is, we also know they have no problems with those things they claim women do which are distracting, if it is done to serve them and yet it has always been as simple as the fact even when a woman is dying as such, if it is not the one you usually handle or touch, touching it can get you into trouble even when you are trying to save its life. For my part they say it’s me fighting hard to avoid being homosexual while I have no idea why I would want to be homosexual when coming out for me cracks them up, dissolves those arrangement where they buy equipment and venues for idiots who engage with the public in a way that destroys my personal and family life and then put on some expensive make up, tell lies and threaten me while I try to get my life back in order as they walk the streets being exempt because they are a handful of tarts – I am the one causing the job losses when I come out, not the one that is gay. So for those who have resorted to the insults – the imagination up my bum was the thing that happened, attacking me because they think being embarrassed about the smell also means being afraid of their stupidities will be a process where they had their cake and beyond that it will have to be settled but we have not seen the idiots pay attention to what others are saying to them for a change.

It is the wrong way to get around it - I remember when I was young and the time I met my Dad at the Office, the things he did which made no sense but had to be done and was just nice; in their case they cannot tell when their promiscuous minds thinks that they deserve to have what they have seen in another Man’s work environment and when the right thing to think about is being inspired and encouraged to work for their own.

I am told now that I make bad decisions all the time which is not actually linked to reality in anyway whatsoever. The truth is that my Publishers know of other Books I have written and want me to finish them, so there is pressure to do so on account it paints a proper picture of my range and allows them to make money and help me make mine – what then happens every single time I get into an Office to write is that very intense and sustained sexually orientated abuse from Celebrity idiots who want to control me and to own the Books; the outcome of this being that I am not able to complete the academic work, I am not able to get a spare job if I needed money, I am not able to write and brews this question of what it is people are meant to do with characters as stupid as they are. Either way which I don’t care very much now that I have been pushed into taking steps that will ensure their tirade of abuse sustained by stalking me at Industry was under control, as it will give me range and access to everything they do to maintain the top jobs, so that when I distract them the way they and their local idiots distract me from my concerns, there will be a question of what it is exactly they can do about it and they will begin to behave like serious minded people for a change.

I don’t think it is an issue as such, it’s a group of people who make very stupid decisions that make it impossible for them to live in the one and only society they have got, then start those abuses that mean you cannot tell where their problem is coming from and do not want to be homosexual by themselves but while at it their stupidities were in charge; so they look like they want to get killed and will become jackals themselves if they had the opportunity and each time the murder happens we hear them claim on media that they have always thought psychopaths lived in dilapidated neighbourhoods. They boast all the time that there is nothing I can do about them while everybody else knows the best way to get on with my concerns without reacting to their idiocy is to ignore everything they do and the reason this is impossible if become of their Daddy characters brewing up a fucking big idea in the process all of the time.

As for the story of how they are afraid of war and conflict and violence, we all know that before they were, it was another fabulous decision they had made – where they defeated a thousand on their left hand side and it concerned the business of ripping up my career and finances, to try and get me into a position where I need to get by through civil rights, then get desperate enough to try and make money by civil rights while they were there first telling lies all the time and issuing the stupid threats with a big mouth and on the right hand side defeated ten thousand by making sure women cannot have their freedoms in the sense that every single moment or civil movement will see them beat down the women and take top spot, yet everybody knew that if the goons that are bothering the women got past the women they will be bothering the men by means of the same insults they levy on the women which the men know nothing about, yet these fools have always been the almighty gits that must make enemies with the women as well – then show up here to ensure I cannot study, I cannot write, I cannot get a job, I smell like what I ate all the time because their stupidities that made all these fabulous decisions, are now afraid of war and the various other forms of abuses that they had the right to be free from in the neighbourhoods. Either way, I don’t care, I am now on course to dig up their own as well and access every other stupid things they do to get ahead at industry, so when I distract them like they distract me, we find out what they can do about me and it will mean they started becoming serious minded gits for a change.

The story of the Women who hate my guts was another case entirely - it will abuse me all day long but will not dare do the same to the Celebrities, speaking of which the Celebrities are the reasons it wants to pay all its attention to me for all the wrong reasons, so responding to such a fact tends to mean fame came instantly and it probably was not prepared for fame, so fame came as a surprise.

I am informed that I got too far but we need to see what is placed on the internet concerning these sort of nonsense – the part where it is absolutely necessary to beat up somebody and hold them down until they were publicly humiliated and subdued because when their personality has been made into a debatable subject about which people can move into the best parts of their lives to get rich quick, they are still thinking about the parts of their lives that was taken from them – it is placed alongside other pleasurable terrorism their stupidities might have taken part in, pee, pee, pee go down the part of my life they can take money from every single second, as insultingly as possible and makes a mess of my academic work and finances because it needs popular culture riches, whereby I have made a process of grooming their own into such a position so I might do it as well and if they want to stop it, it will be stopped otherwise there can be the tit for tart that will never end. My personal favourite now is the spying on me to make a case of my diet and built a crowd that will help them confiscate my public image by – the idea I am overbearing is therefore entirely due to disillusionment. They are Commoners with their left-hand side and right-hand side gimmicks and insanity associated with the personal decisions they make to pay attention to, we can see the extent of abuse, insults and vandalism not being paid for, which has led to the eventuality in which they are dreaming of the beating down bits with their big mouth.

The most popular story with the Conservatives these days is of course that I got off to learn something of the British legal system thereby stealing the rites of Kings that really belong to real British scum like themselves, which does not make any sense whatsoever; these are idiots that cannot actually explain what their Brexit legislation is meant to have accomplished to the European Counterparts who need such explanations in order to begin Brexit negotiations – they know how to talk nonsense that will let every scum in suits blab their own stupidities they cannot explain to others if asked to, such as how I get about picking up problems that they who have better paid jobs should be solving for me in order to be important and need to stop complaining, which nonsense like these blabbed at Government office is likely to exacerbate – it is an example of when they say I use foul language but it is usually either I use it to leave it to the common people to use in these kinds of situations. The Brexit Legislation was meant to have accomplished a process whereby Europeans are intimated to the fact that the UK is an unwritten constitution made up of all these Briton Characters and Viking Characters and Norman Characters and Saxon Characters – that we had a problem with people who wish to exist outside of the system as a whole therefore picking up the extra EU Legislation as a main part of the legal system was an extra burden – this is what they are unable to explain to their European Counterparts, if they would rather spend time letting their should have been famous a Rock Star character with your public image but your security measures have prevented it get out of hand talking nonsense about those who steal rites of Royalty. For my part, what I have learned of the Legal system rather helps me to take such a position as I can prevent Socialists from changing the legal system all together and the economic bits is just personal achievement whereby I am insane enough to secure authority from the Church which lets me set about making people honest about financial matters at the markets and then find out I can prevent inflation as I go along; of course they do say this was the rite of prime ministers and if I see them around my Books one more time will be teaching some Tory scum a lesson they will never forget too - lessons that will ensure they only open their dirty mouths around my concerns if it is something they can actually explain to somebody else when people want to know and then they will be convinced it is their right to put a finger up my bum and discipline me from there, which they say is done to me on their behalf but was done because their insults only ever get toned down a bit when they have been handled like they were a piece of meat as well and I believe I have made myself clear on the matter too.

There is talk of being interested in preventing the ascendance of the White race of course which is utter nonsense – it started years ago with a point when I walked into the City centre and when I got home found that people there had begun some hide and seek game with me and my very existence; the luck was that unlike I had to go around choosing a community I wanted to be seen with in terms of my career, I was already chosen by one and it was a good one and I had to take out an academic qualification and seek a job and aspire to something, become a part of it, if not for myself, to protect their interests; what happens to me was utter national carnage and a process where there was always a swoon around everything I did especially the important ones until they destroyed everything seemingly; I mean I am not trying to be passively supportive of racism, just setting out it’s about making quick money and even when its quick money they have not worked for, a living wage is not good enough, and only fame and fortune will do – so if I see it around my Books one more time, I will make it speak of the things I brag about but cannot do which I will then go off and do in a very short period of time. So there is this other question about the work Court that needs clearing up alongside, which is not a complicated matter – just a reality that it is impossible to keep the Court running if I am unable to communicate with them in a way that can be placed in an inventory and so I need them to follow me on social media as I cannot work with those that are not – I mean for the ones that do things in Public places which are undoubtedly about me, I try to reciprocate but we can see it does not actually work and the follow is just a click away; so I have only one option and that is to waste my whole life on going back to clear up huge mess they have made for me by being excited for my involvement with them and setting off to the things I have put them up to without following me on social media or I can build a Court with those who are actually following me on social media and get rid of the rest, end the nostalgia, end the tummy pain betrayal sensations.

So they say people like me as desperate for the Tories to reach out to poorer people when it has no probability of happening, it is utter rubbish too; what happens with them is that even when they get jobs from multimillion pound companies as CEO, it is only ever done with skimpily dressed girls on expensive boats having their pictures taken or done with other very destructive activities wrought through popular culture canopies; so this idea that poor people are expecting a reach out from them because they send out their minions to comb the streets and take money off people in return for a product so as to get rich is delusional. What really happens is their destructive involvement; where it has a way of tricking you into telling it that it has done well in life and then if you are a Christian it will be the reason you cannot attend Church anymore, it will become its interest for you not to have a job because when you can afford the same things, the good feeling that comes from tricking you into telling it that it has done well in life will disappear alongside – so stuck first year and then second year and then right up to fifth year, when anybody on minimum wage can put aside a disposable income of 4 thousand pounds a year quite easily which is actually the beginning of a Mortgage in five years’ time but if after five years you are still stuck with it and unemployed, you clearly want a stupid reach out from them as well in their view. I for my part had it all set out before I embarked on the adventure of falling into their traps and the only reason my finances are suffering is because Journalists and popularity idiots who know better how others should exist never listen to anything they are told – at the moment they are not persuaded to as it were so far, so they are still setting themselves up as the means by which peoples flush my life down the loo when they come across my Books instead of buying a copy if they need it which I can confirm is on borrowed time too; at the moment I am ready to trade with the Company and the Book shop and the Office but need to get the Court running too; all that nonsense about people like me pretending when they need the money is all in their heads.

They do say I expect to use the Media and Popularity people and then just discard their stupidities around my income and warehouse and market place logistics whenever I wish, a game of filthy secretes about me that they have put into me but I am unaware of to make connections with Politicians who are ultimate career grabbers and will give them some thereof by but it is an old story where each time I work with popular culture it is usually a process of working with those who are stuck with nostalgia champions on the right and self-seeking goons on the left, while these fools are only interested in my money and none of the problems; so I did make myself very clear earlier on and they had followed it up with a statement of their own designed to show me I am less powerful with that big mouth they have got. They are only ever seen around areas of my activities that say they can make music and fashion by making reference to something that is important to what really makes me better than them, like whether or not I write Books and my Publisher has a warehouse, if it is not doing that while planning to destroy everything and own a department store, it is seem all over my Public image and making stupid insulting songs on any profit margins my patents allow me - so of course I just used it and got rid of it and wish to know what is next anyway, perhaps if I can use it again; by the way of which stupid children racing each other to make millions with peoples brands using my public image do not fancy popular music anyway. In the end Children need an environment to grow up in; it has to be dirty, it has to be free and it has to sting and hurt a bit with Women in it and I could never get my head around what the purpose of their stupidities are anyway - half the time they are serving the needs of rich kids, the other half the time the rich kids deserve what I am doing as well and they are poised to acquire it with that big mouth.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland