They do ask if I am getting paid by the British Monarchy for my services and of course it is all phenomenal, they have no idea: I get a Royal Estate and then Political and Diplomatic allies were found for me, plus the State provided security that I try to make cost effective all together. The case has always been that these goons will show up to do these things from Africa and when I am cash strapped as a result start to have ideas – I for my part really love the bit where being cash strapped propels me to provide them some leadership considering it does not help them at all coming from a world where people cannot tell the truth if there is no money involved. The American ones feel they can tell absolutely anybody they wish that they have a problem with the existence of the British State, even when they see the Cote of Arms on my websites and social media – so now they know that what I am thinking for instance is that those who have replaced their real teeth with gold ones are always pimping and are at war with mobility of people, having certain kinds of sex to show for it all the time and that since it comes to all that trading stuff, they need to know that what happens with trading is that companies which are full of people in rags, covered in engine oil sell things and those things they sell make profit and those who pay them some money to keep selling boost that profit and get paid a commission for it; this is what stock markets do and now they can keep off my Royal Public image and its Estate and become proper traders so somebody does not take it from them.

Eventually we hear this talk of how it should be alright to mention the Terrorists as victims whenever an attack has occurred which I do not believe the Media has the footing and foundation for either, considering it spends more time protecting its neighbourhoods while attacking those it claims restrict profit margins of the second income sources of Politicians; there is no way it this can translate into explaining to the Public that terrorist are angry people who feel they have been hard done by through the decisions their peers in other parts of the world have taken, since there is that element of exposing the poor and disillusioned ones to the processes of recruitment and foreman positions. I would get told at this stage that it has come too little too late which is not really true even if we are considering this fact along the lines of British foreign Policy; we have had decades of pure evil and turmoil as a result of this disposition where you have your democracy liberalised for you and have your liberalism democratised for you, while the whole process by which those who do it get about doing so adds up to chasing peoples private parts to make them shame themselves in public and becomes a case of Men who think they are tough being susceptible to getting beaten up by the wives and daughters determining the very nature of economy. The only bad part about foreign Policy is of course that insanity that says we have it and the Conservatives have their own view, the Liberals have their own view and the Socialists have their own view; most notorious being the socialists who go into the Middle east to secure people that will work with them to Liberalise peoples lifestyle by selecting which democracy suits them and which communism suits them to bring about a processes that allow an ability to have their way with the crowd, win elections and perform some wealth inequality in places like the Middle East where the primary religion is Islam which is a closed religion with all kinds of shit happening at the backyard etc. – the Blair one will mess it up and when he thinks he has really done a number goes off to the Americans to acquire a Middle East envoy role, while the Gordon Brown one will see these things when he does not even know where it stands politically in a secure way and then there is my party piece of that gimmick with Politics where talented people are rounded up like animals and trapped somewhere so idiots can show up at their lives to count pennies until they make millions in order to become dumb students that do well in school story, translating into a leadership of the incredibly stupid American left that involves grabbing my Book to go off and make a mess in the Middle east, pass around even more insults about controlling me and making me give information, then blab about hurting bottoms that is my responsibility when the process of being stuck between the problems I resolved to write the Books and the fact they will not let it get sold starts to bite as well; it has become some sort of conveyor belt of western absurdity by these fucking idiots and I will like to see an end to their stupidities addressing me or showing up on my public image or handling the Books all together and that means all market and derived markets too, before they end up complaining like they always do for such nonsense to improve a situation.

It’s like when we hear them speak of those who are not fit to be leaders while talking of those things I used to say when I was about 13 but didn’t speak in public because I was ashamed: I mean talk to somebody about a behaviour issue and it will become a matter of society and culture honour which understands that the young people from the most prestigious University in Moscow will be just as competitive against the ones from Oxford, it soon becomes honour associated with fraternity of nation but soon had decided they want to make a civil rights speech about others not being worthy of leadership if they speak of annihilating another people with nuclear weapons. I do not think nuclear weapons are a good idea myself either, apart from the insanity of people who are younger than I am but are more rooted in the land the last time they checked: the problem however is that if all the leaders of the world declared themselves none nuclear leaders, it would not necessarily make it a safe place, the exact conditions which created nuclear weapons will likely emerge again i.e. where is UK main defence and how can UK enemies slip one bomb in there and control the UK, like it was with Pearl Harbour in the US during the second world war: so it’s always better they tell us they might make use of it so that when they do we get to witness how they do, assuming nobody wants to stand under a nuclear device on this earth all together as it were. As for my Books and writing being a problem for others; they can decide on whom should be dominated in the spirit first while working for their MPs who claim somebody has been stealing personality that belong to the leaders properly the next time; I for my part intend to return to my studies and plans to ensure they do not fuck with me or fuck with it while I am there this time around.

They speak of a question of what I want and of course all I want is their none involvement to give me time to sell my Books and make my way in the world like everybody else and this is where depending on them has started to become something of an irritation as any normal person can imagine but while they get more irritated, so do I as the weeks go by and then the months and then the years and then a talk from them of how I change their lifestyle when what happens is that apart from using publicity and advertisement to rip up Royal Public image and Property and putting me in a position where I have to work equities to reimburse broker company shareholders at the markets – every insult comes with an eventuality where it has not got itself sorted out, so there is something it is trying to preserve which I can then take because it is so hurtful I am intimated to the fact that unless I do it is not a situation that will ever improve. I want them to keep off, long enough for this business to be successful and for it I depend on them, and it is almost a thing at this stage all together.

Eventually it is said I think I can take on the Politicians when I cannot and it’s never really the way it works either; the way it does work is the number of times you walk down the streets and somebody who is doing school run is chasing your penis and encouraging his children to as well and the number of times to arrive where you are heading looking like a decent person. They do look like it is some sort of racists behaviour where you tackle their problems and resolve it because you are inferior, but every Country has a majority population that thinks that way about the rest and needs to show regard for what others want to do with the time allotted before their own gets spent too. I have asked them to keep away from my Books while they have continued to assume they have found a Man that will be happy to do his career like a Woman and it is the same story that gets me tackling the Men at Industry to shut their insults as it were and the Women at Merchandising so that my activities do not upset reality as a result of people losing jobs all together but they will never find a Man that will be doing the career as a Woman, playing around with a premise that can encourage people to work on them for a living too. It’s nothing unusual as such when they say we box in the majority population – what really happens is that asking will make them inferior, so they have to find ways of getting it without doing so and this causes damage but in my case I am rounded up like an animal and made to climb the political ropes to shed my life as I go along so they can have it anyway and it just leads to outcomes where I decide they never will and they decide they will take it by force and I think they are playing a dangerous game each time they assume they know me when they don’t. They do like to say I know nothing about the culture in the UK but it’s not about any culture, it’s about the fact the UK normally gets African Migrants from Ghana and South Africa and the sort of things these people fancy is those who have the same nose type as the White Man who dreams of a Man that will do his career like a Woman endlessly, while building some racism for me on account they were here first with that stupid Media.

It is never really a matter of grave consequence from where I am - they always say we squeeze them but what happens is that if you dare to have something they have never tasted, they will decide that on the other hand exists a Country you are not a part of and build a violent crowd which is something you should never have to deal with. They however say they have got me all trapped and solving their problems to make them feel good everyday which is not actually fact; the fact is that we do not box them in and it is their insults and abuses which accomplish that, I mean, even now we are talking about their Politicians embarking of a project of seeing me do my career like a Woman because it would be amusing; so that when it does come to the question of problem, first is the fact that if you live in a Country where you know nothing of what is happening and vote for anything that shows its face, you will one day vote for that guy that likes to start altercations with next door neighbour then ensure it affects the Politicians so he can get into government Office by it or you will one day end up supporting a Military Coup and secondly, it does seem the Politicians do not appreciate the reasons they are provided state security, so they get out of it and chase me about, make a mess on that and set about forcing me to fix the problem, which I never do, so that when they throw one at me, I can fling that too. I do get told my insults know no limits too but that is what people say, especially if they also claim I do not pay attention to the rules even though I am mad about the fact the Politicians are not but the reality is that when you compare what Politicians spend their spare time on and what we see them do with people’s lives in Public places it becomes very obvious these are very stupid people that will not go along with any rules when they get into government buildings until the bad things happen. I however am aware of the tendency to deal with an accusation of this type but most of my actions are cultural; if I know the Lord Mayor is likely to support young people and Police Officers and there are things I know and can do and can help with, I get along with that - if associated with a writing career, I put it up on a website like these, as part of what happens at the Office - hence the idea I interfere with Politics is made up.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland