They do speak of assumptions that I think I am in control when I am not but I was rather of the impression it was a matter of personal choice to let community croons decide you have offended them by religion in a modern living where you should be out there sharing your sex life with the world, I never knew it could be decided at government buildings where I am being prevented from getting employment because community croons are offended by a religion I practice in their personal lives on account the morals are not compromising of evil; it’s an old story where it is evil and now it is corrupt as well but had not got its own money to be corrupt with yet. They do say the case is one of blessing those who fight evil for me – an old story where what I do was rather easy to understand in such terms i.e. when the Holy Spirit seals a person unto the day of redemption and no power in this world or beyond it can break the seal or when I rip up whole cultures and societies because I need to carry my own cross – they always say it is an example of the reasons they hated religion in the first place but I am hard pressed seeing which part encourages them to be pragmatic about their opinions so as to touch and handle the finances etc. – the other story being that I am deluded about Terrorists when I am not; reality is that they are not my only experience of Islam and I have seen proper Muslims who believe in the history and culture of Islam itself and nothing to do with terrorism which is pretty much the same as the things we see in the US where a single street can have up to 5 Churches preaching a separate version of the same gospel, although peaceful, Islam was never going to be in the same conditions. We Christians understand it as per a matter of the fact when a demon leaves a person and then returns with seven others more powerful than itself, the situation is much worse than it was before; it is madness to force people to stay in a religion or to force it on people. They always say we Christians had our time of behaving like the terrorists do but that was a case of something people are still doing to this very day i.e. I will crush the finances and wellbeing of religious people since it was better if they were criminals and then the resident leader will become interested in seeing your stupidities give to the frugal by conducting and inquisition and then they will say it is an evil that religion creates – leaders do not behave like this anymore even though the case of stifling finances and picking up the preaching to travel half the world with media and ensure people’s hearts are hardened against it which is blasphemy has gone completely wild, the reason is not what modernity has changed by rather the fact that those who do these things already know what the truth is most of the time but would rather prefer to lie to themselves. So I do not wish to tolerate terrorists picking up my Royal order to fight battles with even though they have become obsessed with recruiting from the UK – the reason I do not care which terrorists are getting killed is that a soldier would find my Royal order something that is a part of him because he spends time with me which comes to him in his most difficult hour, the terrorists will find it something he can copy to kill people and further his cause – so if justice were to be decided there is a reason the soldiers see success in battle and the terrorists who are basically bullies that passed exams in school should not copy what they see but put down their arms and walk off to their freedom when time and reality facts catches up with them; so copying mine means they will have to explain how they intend to fight a bigger enemy with two minds and it can get worse too. as for the media, I hear it all the time i.e., they can do that until very important matters fall into the hands of enemies and serves as derived intelligence that harms and kills security operatives who have the right to a job that is loved just as they do but they will keep doing it still.

They speak of ideas I have about Politicians and Media fools being unacceptable but that is because they think it does not come to notice they spend more time with their fellow business world idiots doing nothing except describe me as a clandestine magician and trying to make sense of it all over the world as well to serve their lifestyle purposes, this is one face, the other is showing up on Public places wearing suits and pretending they are decent persons and we all know that if going out to hustle for a career as a man does not work in that way for them, it will not work at all. So, I have my own opinions about their person, and I can guarantee it will affect their finances as well as their own does mine. This is not unusual in anyway, it usually starts with their security guards boasting of what will happen to anybody who harms them, then that lets them get on other people’s public image to make fame and fortune and then find it difficult to move on after, then that progresses to other forms of abuse and bullying that means one is not in control of one’s public image, then that leads to an outcome where the concerns of State Security operatives with respect to their challenges are made an open show of, this then opens up my finances for the criminals to do whatever they like with especially at the Markets - i.e. I have an opinion about them too and can guarantee it will affect their finances; it is the way it is supposed to work.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland