Here they said that they wanted to hear what I had to say about Climate change, especially now that they were better place to make the most of me and take abusive advantage of me as they possibly could but it is utter nonsense as it is rather clear that if they are expecting me to say something about climate change and get taken advantage of, they understand and are aware that their actions were incredibly stupid, do not need me telling them as such; these are supposed to be a group of utter idiots allied to scumbags who make them rich for being stupid at somebody else’s expense. The Politicians who are supposed to manage their gimmicks are not doing any more Politics these days because they instead enjoyed ripping up people’s careers and getting responses for it. The worrying part however is that we are having these conversation because we have been led again by another group of government office twats who want to discuss Climate change on the basis of having gotten their stupid selves trapped in social gimmicks where people can use them as punching bags whenever people wanted to suck up to the rich, at a State involvement with Industry on a global level stage, it needs to stop making a mess of my Books unless it wants to pay the bills in this place or I will take them up on those foolish Government Office threats as well.

I am told that this was a matter of a role I had to play but even then for such a role I wonder if what they want to talk about was the way their industry fools make a complete mess of other people’s careers, to build products for companies and mire peoples entire life endeavour in industrial popularity, as this was the main source of the civil disobedience that made the climate change issues unmanageable, the reasons the Boardrooms could never get it right.

They also suggest that I am approaching the matter as if it was a conflict situation but I do not think they will have missed anything if I said that their actions and activities, especially the part where they had media and popularity twats show up here to celebrate how I am about to be taken advantage of, had any reason, meaning, purpose and features which may have convinced a normal person, that they were not all unbearably stupid but if they are here to read a Book I had written, they were all welcome.

They do claim that in other circumstances I would find myself in a  complicated situation but I wouldn’t – it’s been a decade and a half of ripping up my career to run off insulting scumbags who maintain communities that get imagination up my bum, giving their stupidities a sense that I am afraid of them and it had since developed into a needless need to issue threats at me and run me down every day, since they are the only ones doing the fighting around here, it is still a wonder what this nonsense means. We have to deal with it every time that there were important matters of wide ranging consequences – they build a crowd of idiots that I will have offended, issued accusations and clung to my income margins, send out their media scum and Celebrity fools to have a go as well, then progress to grinding their stupidities at me and are starting now to look the part of a proper response too.

They do claim that nothing I did would ever deter them and I understand this completely as well – we are already seeing the madness play out in terms of their silly Politicians giving them the backing, so they could be able to say that whenever they attacked me and got a response, I was going to have to take it back, so this becomes the statements being bandied around while they seek ways of working on me to make money, poking, prodding, handling, insulting, pushing, pinching etc, while the others at the Monarchy, who are not likely to become victims of any action I take to shove them all the way back to first grade as well, may show up and force me to serve, then hang around complaining about effects and consequences, choice being their own to make. Hence we see where those stupid claims this was all power they had over me fit into the picture, where they get to tell me that each time I did something about the ageists at the Monarchy pushing me around, they followed it up with stupid statements that continued what is only similar to prostitution and pornography and involved a process of handling me to make money and working on me as a career which I have mentioned above, making all their comments and statements, gestures and body language about my social life and public image instead of their own, while all I did about them will be something the ageists at the Monarchy used as a tool to decide what I was going to be doing, while selling themselves to the highest bidder for the gimmicks. They do not have any power here and I have been complaining about the interest in my Public image making a mess of my finances whilst I have not found the location of their stupid jobs, so I might put it to the same process as well, the ageists at the Monarchy ae just a handful of busy body idiots who claimed they fought my wars and need to fight another one – as mentioned, the choice is theirs to force me to serve and hang around complaining while claiming that the practical jokes these immoral serve serving twats exhibit caught up with them as well, they had power to control and handle me. It is a simple thing of people getting accustomed to insulting me and making comments about my social life and public image to get by, which makes a mess of my finances and I have been complaining for years about such a damage being done.

So it seems accordingly that this is all about people showering me with insults and yes it has; the world of Royalty, poor people who clearly run the show and gits whose money controlled the world, whereby I am being showered with insults and people enjoyed the way it caused others at the upper class to abandon me until they ended up in some pain for it as well, thereby making a mess of my finances, had always been an issue, it had since gotten a very serious indeed.

They do claim it’s impossible to tell what could be done with me as I am very disrespectful but this is the reasons most of the conversation here is equity broker and not a meaningful process of trying to engage with people – we have since established that if they felt that I was being disrespectful, they needed to get off, making a statement about it and getting on with whatever it is they thought my disrespect prevented them from doing, if I felt the same sense of disrespect from them, I would do the same, when we are talking about their stupidities fighting my wars, we had since reached that stage where they needed to explain exactly why their foolish practical jokes had caught up with my career, if they were complaining already. I understand they say I have never really taken seriously the fact that they hated me with a passion, which is utter nonsense as I am aware of their hate, I am aware of where and when it began, I am aware of the reasons for it, but I am now aware that those reasons made any sense. They are stupid, selfish, evil people who want to blame others for the problems they had, which always showed up on the announcements and they believed they had since located somebody that was unlikely to respond to their gimmicks, until that is he really does. I have never been able to make sense of the way that 95% of other people’s professional activities were built on a business of extracting the energy by which to do it, from my life, I am aware it is a product of their need to handle my personality and get paid for being popular with it, as an alternative to getting a job, having ended badly for them in the sense that they had to hide their gimmicks by getting real careers while trashing mine, become something violent. It loves those stories about the battle between Aries and Libra star signs which their stupid Politicians pick up for bear baiting, about which we are now set to enter into a phase where Politicians trashed my career to make me vulnerable to it and I too decided to pop up a question on the parental narcissism, whereby should the answers I am given be dissatisfactory, they will kick off my own need to rip up their lives over a narcissism associated with a titanic political battle of my own which I did win, as it were, something that will ensure after a decade and a half of not being able to make sense of their perverted interest in me, I moved on at their expense. As for these goons being needed at the constituencies to make trouble for everybody, know their Politicians suggest it is a matter of checks and balances to seek out areas where armed forces were being successful and to do their own National security as well, except they had no wish to deal with the consequences either way and showed up here claiming that they fought my wars, to get their media fools and celebrities ripping up my career and finances – their own is going to progress from gimmicks where I never had a chance meaning that nothing I have said here had been taken seriously, developing into a process where they could not do their jobs without wrecking mine and it gave me access to those jobs as well, right down to those foolish Communities where they showed up with problems they announced endlessly and got together to decide how my personality should be used to the benefit of all, finished off with a social disposition which suggested I ought to take my clothes off and walk around the streets being judged by them, making money as group of people, so they had endless pools of resources to ensure the one person that was sent out to run me down achieved something every time and this will be the point where they got to stop me for my part in their gimmicks as well. They read those star signs all the time but never make the right decisions, more concerned with the business of talking too much and making sure that others had to get caught up in the foolish ways they organise their lives, to say it was a choice between getting into trouble with the Police and having a career they dreamed of, which relied on others. They even claim that the Aries and the Libra were opposites, but the Aries was stronger which does not make any sense whatsoever if they were opposites. I have already set out here the reasons I think this conversation is pointless by setting out that if they felt I was disrespectful, they were meant to raise a point of it and go on to do the things my disrespect prevented them from doing, likewise if I felt that they were – fighting my wars as a handful of fucking idiots to show up here shooting off the big mouth when they believed enough had not yet died, is not the way to show they were stronger. I do not think the matter a crisis; I mean the business of organising their lives to say it was a choice between criminal activity and a career that will be envied by others, which then interfered with me, is something that is sexual for me – associated with the way that pregnant wife needed such an environment to make sense of bringing a human being into the world of which such human beings recently brought into the world, are always a mystery, you never know what is really wrong with them or where they were really hurting and had to ask a lot of people a lot of questions – if I had a sulky wife, I would want to have sex all the time but if my family complained about them, it would set the stage for them to complain about me as well, otherwise we are all good as long as they are winning. They do say it is not clear how anybody could organise a life and career outside the premise of a choice between criminal activity and the career that will be envied, backed up by people who are bigger than the victims of their gimmicks but first it sets the stage for the way I would respond if I faced a violent situation as we know all parents get their children involved with the bread winning process of basically routinely divide up responsibility at home, so it was possible for somebody to decide after completing a qualification liked to a talent that was developed in a school environment, to meet somebody really important and get a role for an activity about which they were getting paid and my role in the violence will be such that I am about their age and this was not my responsibility, therefore having to do it without achieving anything is incredibly frustrating. I don’t think that the matter is an issue, we have done the first part where if they didn’t spend the wealth of the Country somebody will get hurt – the process was a business of ripping up peoples careers to access their personality and get paid for being popular, their industry gits will rip up careers in the neighbourhoods to employ criminals and their celebrities will help suffer people such a hard time that people will want an escape through a lifestyle that will get them paid for being popular in huge sums – they now have the money and need to spend it so others might get a job. The Politicians have suggested this is risky but they are the ones that cannot be trusted to keep these idiots spending the money in the local economy, which is the main reason we are now doing all these by the way; on the riskiness however, as long as the money remains in the local economy, considering that people were aware according to Policy set out by executive leadership year after year, they were supposed to prefer the jobs market to Celebrity culture, all is well. I mean we know we do not need much explanation on the matter if it turns out that they had their own uses and the environment they created facilitated a process where the Police were able to secure methods of communicating to people who had careers or were doing something around places where crimes were committed or being committed, to solve crimes and protect the public, that being said which they do also pervert it into something of a process where they were connected to the Police and could do whatever they liked or the Police were not doing enough work to provide them quantity of security that would match the taxes they were paying, so they needed to escalate the crimes in the Country – I am not saying that I am not attracted to them either, this sort of this is not only sexual but also provides the right kinds of pressures in a family setting for a wife to get better at handling the Children. The real world is one in which if civil service staff which is the biggest staffing body in the Country, the main holders of National wealth at the markets, wanted to engage with culture, we know they would engage with Carnival once a Year, so Celebrity culture only refers to entertainment that people had to buy. The real world is one in which if civil service staff which is the biggest staffing body in the Country, the main holders of National wealth at the markets, wanted to engage with culture, we know they would engage with Carnival once a Year, so Celebrity culture only refers to entertainment that people had to buy. They do claim I am asking Celebrities to give up their wealth which will never happen, and I am not, just setting the Legal stage for a process where Celebrity failure to desist from delaying people’s careers and mock their victims the closer such persons got to retirement, they were set to give up their wealth for it.

They do love to suggest I had lost everything, what such claims reveal being a process where they have suffered me a decade and a half of hell because my religion will not pay the bills, now we find them all over the place with their stupid ideas about how others ought to exist garnishing their madness in Public places, as they had a backup thing they did to keep them going whilst the Politics was the main thing but did not pay the bills, although it was the source of all my trouble. It’s the stealing, stealing apparently and they all had various flavours while I am said to have made an assumption this problem will ever move on if I responded to it as it came but there is really nothing to respond to, just Americans leading the world in the gimmicks where they sent out these characters to run me down and push up my stress levels, steal and then mock me, to hang about with abusive communities that became obsessed with my private parts complaining about the smell they caused. It is not really a problem for me as such since the American Government was the only one in the world, to put up a banner saying Government was out of business and people could return another day. The threats never die down, insults associated with knowing where my Books were located and laying it to waste because I churned their tummy as well, setting the stage for the way that the elimination of all that suggests they were not entitled to my career and the complain about smell issues associated with making decisions on how I should be handled like a thing abusively, is to end as badly as it looks; to retrieve my social life, private dignity and public image, to be able to attend any matter of personal, social and financial importance without bearing their foolish powerful input, making stupid comments over all I got up to, stifling my Book sales while I had not the physical disposition to work for money.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland