When we speak of the activities of evil women and things others do to gain from their activities, it is largely supposed I am talking about what I deem a no problem in the deluded sense that their activities are matters of desperation and moments of unusual activity but it is not what I mean; what I mean is that giving a three hour speech and a friend after that and then another which does nothing but damage the work and business of some worthless man who does not have the strength to satisfy women sexually or fight for them somewhere, to foster the glory of women and girls is not a moment of an act of desperation but has been planned right down to the last detail – so is the extremism they star in society over the fact they cannot keep their insults and a need to find men and order them around to themselves. It is the insanity of attacking others in the most vicious and violent way imaginably sustainably for a decade creating lots of fuzz at the highest level of government and then at the International community only to claim it was a mistake concerned with the fact they were not aware he or she was happy and excited because of the good things happening in his life and not because of the bad things happening in theirs: these are the deranged idiots we call out diplomats today and that is why it thus never improves. I am only certain I will not tolerate the Popular culture and its sexual pressure on me, more so while they complain of sexual abuse and have become convinced it is the only form of abuse there is too.

The rest not mentioned are collateral damage and some very, very strange Church idiots whose presence in any Church in this world I do not regret nor do I any contributions I have made to this world which have therefore resulted in their appearance there. A typical example is of course such as the fact that their insults and alternative purposes or meanings for my work has created a condition of the maintenance of a state of affairs to find out what it is exactly they wish to show or prove especially for the Americans but this has only meant they have had a new victory and thus set forth to the other item of incredible sufferings that have so many explanations that make sense and then do not make any more sense and then makes sense again at some point to the fools who listen to it and seek themselves which is entirely about my being good looking and they having a desire; they always say it is not as evil as the genocide they do complain about of course - which is why those who practice it give them money to help them move around from where they were put out of sight, so they can find and murder those about whom there is greater benefit if killed - this again is not a problem, only a sign of their power and unfathomable stubbornness they think means they are ordering and pushing men around.

Of course I am aware that female Celebrities are the biggest source of bullying especially of the property and health and finance kind, that I have to put up with; none of it is actually surprising, it’s just that the case at the heart of the matter is that many people depend on the jobs that they create all be it by being celebrities through pillaging my Royal property and Public work where I come from and am coming from thereof as such so it is an uneasy arrangement but they have the choice to continue and see me find a way around that too as we have seen they are not aware people have had enough of them as well around here at the British Establishment and that I am fundamentally being attacked for getting involved with them at all knowing it will lead to hurt and problems.

so currently they think they have softened me up and I will get beaten up by their stupid children who will turn up here so I can plug them into the world the stupidities of their parents have created to measure where exactly they were successful but for now I am giving it time and they cannot move on, there is something about me that provokes politicians which means they try their Political violence on me so as to extricate power and win against their opponents. If these behaviours were privileges it cannot be sustainable because their talk harms health and wellbeing. We do hear it is largely a matter of measuring how I will handle the dialogue of my disposition of which there are no dialogue; it’s the politicians getting involved, damaging finances and letting their idiots chase my anus and penis and talk nonsense about violence while they have a go at me knowing I am hungry and nauseated – so the threats will bring up a wholly different and new kettle of fish before it stops as well. They find it amusing alongside their media idiots of course and it cannot be amusing both ways; it is not true I interfere with their culture for being Royalty, nothing here belongs to them and of course the only way to improve the situation is to ensure every time one party practices it on me before they go off to kick their rivals and win elections there will be serious trouble, so they can put their money where their mouth is; the story of being beaten up is a matter of what we have time for and I have not made time for it, their threats will ensure I do at the end of the day or they can get off my books and tell their media idiots who will never be able to find it amusing in my world and theirs at the same time too. We do hear I am an example of the reasons young Muslims go off to Jihad of course which is utter nonsense, as I do what I do because I want to do it; they do say I have no choices of course and what they mean is that what is stopping me is access to media by people who are civil and criminally disobedient as a result of which the average time lapse between when I go all hysterical over what they do to me and issue warnings and when it happens again is 2 seconds for instance because they know my reaction can only offer them self-improvements or hand them a means to other people’s careers so they can make more money.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland