They do claim that nothing was being done about the misogyny I subtly encouraged every day, it is naturally utter nonsense as a scenario in which they ran away from female society whilst I had developed a good arrangement with it, even though they were women and I am a man is a complete social life, hence not clear what the rest and the immoral society leadership being supplied by the self-exhibitionist gits they regard as famous people really is about. It has always been an issue that women faced a challenge with the male population and they were only interested in opportunism to get rich fast by getting in league with the men or doing anything necessary to make money without having to do any work, so a scenario emerges where they always ran away from female society because several people failed to plan the finances properly on their account year on year. It is never a matter of misogyny on my account but more a matter of being handled by idiots trying to get rich fast and therefore nothing I said was listened to with respect to their interest in my affairs, garnished with a need to do me favours and get me stuck with their problems which comes with a process of trashing my career first, to suggest its stupidities was popular or famous not looking for trouble – not least the idiots who watched me on CCTV and got imagination into my panties the whole time, so that Celebrities got to pay them for it and everybody thought that was the best way to make money if they spent most of their lives on nefarious activities as such. It is always the insults and then the boyfriends were bigger than I am, then I had to worry about my career being cancelled, as stupidly as possible, if it is not dead from its stupidities yet, the boyfriend which was another story entirely because he has not yet learned to keep his fingers off my bum.

I do not think it is a crisis, these are just some of the facts behind the trouble being made over claims that it was either the Police was using my disposition to bash people or the military was dragging people into difficult corners where they had to do national service but on the other hand, I am having my finances trashed so I may be set out as a character that was big and important, failed to share and is now somebody whom when he gets killed by racism saves everybody from discrimination for a longer period of time than most who had gotten killed by it, so when I set the stage for them to get killed, the famous idiots will show up and stop me then fail to figure out what they wanted to do with it – it gets the imagination into my panties and when I decide to live in its comfort zone a bunch of idiots decided I stood up for myself in a way that was the due of more important people – always the insults and the short abusive videos it claims was the way advertisement should be made, until I led younger people to make popularity culture from how passionate it got the last time Police got involved with its affairs, then the famous had to trash my crime control publicity that stood in the way of me being taken advantage of and gas lighted as they say it – above all it complains all the time whilst you are caught up in financial purgatory over its need to show up and suggest that its media presence put its stupidities in charge of your concerns whilst it knew nothing about it. I mean I do wonder how anybody would run off insults where they got imagination into my panties and then got Celebrities to reward them financially for it to set a stage which suggested it was the best way for people to make money without doing work and it turns out the idiots have been doing it to me for years, this was the shop manager twat who decided it was best I ended up with a profile in which they were better off with me as a customer and not an employee, so it became more difficult for me to get employment since others had to do the employing as I went to their place to spend, then shows up here a bunch of stupid poofs, stifling my Bookshop after getting me to drop out of University earlier on – all part of the big boyfriend show whenever their stupidities were not complaining about me as well, so far, most of the complaining being about the way it had spent all its professional energy on me about which I am not giving it a lease considering it spends most of its time running off tribalism activities that arrive at the City centre to handle other peoples careers and extract large figure salaries from peoples companies and the way that it needed to bash the financial schedules it found on its way there meant its big boyfriend thing tended to put so much energy into widening the wealth gap, before it shows up here with corrupt security and rogue landlords that will give it access to my privacy, fingering my bum whilst it complains. It is still ripping up my Bookshop for an abusive fun that its famous fools will also enjoy and there were claims that there were reasons for these activities to occur whilst the only real reason is that they invite themselves into my concerns and never listen to anything I said, so I had since been complicit with criminals, hoodlums and extremist groups as well, always assumes the fight will be the part where I got beaten and more often than not, it was the point where it got to listen to what I am saying.

They do claim this is all people who fell behind expecting everybody else to make them comfortable, which is utter nonsense as it is a matter of failing to prevent their practical jokes causing career and academic distraction after fighting so far against it for 20 years. It loves to shoot off its big mouth naturally but it is a matter of schedule and the way that the finances were better, the earlier I started working on it – so it is becoming a matter of idiots who did not get past their teenage years the way I did, putting themselves in charge of matters here they knew nothing about with an immoral society, garnished with their stupid children believing when they get imagination into peoples panties they become public figures, ripping finances and career to do so and expressing hate for the female community at my expense but it was always easier to say that if a media presence that was built up for quasi criminals that will attack my health when they felt that access to my career was not making them money for which they had been provided a media presence because I prevented it, and it had become a global stage problem, those who provided them that media presence were better off shutting it down not talking nonsense about their careers and how violent the clowns they regard as fans might attack those who were a threat. Alternatively they can keep the Media presence that was built for quasi criminals that may have gained access to my career to encourage them and leave me with health scares associated with their attitude towards my person and my body whilst they restrict their comments to their careers, shut up and read a Book when they get involved.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Norther Ireland