I am told I have never really recognised that I had lost all I had at the Monarchy, reality is that this is not me, more a matter of a version of me whose whole life is now about the abuses and insults of the famous and the way that the quasi criminals made the most of it; it seems that some people at positions of authority wish to see what will become of this gimmick where information supplied them about others by criminals was considered fact, for my part it has been a matter of Politicians picking up random projects from my career and the way I end up somewhere thinking I had resolved the matter but it will hit me hard where I least expected, whilst academic pursuits were damaged and now finished off with a process where some famous idiots clung to my income margins and were investing in ideas about whom I should be allowed to associate myself with. The people running the male Monarchy system are the ones I am waiting to see sort out this matter, as per the way they had decided they wanted to run their show: it has been decades of this and I after the mess mentioned above had to deal with authority divulged from the then Queen’s Office to that of the then Prince of Wales, I am now the same dealing with a crisis where Middle Eastern Countries that did not sort out their terrorism problems properly, dug up minerals from the earth for money and enjoyed picking up my assets without permission, the stress being added by the abuses of their famous idiots who want to be able to tell others what to do and are always building on a crowd that they instruct to forcibly make me do what they want is quite incredible. So contrary to claims I suggest I liked to take risks at Government matters, we know they had not consolidated their position and that I cannot follow them whilst I had so much to lose. The Americans were a completely different story, those were veterans on this nonsense, so they already had ageist gits in a community putting labels on me, crashing my career publicity and finances, to send out low lives that will share my personal space and convert my image from that of a writer which thus encourages people to try and find out what I have written, into a tool for sales business, only for the famous fools that facilitated the whole process, to get off attacking me because I had not responded to the threat of what they started here affecting them too. We can as such see the way that the 20 year career mess here has played out and the way those responsible have refused to stop pushing this famous persons insults at me, which was the cause of it all, we have also seen them pick up civil service narcissism, if I were living on social security while I had it figured out, so I need to make a statement about how simply mine was compared to their own that involved running people down all the way back to first grade because they were making money, Book readers do not perform these activities, pose these questions or cause people such distress and I am set now to squeeze my career out of them as a statement that should ensure they got to fool around somewhere else. They bring up the point endlessly, that there were underlying issues of which we know it was a matter of my personal space being used my famous gits to feel good about their job and that I am being attacked for withdrawing access due to the career damage that they cause, such that the question became one of their gimmicks having affected them too and whether they were actually paid as a matter of their jobs, to start it off in the first place. They do claim I had a responsibility which is utter nonsense as there is nothing whatsoever to do, same story of being told I gave it all away when I talked about the fact that their careers were socially millimetres away from what the prison service was doing, at all times and for this they got into league with their German and American friends who were prolific twats for such nonsense, to ensure others paid the price for it, now informing me clearly that the insults which divert client attention from my Books after all this fuss will not be stopped of their own accord. It is always good to fool around when it is working well naturally, like we see at the Monarchy their big idea was that there was duty to protect the weak and the bad people being invited into a good system were weak people whom when protected will arrive at a result that was good for all but the foundation for their male society gimmicks is one of pimps and prostitutes, so information about me supplied by criminals was fact because they were unaware that the sexual and sexual context abuses that criminal use to communicate after they have run down their target neighbourhoods and consolidated their position, was the main thing women turned up here to resolve, each time they wrecked my finances and pushed off the insult that I spent too much time in the company of women, it does though make sense of the way that I have developed a need to see them figure out, whilst we are now working on a clash with the famous, to see if doing so will become a habit into the future, the Americans are done with the dragging Royalty through the mud gimmicks, alongside their German and Italian friends, I mean we do not get along so well with the French but even the French mellow on this behaviour most of the time, now it is time to move on and there was a problem with the fact they were all out of their depth.

They do claim I always planned to attack Celebrities, I would not know anyway, I know it is this stupid notice that if society was evil enough, people like me would never survive, making such a mess for me and eventually arriving at a point where I had a state of mind which was not thrilled that they existed and they had developed abusive insults that encouraged people to try and handle my concerns to make me do things that pleased the famous from a criminal social life disposition, whilst they offered an announcement to me that I may complain but they would never stop doing it.

The excuse is that I had bright ideas but it did not occur to me that nobody wanted it. The reality is that when I talk, I am expecting to address abusive society gits whose only method of communication was to get their imagination around peoples body holes for satisfaction and sexual gimmicks, to fill their ideology that Politicians think people should avoid exploring minds with information that allowed me control their thoughts as well and use my public image to impose fame on them as well. The role of the Celebrities and Media was to announce they were Allied to the King of England and the American president and their fame was based on encouraging people to forcibly make me do their bidding as they got into a position where they could take from anybody, anything they wanted, the announcement made is that they would not stop the insults thereof. So I am trying to run a Bookshop and the respect shown towards the business world was the problem, the business world with effect on the streets being that people saw my writers personality as something they could get involved with for all sorts of stupid reasons as designated by male society who were trying to sell things and get rich on it, whilst they had decided their talk of the town insults in short videos they suggested was the was advertisement is made, was the correct thing to do, transferred this to their sales armies to build profits on the streets and hang about with empty characters in empty offices squabbling with each other all day, whilst these fools made me into a character that can be bullied when people wanted to befriend them.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland