The information from parliament is that Political corruption is now completely out of control, which is largely expected as the Prime Minister’s Office is not a guarantee of wealth – that said, it is still lucrative to work the Office of a Politician, 8 years as Prime Minister, 4 years in a top civil service department which is likely to occur, and maybe 6 years as a diplomat and you were ready to retire at 60 but what we see today are not Politicians, we are talking about people who run down tax payer time at Parliament, so that they may get to befriend the wealthy through Government Office and it has now grown into a real public problem. Here they say I have done some work on it which ensured the problem was not so bad but this was not the prognosis or premise for the corruption at Government buildings, it is the audacity to build something which ensured that everybody else’s career was wasted if the said person was unable to get around with the wealthy and to make money from the virtue of Government Office. their excuse is that I am not good enough for my position while it rather seems that I am set to get the rewards for all my work at once – since it is clear that Bookshop successes were linked to a completion of my studies which were linked to a social disposition that would make sense to them but did not matter to me as the mess they made of my first attempt in my 20s determined our history therefore is no longer a factor.

Eventually we find it play into the hands of the Media and Celebrities who remind victims of the way the USA ruled the world all the time but if they were the people issuing the threats, there was no way that I was likely to take up the fact they were well rounded idiots who did not know what to do with relationships or when faced with danger, suckled my Office and work well enough to say they were now bigger and stronger and could fight my wars, thus out to get benefits for their new found social disposition, whose sense of superiority adds to their stupidities and hits people when people leave home to attend to the daily concerns, causing the current epidemic of abdominal discomfort, I would never adopt a disposition where I got to end it badly as well. I mean they have had it long enough, showing up to make a mess of my Bookshop everyday and keeping it running to get a response from me so I could never get the bills paid, they have had it for the best part of 9 years and have been running it every day, nothing more to see, save the fact they are unlikely to stop of their own accord.

They do claim this was all an indication of how much power they had and they have no power whatsoever – first of all, it makes a mess of peoples careers, setting victims as characters others bullied to get around with the wealthy and some idiot pays for everything that it puts up on the platform and then it decides that it wants to like in my case, pick up my service processes to build a version of me whereby what I did to serve clients can be diverted to serve its needs, eventually building up to a clash where clients cannot engage with my Books after I had built a partnership due to the way their practical jokes ruining business for employers of those who did, chiefly, the abusive way to address me which causes the criminals they associate themselves with while attacking others to show how important they were at the same time, to show up here and get around my private parts all day, implying that to stop it, I will need to stop their famous insults – the clash happening with the fact they then roll into my concerns with expensive cars and clothes to say they can solve all my financial problems in a hairs breath but never pay for what they use and we can never reach an agreement on a schedule by which they will begin to do so, issuing threats while it keeps its salary. Speaking in terms of their concerns on how this was likely to end, I continue to reiterate the importance of not making comments about my career if they thought that maintaining the facts accorded me free PR, what is likely to happen is that there is a certain money in their bank accounts which should not have been there, due to somebody paying for products they have set out to sell in a way that got me to lose something important, they now need to stop behaving as if they were entitled to my career, as I need to ensure that money showed up at the market to provide me an opportunity for a recovery of my financial equity or the outcome is likely to be that I will trace those finances and turn up on their famous persons door step for it.

They do boast that it is the working of superiority but I am certain I mentioned before that they picked up my career at a make or break and broke it with social issues; so it seems that when I scale back the finances, they trash it completely and are themselves looking like things that extremists will want to play with too. There is even talk that I expect them to back down which does not come in at all, it needs to get out of bed to get into clothes and travel to an Office to rip up my Bookshop, then challenge me endlessly while its family was blissfully unaware and I had difficulty paying the bills, to progress to the part where it found its way out of my life and my concerns, nobody is expecting it to backdown on anything here. Eventually they say that what I am doing does not make any sense whatsoever, I tended to let the insults run as they always set out the core of the problem most of the time i.e. what I did does not make any sense, teases up facts to say that a normal person would not have thought that the fact I worked private creative equity with companies was a business disposition about which I was asking to be attacked on the streets. Like they say that my Books do not make sense, the facts behind my Books being that I am a serious minded person, the Books were the fun part of me, contrary to them being serious minded at work while they had fun at home and it is so annoying and frustrating they enjoyed ripping up my finances by obscuring this fact. Some people have suggested the Books are not the joke I claim they are but they are from my point of view, I suppose a measure of the reasons I regularly end up describing people as Clowns. In the end it is a question of one day having to face the public and say that I spent all the public image on the Celebrities, now out to tell them the correct way to sort out the finances was through the jobs market, we know if I failed to keep a watch of my concerns, the Celebrities will make it this way for me; current results are that it is difficult convincing the public of this because they have been spending so much money on Celebrities, thus cannot pin it on me as such, as I have pointed out earlier on a personal note, the famous now need lay off my finances or I will trace my financial equity to their doorstep. This is the new challenge after years of work to partner with companies and develop products for people who needed products that will help boost their incomes and ensure because they had more money, they were likely to spend more in the future as well – people have been making Celebrities rich on the basis that my social life was converted into something that made me a character others bullied to get around with the wealthy.

I do get told when I say something of this nature, it shows capitalism is not so bad, much the same as the state of affairs was with the Celebrities fighting the Russians after they claim that these trouble makers were nice people (the nice people who run people down to get rich quick and will easily pick up a brilliant student in the neighbourhood and turn those into characters that chased unusual sex, finishing off with public suicide screaming revolution, will make money from the abuses and host underground parties lolling at victims, to start again when they get an opportunity, were nice people compared to an Arch Prince trying to rub shoulders with them – years later, it is in league not with ageist goons with industry on their minds, society gits with communities that chase peoples bottoms but criminals that run people down to use peoples personal space which when victims push back makes them victims of previous victims of the same criminals – the crunch point being that it is now preventing me from sorting out the Bookshop it damaged, will pick up the recovery for self-improvement on media and likely to send out boys to tackle me on the streets and set out girls that will run me down in public all the time, knowing there was social media everywhere and I could do exactly the same things, the purpose of all this nonsense being that I should get to solve those public problems by serving their famous stupidities and it turns out that it knows more about the role that communist Russia plays in the matter than I do), tore up my career when the nice people attacked them and attacked my finances, now engaged in daily media appearance that will ensure I cannot recover it, a seniority that decided it had performed so much practical jokes on my career, that I can now get it back when I had done something to get into trouble with the Police and continued to insist every day, like some stupid crime of passion about which it thinks that should we meet, I would be meeting my demise or my undoing, then set out addressing me in a way that ran me down so badly, if it was said that the head of state was conducting a tree planting investiture on my right hand and a Politician was meeting 500 of his constituents on my left and I had to tell what my place was, people would force me into the fringes where its idiots could finger my bum and highlight its needs to me everyday. Eventually claiming I set them out as villains while the wealth equity was meant to produce entertainment that supported younger people which they got involved with and got paid from of their own free will, before setting out to perform all the above activities including their vendetta of vengeance for the criticising of criminals. Speaking of Capitalism in itself however, it is really not bad, just the way people decided to look like they could only make sense of extreme violence when it turns out that conventionally, a person would ask others to move ten items from location one to location two and get paid a reward of one of the items moved but if the Government said the person could move ten items and get paid the money value of one item which has been created from a financial system, instead of being given one item, to make life easier for them, it seems that money was easier to steal from workers. They loved telling us that people could not win as such but hopefully there will one day be an enforceable ombudsman that will look into the fact they expected others to pay workers, so that they might continue to sell their own products (even the idea that it was about social power not holding out as the badly behaved and even evil people who want the financial benefits of running a business morally will likely clash with a brick wall at the markets and vice versa).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Norther Ireland