So, I have
before mentioned something about Terrorists knowing they will face justice at
some point for the crimes they commit but it does not mean people can echo what
I say without securing their own facts for their own position as well as it
were. The reality is that the US Government for instance was happy to recruit
far right extremists into the military to go off and fight in Iraq which is why
there was so much slaughter of innocent people in that war and their bodies
paraded all over the internet that is also the same thing ISIS is doing today,
when we know none of the terrorists that blew up the twin towers came from Iraq
at all and that Iraq was just a different kind of administrative threat to US
security all together. This is what the terrorist mean when I say they will
face justice at some point, and they say the justice that people who kill
people in Muslim lands face thereof as it were. I understand it is said I
myself wouldn’t say any of these things where it mattered of course but I
wouldn’t know anymore, I know I can take these scumbags any time for my part, it’s
just that I want to write books making war on their deviance and which part of
it the politicians support and attack my finances to make me vulnerable to then
turn up to complain about my actions and the crucible will be the case of how I
never ever support my country over anything concerning the risks others are
taking to keep me safe whereas it is a matter of using my leadership and
complying with my conditions otherwise because they are superior the
consequences can be my fault with a big mouth only and as for the Politicians,
we understand each other very well these days, never mind the football playing
idiots who usually create the hold him down fundamentalisms of somebody turning
up to corrupt their girls of which the last time I checked they were the ones
ending up in prison for rape and so on – so they have had their bit and really
don’t want to piss me off further as well for my part – I am talking primarily
about what I say about terrorism not being echoed by any insolent primarily
white self-serving scum that will prick my temper further; all they know is the
various forms of get ahead spending other people’s possessions deviance which
they know is destructive so they never do it on their own possessions since
they do not want to lose it and the power it might give them over others and to
hold people down when bad things are happening around them for 15 years and
pretend in public places their reaction is deranged is their forte, then they
echo what I say and do in conditions where they are still bloody superior every
time with that stupid media.
I have a
Court of female journalists and I have no idea why they like to think they need
to get involved with me and or that it will be appreciated anyway - I suppose
it has not yet resulted in more serious matters so far as it were; when I say I
do not wish to see any of their silly culture and society, what it means to
them is hold me down with the help of Politicians around bad things that have
been devised to happen around me for 15 years and echo what I say on media. So
they do ask why I have not taken them if I could all these while but it is never
complicated - it’s a matter of how I have chosen to do it and in this case
there is always this bag-log of generic sensibilities that are an untouchable
aspect of their culture and because it means my unique faith and renaissance
and the Royal Estate attached to it is always being threatened on account they
can always gather public support due to existing incentive whenever they claim
I have stolen ideas and aesthetics from their race of culture or society, so I
had to ensure it became a job for them and better still at this point they have
to pay taxes that are paying off a deficit that their Politicians created too,
so echoing things I so in a condition where they are superior to me is looking
for more as it were. It’s nothing complicated; I have to carry the weight of
society and culture on my shoulders when I get to work and when I am with
friends and everything else because the Politicians enjoy wrecking my finances
to allow them, they need to stop echoing what I say, it is the last straw
having been they cannot leave people alone. It is said I am wasteful too which
is not actually true since stage one was the bit where their Politicians find
them a Christian that has the right temperaments for somebody they can work the
deviance they have along with their ego and low tolerance for a condition where
they don’t have everything they have never worked for because they see others
have it and that has gone swimmingly for them for a decade and a half and this
is my turn; it’s no point people buying the books because I said something
about Intellectual Property Administration without gasping this main issues. I
do not think it is a complicated matter - just my position on deviant society
all together; there are many reasons for it and it depends on the outcome, in
my case 10 years unemployment for instance and it could be because they are
stripping me of sexual purity, it could be because they lack energy and are
getting it from me, it could be because as ever I do not allow them enjoy their
deviant society on account it has no way of existing without me and so on but
the reasons are as numerous as people have identity and it’s just my stand
against it; when people hang around my Books and cannot fathom this aspect it
becomes impossible for me to spend time on anything else.
understand it is said I am the devil; I wouldn’t know, I know I am not the
devil but that people suffer a lot on account of me which is akin to what the
devil does but these fools are my bosses you see because they have such blame
cultures in their society as can recycle the problems that comes with that to
ensure that it is actually true in their piffling minds the more they suffer
for it – then there is the result of that story which is their disobedience
that means they cannot stop hurting me and I cannot stop hurting them for it as
well, so all together it’s pretty much devil stuff, it does not mean that I am
but then again as far as they are concerned they are busy getting points of
respect for the devil on people’s minds at my expense and that is why they do
it and the bloody clowns hope that I might be fatigued. The story of being
bullied is a regular one, I know it’s bullying but if people have the energy
for that after their regular jobs then its good luck to them, however it’s the
Politicians that ensure you have to worry about your footprint in the world on
their account so they can get the needed pleasure from it and they will never
accept that is what it is because they are busy telling lies around wealth
distribution to cover for it which they are covering very well even though it
does not do them any good because of what I have been up to as well. In the end
the men will talk about problems all the time and the women will talk about
feminism but that is what it is; they are all bullies and all you need to do is
pay attention to your friends and then you don’t have to worry about how others
live but for me, it’s not before I finish with the Politicians as it were. They
speak of a national embarrassment that needs to clear their perspective of
course but continue with the distant insults, so I am still here, and they can
come and get it when they feel they want to as well. The story is that there is
a way they are supposed to dominate the general public to get rich and I have
refused to make myself a tool in their domination and will be punished for it;
so the punishment is therefore interpreted especially for the European ones
with a big mouth in terms of whether they spend my work on their stupidities
because I am their Father who has to provide for them or wish to punish
anything around here because they are mine – so they can come and get their
perspective if they think they have the fucking guts for it. It’s the same
story about making a mess and setting it out as a separate thing from their
Politics and calling people to join them as a separation from it then informing
them it is a dealing that is supposed to end up in my life and that is because
I have cleaned up everything they tossed at me, so that are such a collection
of trouble makers they create new ones and get on media to talk nonsense when
they make fools errands for them as well, claiming they are the boss which also
means they will have to catch me then if they can. It’s not a question of being
a nimble fighter, it’s a question of not clearing the mess Politicians toss at
you and push into your personal life because you can but because you are being
told to by those who have mandate from the public, so each time they make work
for me they will be busy with so much nonsense that stupid career will be
history as well and I cannot seem to do enough of it too.
It is not
true I am being used and abused, it’s the same old story – celebrities abuse
their local people abuse and so on, it can be ignored because we do not live
the same lives or operate in the same class of society but they have a knack
for handling my books to get my attention and for being me because they don’t
like being themselves with it; so you simply have to decide at some point that
some idiots statement on media or some fools popular culture music or some
goons bigot opinion is not going to affect your book sales any further – they
have their own lives and they had better been talking about that instead, I am
sure they know that is what I am after. I am not trying to impress anybody and
do not need to in any case either i.e. we do not want you to clear up the mess
that we push into your personal life and thereby look like the guy that cleans
up after society as such because you can, we want you to do it because those who
have the power and mandate from the public want you to and made you to with a
big mouth and I cannot ever be allowed to forget about the Royal Estate and
Royal Office and spend time on my Books and Company to earn a living at any
point or any rate because people want to make their own as well and this was
where they lived thereof, so it gets personal really easily when they start to
yap off power they don’t have as it were. I don’t think it is a problem; they
know what my capability is when people deploy my royal estate to build customer
service for products – the stock market ones used to think they deal in fast
money but have now worked out it does not actually work, so I only need to know
if it is possible to forget about the Royal Office and just sell my books
otherwise any fool who thinks I need to clear his perspective can turn up here
and make me. They say I am hated because I suck up to extremists but of course
the reality is that apart from the issue of trapping white people who don’t
want to be racists in racism white women and none white women all want to be
rich, famous and free of work on their way there by getting a bigger man to
beat up a smaller man and collect a career for them, so people have nothing to
worry about if they don’t make work for me and if they do they will attend mine
as well and I will ensure they do not like it.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland