They speak of how I am getting stuck and sticky financially which is utter rubbish; it’s the same old story about my lovely Books on one side and evil twisted scum on the other, which tends to mean that rather than sell Books I am ending up getting help from all sorts of fools that grab my Books and use it to fight their enemies which then means they spend most of their time telling me what to do about those they do not fancy as violently as possible to talk rubbish about doing my stuff and taking all I own in the process should they succeed – while the other ones they tackle think he purpose of their existence is to rip up my finances. I have never thought it a complicated process, the insults and abusive threats are what they are but the only challenge there is around here is one of spending so much time with them I become as stupid as they are wearing suits to get people all confused but standard business practice is chasing peoples anus and so on:- we are not living in school where they should expect a fist fight, so if it is not serious for people to go all the way with these things, there is no point of their behaviour, besides which we cannot all be criminals as a society anyway all together, so the fact people do not want to get into a fight with them and understand how violent crimes work in the process was always predictable – spending so much time with them that one becomes as stupid as they are really is the only risk there is and nothing more. They complain about the culture and society bits of course but we all know that it is easy to write off all relationships they get on their media to build insults and establish with you since it is meant to substitute what you do with Clients, the problem with doing it the conventional way which is the normal way is that these fools establish these relationships everyday – so if I get my hands on that culture and society in a proper way, it is possible I am bluffing when I say they will never see it again along with the Politics and Media that is attached. In the end it is the job in hand that matters and just like they are complaining because I have borrowed the culture and society until the Books are sold, it will be the next thing I will borrow until the Books are sold as well; simple choice of paying attention to it instead of me or eventually have it borrowed. In retrospect it does seem that when I tell people nicely that I want to sell my Books not sit about getting help from everybody while the Books are the thing we all know they do not want to see me get successful by all day long, looking for trouble, they might listen but while they are not, they do make out that their activities are confusing which it isn’t, when I do the Book sale numbers at the end of every day, it isn’t and they are getting everything they deserve from it. As for the part about being forced to serve at the Monarchy; that was an old story where it will get off the city centre and show itself at the Monarchy and then it will say that my body type is solving problems that would have cracked it up and that it does not like itself which it should only tell people it has signed confidentiality agreement with most of the time, it has a new greed to play with then because it has no respect for me, this then gives rise to a process where it he always creating me problems and a fight and telling me I will never run out anyway therefore he should not be denied, which is the same old story of their involvement with my concerns without wanting to know what my interests are, if they can get their complains on media first; so when the Prince of Wales sees it, One will chose a new vanity and speak of how it is the way his own is to be done for him as well, like all Men think the rules do not matter until the bad things happen and then it becomes something they do every day with no thought to an ending where they were using their body type to do it as well and their King had to abdicate. The ones that get married into the family are much the same story; their marriage was rather recent but they have decided that since this is being paid for by the Government and the Monarchy they will take it and have not given thought to how I am going to hand it to them as well, like they all think somebody who has duties to perform at Church and State will think matters of the latest fashion and celebrity would be interesting all the time. The rest however should be here if they are buying my Books otherwise are looking to find themselves some trouble too. it’s never a complicated matter unless The Prince of Wales who is most notorious of all given some support for it; I mean since the Queen is old the general idea is that she is old sold woman on the right hand side whereas those who have seen One’s younger self know she is the same type that get into the city centre to bully people and grab careers and have boyfriends that back her up and do exclusive night clubs and bars alongside all the time – so the Prince of Wales always does it when he sees these goons at it and then it will turn out that leads down abdication route, then it will not seem like such a good idea but by the time it is stopped people who do not deserve to are fucked all over anyway. They do say I am weak and expect others to do it for me but it has nothing to do with being weak; what happens is that Germany is world power and France is worth power and the US is world power and Japan is world power and there are a thousand and one world powers out there that civil rights idiots and their media can bully me financially by, so I think it is simple enough to understand they are complaining about the culture and society presently but what is going to happen next is the bit where I borrow those jobs they refuse to pay attention to and then it is get a bit more serious; I mean the general story is that when it is nice its idea of graduating from University to secure a top job involves screwing with my interests in China to help a German Auto Manufacturer sell cars and its Politicians live dreams of peoples empire being sacrificed to open up new markets that help to end the recession, when it is not the fools will be seen enjoying the beauty of the Countryside while their foolish thoughts drift to somebody in the neighbourhoods pretending to be what he is not whenever others manufacture goods and services;  so that when Aston Martin brokers with me, he will get employed on the design team in BMW where he steals all of Aston Martins deigns to work for BMW and blames it on me – if I broker with both, then it becomes a two way streak that he likes to blame on me as well – thus the media attention aids with complains about the culture and society I have borrowed so far while Royal friends think the enterprises built around them will survive if they are so fond of damaging mine, blabbing of which Estate I will lose all the time to facilitate their public place insolence. The big question then becomes that it was a matter of simple competition which refers to a question of whether Prince Harry can do a better job for the Duke of Cambridge than I can, which answer to I do not have; all I know is that I am the resident Arch Prince and have to do what I need to do on a daily basis without interruption; they enjoy making a mess all the time where a Company will build its enterprise around the Prince and perhaps five diplomats in Asia and one President in Europe – they will suddenly assume that will survive if the one company that builds its own around me and the five diplomats in the US and the one President in the Middle East gets their own totally destroyed. So eventually the disrespect gets to that stage where my very existence is a risk for the brands all together while it is not their intellectual property administration business they are talking about and need pay attention to their own before I borrow it too: I mean it is such that in their world they actively keep the liabilities a secrete but in this business talking openly about Liability is actually responsible for over 50% of our operations and I need people who know nothing of it and have no business with it to pay attention to what is actually their own concern. Same as that other case where we see them chase my Estate as Fashion; all its time is spent trying to own and Intellectual Property Administration business as well and it Is talking to me, it is addressing me, I need to fix some problem created by disrespectful Africans when it comes to its superior European Culture and these problems are associated with Mobility to go to the US and be a big designer star and then out of curiosity I will do it for him to see what will come of it and what we will find a lot of the times is that their main operations are located either in Kenya of South Africa and that it is busy having me and engaging itself in an exercise to see if I can be homosexual too – it cannot get on the public image to make money and move on, it stays to dominate and bully and now it is staying permanently all together and loving it too. they do speak of my showing what my duties are by responding to the complains of the media and actually doing something about it, which is utter nonsense – what has really happened is we are BBC or Sky and we value our Board meetings, we value what the millions of people who help us feel comfortable with the fact the brand belongs to us all over the world get up to but we simply cannot respect your own, so we pick up advertisement contracts and its purpose will be to help popularity fools and sex workers to money derived from your public image and then finish off the advertisement contracts by laying claims to your person and property all together; just about made it as we can see, still having fun with its daily gimmicks in an assumption it will end so nicely when it kicks off again; I mean the sheer amount of complications that need resolving when a sole proprietorship is said to be stealing opportunities from a corporation that specialises in broadcasting and we are talking about somebody with an Office that needs to be accountable to the Public as well and we are not yet talking about getting to Court so far – blabbing being more responsive to their complains at me with a big mouth; even the bits about claims I push massive responsibilities on people is still to be resolved as a whole – we are looking at Court I made arrangements for because they were women in a job whereby they had to talk about what was fact all day and in a world of Men and westerners and domestic abuse was the next best thing to narcissism towards a priest but was also completely unprotected most of the time – these goons have since eliminated and taken over the bits about women getting involved with society due to the need to find news reports which is uncomfortable and dangerous and they had decided to do as liaison with my Public work and Office, it has now been taken over by stupid men who bastardise my Books and realise that somebody will risk their lives if they were sent into a war zone, thus made arrangements on certain kinds of men they will send and how it is to be done, well garnished with new western corruptions and how what I say tends to encourage terrorism, all fixed and done as far as they are concerned, blabbing at me. I mean they have socialites they protect when they tell me I cannot look after journalists while the news is being made; the socialites who show up to be girls in the yard that make an enterprise out of incidents that is and only God knows how people lives they have torn apart for their gimmicks, the more abusive meaning the more money they get etc, so it’s always worth asking what their price is considering they do also say everybody has a price as it were and then when the insults mean they complain I end up in their homes as a spirit temperament, we find out what becomes of wealth inequality as well for a start.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland