They do love to boast that what had happened to me was very satisfactory but it beats the imagination what has happened, save an alliance between a handful of criminals and some famous idiots who pick up my equities to make money and then set about picking up my finances as well which never needed to happen – 13 year financial misery had been explained as an action the famous twats had to perform to ensure I saw the importance of covering their backsides for a living, so the process of handling my concerns to make money and then tackling my finances had to be done, since it added up to an evil business of hitting me with a cultural indemnity I would never get out of, like things I would want to murder, their stupidities wanting it to such an extent the process of causing me all that suffering was meant to open up my personality, so that it might be forced on me. All we have is a handful of idiots complaining about abusive disrespect where people get imagination up their bums, showing up around my residence to do some work and then picking up personal life they saw, to build a community that got imagination up my bum for money making reasons, working the alliance with the stupid Celebrities who showed up at criminal backyard popularity to take revenge on me for what had happened to criminals. The biggest question of all is still one of the meaningful reasons that we are doing this, but I have reached a point after five years of my social life and career stagnating, to provide these scum with an appropriate response.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland