Now what people are trying to explain is happening here is that they are forcing me to get involved with a fight for civil rights but it has always been the old story that whilst these idiots complain the most about injustices they are the ones who relentlessly celebrate the idea of forcing people do not what people do not want to do – whilst they complain the most about injustices they are the same who can tell what I am capable of when I have not yet ended up with a history of making myself famous over forcing them to comply with the kind of relationship their parents want to have with them like they pass insults at me to ensure they were doing for their own fame. So it comes down to the old story of the fact that they are not interested in whether I am homeless on account that we have three parts to this matter – Celebrities, My writing career and Society goons, such that the only thing they do with media is put up suggestions that I operate on the basis of affirmation I get from people around me and that since they have media they can decide what that should be and do whatever they like with my possessions, while everything to do with shows and awards are fundamentally built on the business of working out what my trade secrets are instead of buying Books; the idiots must know they are causing a lot of distress concerning the way my Books are leaked to the Public to make their stupidities feel important, they must know they are making me ill with respect to the way they spy on me and pick up my work to make themselves look important by, they must know they are causing distress over the familiarity of their insulting children and how it generally tends to secure their future in terms of complaining to Politicians and Celebrities about my attitude but whenever we see them on media, they do nothing else apart from build a crowd of idiots with ideas about what to do to me, who help them secure my trade secrets and use it if not hand it over to others through advertisement ripping up my finances and pretending forgiveness for it was their human right – they must know they are causing a lot of distress with all these things when we hear them get off blabbing about forcing me to do things as well, so it goes without saying that when I handle their civil rights as well, I should do what I can to ensure it is no longer capable of supporting their business communities, then and only then will this nonsense end, meaning I am wondering if we have ended up having a conversation about it because their stupidities are asking me how it is meant to end all together.

I have no real problem with these issues, it has always been the story of some very evil idiots who want to be able to cause immense suffering and distress to good people, since I had detached it from mainstream living, it had turned to the destruction of my property with my Book sales as the means by which it gets me to pay attention to its media exhibited stupidities – to this effect, I have asked them to stop running off their foolish media and celebrity jobs on my trade secrets since it is now a phenomenon they can play with in the public sphere on Publicity I have built for the Books and so have I been informed that this will never occur, thus I am going to begin the process of making sure it stops. Hence likewise the story of the politicians and their supporters being a question of whether the complains are due to the life changing insults I tolerate in the neighbourhoods or not; we all know the idiots never allow young people study at school and never allow ex-criminals learn at work, I have no idea why they believe it is news, but they have run out of warning at this point, I have had enough. They do speak of how I could never defend this position naturally but we know it’s a story about disobedient Federated goons, all I am asking contrary to this suggestion of when they were prepared enough and wanted to see by how much I have had enough of them as well, I want an end to their Celebrity jobs and media careers running off on publicity I have built for my Books – the writing career is not a contact point by which their stupidities are to get through to me.

This is all happening for one simple reason i.e. I was given all I needed with the Royal commission, the Finances were tied to it by Equity and I had to release that money to pay my way, what I have ended up with is American led Global leadership which will ensure that my Estate released money for the entire world and they went down in history as champions of wealth equality; the idiots have never before spent time sorting the criminals that follow them around with their protest moments but are convinced this is the best way to serve the world, so it goes without saying I will do the same thing with those civil rights movements that build them public equity for those small businesses as well before it stops apparently and I think it is all going to kick off over a fight with the Media. They speak of Industry people who hate my guts but we know it’s an old tale of the fact they have never really stopped the sickening processes of stifling my livelihood, so I had none, and could not say I had a career and family because of the public image they had built for me on media and are always determined that they will be peddling my personal life and public image for every product they are asked to sell in order to make customers feel important – the idiots complain about the consequences of the insults to Politicians and Media everyday but have not yet decided how they plan to stop doing it as it were; so I am said to be unaware my lose ends are not tied and they are, these fools are set to get stuck with me until they are past it, then will they have to live up to that big mouth I put up with endlessly or I am not losing a Global range Royal Hermitage Literary Business to any part of their stupidities and this was rather simple enough to understand. The question here is how these Media goons and Celebrity fools stifling my income by running off this Publicity for me over the last 6 years every day, to say that the trade secrets of my Books as an eventuality associated with their stupid Celebrity careers must be taken from me and handed to more worthy persons, in this matter but it is an example of why when they complain it is so important to know that they are doing so.

Anything can happen between the point at which my Books go into production and the point at which the Public consumes it, these processes of physical handling however will not go unpunished.  They always say I encumber their fame, so if I say I have not it’s a relief that relies on me while they think more of those stupid secret society powers they plan to save their foolish selves from work based incomes at my expense by as insultingly as possible, then show up on Media to make good of it i.e. it’s the old gimmick about finding a way to become more important than I am and the idiots have not yet found one. It still goes back to early work exposure days when I met my parents at the Office and they had a certain behaviour towards the job – does not make any sense but nice i.e. you think that you want that whenever you see people do it, which is the wrong things to do while you should be thinking it is how to work for it instead; whenever conservatives are corrupt, your hands are tied behind your back and you are stuck with these Liberal idiots inflicting this state of mind on you and robbing you of all normalcy, only for their homosexuals to get all over the City centre passing about life changing insults concerning the sort of respect that CEOs deserve and this is what must stop happening to this Hermitage at this point – It’s always either they are claiming I have damaged the culture that supports that stupid secret society powers while complaining about my Tummy issues to raise awareness for it in every public places or they are claiming I had damaged the Celebrity culture about which I had also provoked them by going off to write a Book that causes nostalgia and I have asked them to stop running off their Media and Celebrity jobs on it and any Publicity items thereof, I have been informed this will never happen too, so we are set to see how I will stop it myself all together (the question of knowing what I know but not making that much progress with my finances all together i.e. it cannot be that complicated to look after this Hermitage and ensure my academic work is completed to provide me income and platform having been they have such intense need to use my personality to create a business as Media moguls that I am always tired of it most of the time).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland