It simply
became relevant eventually to set out parameters to chase the matter of the health
and wellbeing of The Family Members in the face of the event I have been
responsible for the ill health of some troublemakers between me and them at
this stage.
event of history of course where the Royalty of Europe have to take steps and
stick their necks out to prevent budding roots of fascism while Politicians
whose names it seems we are being forced to make a part of our global history
go so far as to ferment and even fund it. On this occasion, at the very basic
and fundamental level in the period after the first and second world war is the
British Royal Family.
They so
say I am an obstacle to Scottish independence but I do not have such a problem,
it’s just a reality that if every time I pick a pen to write something that is
so inspired by God it shakes up evil and wickedness in the world, I must be
punished by abuses on media by those who keep their eyes fixed on me to that
extent because they think they can do and undo with anybody as it were, then
let the devil do his own dirty work or they can stop complaining – we all know
they want to move into my right hand and lodge themselves there permanently and
I will never be free of throes as a result until they do and then I will never
be free of that too after and it will end very well too. I mean 14 years of
financial damage orchestrated by idiots at the highest levels of Government
that is their possessions to do it with and the reasons are that they want to
handle my possessions and blackmail me into giving up my right hand side to
them and the numberless times I mention my displeasure when they attack me like
that to demand those kinds of incredibly stupid things are as numerous as the
rubbish we hear them make instances to talk about in public places along with
the threats issued and a sense of being able to rule me and so this whole
matter is built around that all together i.e. their feelings matter and mine don’t
and they do those things because I interfere with their perspective which
annoys them and I always feel they want a piece of me directly whenever they
say that as well.
We do hear
of this claim I round up celebrities and use their work for my own gains of
course but that is never true; what is, is that a celebrity will sell pictures
of herself pregnant and naked and does not ask herself why it was important to make
it at my expense and why it actually paid off financially and it is the same
with when they are modelling for a product and so on; so that it gets to a
point where I have to ask them if they want the job and some of them do accept
the roles I give them while others want to show me my place as well with a big
mouth - so this claim is built around a matter of the issue of if you want it
you can have it but you have to understand it is what I do for a living and so
on and not everybody who wants it will get it either, leading to the other part
where they keep bothering me and I keep going round in circles over the matter
of why they cannot leave it if they do not want it and so on and this of course
is actually not a state of affairs that will stay permanently as it were. I
never take advantage of Celebrities in anyway whatsoever, a large number of
them do not know their place and will be shown it around me if events current stays
the same.
I always
regularly get told the biggest problem I face is the claims I make about myself
but it is really difficult to locate exactly what those claims are supposed to
have been but I can imagine the biggest of them must be that I claim to be
Royalty when I am not but of which if I did claim to be Royalty when I am not
they are not in ownership of any means or process whereby people claim to be
Royalty when they are not - what they are in ownership of is simply a case
where everybody Including The Queen must understand they are trying to make
money with our lives and therefore co-operate and they need to stay off my
books and make their money in lawful and legitimate ways as well. I am rather
hard pressed to locate exactly what a collection of vagabond Royalty will do to
me anyway save they bring along with them an entire army otherwise they can
always shut their filthy mouths and keep their insolence where people who
appreciate it actually reside. I do not believe it to be a crisis for my part
anyway - it’s a matter of working really hard to resist taking note of what
women are vulnerable to in order to develop revenge for each and every tiny
little slight intimate insult that they assume they deserve, so I rather get
hysterical and sit about dispatching warnings all the time but it does not mean
there is anything that they can do anyway never the less. I knew it would come
to this in the end anyway all along because where their needs apply no One's
decision really matters. They are not a safe place for me as a person, they are
not a safe place for my books, they are not a safe place for my allies business
and Government and Industry alike, they are not a safe place for my fans, they
are not a safe place for my Company but it seems to be most important to them
to be found around all of these things - so I am really pressed to locate what
it is they can do to me as such, so they can shut the insults or they can bring
an Army along. The Politicians do love to claim their games obviously; deviant
people are about to kill them but their idea of which is the easy way out to
seek whenever there is a problem implies that religion is the reason for the
evils of the world when nobody really know exactly how they came to the
prognosis that religion can be a bad thing in the first place anyway and then
we hear their stupid insults all over the place about who is responsible for a
Political crisis.
Now there
is that talk of me claiming to be Royalty when I am not that needs to be
addressed of course; I have no idea how it gets to become more important than
my Books anyway but what is clear about it is that these guys feel every single
moment ought to be play moment of which it is always destructive and violent as
well but always at other people’s expense and every single thing should be a
fun play thing for them too; so I understand that people hate what I have done
to them and so I end up having to respond all the time to their revenge that
largely means they are always either trying to drag me out of home into a fight
or they are always trying to make me clash with some Royalty or they are always
threatening me but I don’t see how this sort of talk will improve things anyway
and the next time they deploy it and it causes me the usual distress that it is
at the moment, we will find out what whomsoever it is that raises it is made of
too. Never the less if I see that culture and society I will cut it up again,
what happens to peoples finances is up to the market and neither me nor them
and I will soon enough had devised my own means of making sure I am the happy
book seller by extricating excessive and very violent public humiliation for
them too and in terms of claiming to be Royalty when I am not they do need to
shut their big mouth and live in the real world like everybody else. Of course
my tough talking has a tendency to lead me into trouble but that is only when
things are done to me that I should have done to them; any normal person
otherwise should be that while they spend time attacking peoples finances to
make them vulnerable to bullying it is possible the victims are spending time
planning revenge as well, so I dare say it is only a care of what happens if I
bloody let them too.
I have no
idea why they have always continued to suggest that it is such a complicated
issue – everybody can now see the only complicated aspect goes beyond thinking
you are involved with the most clever organisms around when you are actually
entangled with bloody idiots, each time an insult ends up affecting the way the
Banks work; it is mainly a case of Politicians helping them to an original
provocation then running off to Government buildings to make laws around it, which
will have nothing to do with morality and religion i.e. I have been there and
done that and do not think there are complicated aspects left. They do say I
might rather have helped people than attacked and criticised them of course,
which is absolutely the main issue with them as a whole; the Books I write they
say helps people cope with depression since they are Intellectual Property
Administration bundles, what they do with it instead is lift pages and
paragraphs they have plagiarised and take them off to various areas of the
world to play up a game of kids that will be put down and others that will be
made into fame vagabonds, the Books helping them with their phobia of work is
the very reason my finances get attacked, it reaches a point where I pay people
to sell it and they become more interested in whether or not other people’s
depression ends up in my life, which I cannot run a Royal Office by and of
course would not have been the way they would have done it, if there was any
slightest bit of respect. I am really never interested in their problems; my
Court is Female only and one of the things that provokes me the most about them
is that the need to have those things that make them manly Men who have respect
for nothing in their lives, still involves talking through to me with Media
when only the Court should have been able to do that for example.
So they
now say I support Mr Trump because there is something I am bitter about;
reality being that deep inside, I know it is wrong for me and it is that other
right side of me they are trying to appeal to – it is indeed very annoying
since its only off the other story about lessons I would have been taught if
Hilary won the elections and everybody knows I never left the UK to travel to
the US, to tell people whom to vote for, so that I might be safe and more so
here in the UK all together. As for the case of why I support Mr Trump, it’s an
old story where they cannot do that Media to save a life if their own lives
depended on it and same with that stupid fashion and same with that stupid
Popular culture and yet all these things are set up as a means by which they
can make money with my Public image which will allow them show up on my case to
practice some form of nepotism that says I love to pretend I had any wealth and
am therefore on some sort of campaign to try and clear up some controversy
people have cooked up about how I live, when I really had nothing in the first
place and have nothing now. It’s never been an issue; it’s the same story that
we hear the Terrorists tell and it’s the same we hear the extremists tell and
we all know each time they say they are superior to others, it’s about their
greed and finding lots and lots of money through it, for this sort of nonsense
and now that we know they cannot do any of these things that gets on their
heads to save a life if their own lives depended on it, telling me what I
should support or why I support Mr Trump is going to make me very angry too –
it’s an old story where if they have a business and you check under their desks
there will be children trapped in there, telling their fortunes. As for the
confusion about people and the way they think I view others etc; it’s a tale of
the fact if I was told to love somebody else the way they show affection
towards me, I would have found it difficult, hence the fact that I do not want
it messed up is not the same as the suggestion I want to see popular culture
scumbags expressing their insanity all over it – if I see that culture and
society, it will be the last time that they see it, every single time; showing
up around my Books and therefore my income is definitely where it will blow up
in their faces.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland