The biggest crisis they say, is that I am unable to look after myself which is never the case as I only need run a Bookshop and raise funds to finish my University studies – but on the other hand is the Politicians who facilitate the gold digger gimmicks making a mess of my University studies and returning after the mess to tell lies over a 14 year period, then suggest the abusive activities that are now targeting me for instance, because I made my schedule less accommodating of them and their celebrities was a mess, which is then my turn to say it is more of an amusement. So the Politicians will make this mistake a million times and then some, that somebody else was in charge and they had to express something about a country that exists in their heads about which I dropped out of school and they were partial to movements that did not support the Monarchy, the Celebrities believe they were entitled to have me overlook the extreme wickedness of the part they played, claiming that there was hope considering what was in their bank accounts.

Their grievance at this stage as we are made aware, being that their entertainment Industry big wigs got off fighting wars for an unlikely low life such as me, which I cannot have enough of in the circumstances as well, considering the process of property equity administration that involved getting trouble makers all over my Public image, which forces them to chase their lives, even if they got to punish me for it endlessly, not hang about somewhere to take advantage of me when I am successful, claiming their civil rights took such a form, fighting my wars because it never stopped interfering.

The biggest crisis they say, is that I am unable to look after myself which is never the case as I only need run a Bookshop and raise funds to finish my University studies – but on the other hand is the Politicians who facilitate the gold digger gimmicks making a mess of my University studies and returning after the mess to tell lies over a 14 year period, then suggest the abusive activities that are now targeting me for instance, because I made my schedule less accommodating of them and their celebrities was a mess, which is then my turn to say it is more of an amusement. So the Politicians will make this mistake a million times and then some, a mistake about a country that exists in their heads and whether they were partial to movements that did not support the Monarchy, the Celebrities believe they were entitled to have me overlook the extreme wickedness of the part they played, claiming that there was hope considering what was in their bank accounts.

I am said to have placed m of my strengths in the wrong places naturally but I have not, as it is supposed to be a two part story of one side trashing my finances while the other enjoyed fooling around with the way I pursued the difficulties caused – the latter tends to lose out of anything I did as a matter of service and public leadership, then blame others for its problems, the former loved to shoot off the big mouth that I would end up in a difficult situation if I were to take action, both can do whatever they like especially the Celebrities who enjoyed investigating my income prospects and income margins, to share half of it half of the time and make trouble for me the rest of the time, respect the way I need my personal and social life to be as quiet as I have designated it, personally, it is a bunch o self-harming twats hard at what they were good at. It is a simple matter of a question whereby it is to be determined whether if Celebrities had gone off to communist territories to burn my assets and get me doing their bidding, it would mean that we had arrived at a stage where the Celebrities were running the Government etc. They do claim my pain grievance to do with a need I had to involve myself with people beyond my league, it beats me all the time as my view of these characters especially their Celebrities, is that they had only two sides to their personality – one side was nasty and loved to run down completely innocent people as if it was certain who had the right to exist, assuming extremists would not want to take part as well, the other was nice and loved attention because it is fundamentally nice to improve its social standing and will not lift a finger to do a thing if somebody was trying to kill. It beats me because it is not clear exactly what they do expect me to do when I am experiencing the former version of their behaviour, even if I had made a choice to ignore it, so it’s the questions, questions and stupid questions maintained with practical jokes that affect my bread winner clients on Media, to say as stupidly as possible that they had some form of power and hold on me like something that is talking from being possessed with a dirty demon, they only have the power that comes from maintaining this nonsense while keeping their careers because I do not get to damage it as well, it should not be a problem if I do not have a millstone on my legs preventing me from getting into some clothes to meet people over my career but we know I have done that and they have taken up my career and product publicity as a tool for new practical jokes that will boost their profile, now having conversations about my need to get involved with their insanity if I knew their stupidities were out of my league, some will likely tell me they see human beings this stupid on a regular basis I suppose.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland