For most of the time, when people are finished with their versions of wasteful activities, they consider to be crimes with no victims when we know it is the next best thing to the object of their arrogance that is being taken down in all cases one after the other as their vanities lead them along. They love to tell me I lose my temper when people are trying to aid me and therefore sacrifice any means of help, I could get but they are the ones making their witchcraft effective whenever I am at work and Politicians are the ones who discuss with them how to make me manifest. So naturally when they are finished their insolent girls damage my health and physical appearance to play that evil game of claims I now look like their fathers while the boys use my books without buying them which seems to say what I do is so important they just want me to do something else and is very annoying, because there isn’t anything else to do which I will do in peace when what I do which is important is what they want and they know how to get what they want hurting people.

So, the rule is always to attack them so they can complain which indicates they have back up plan which involves making sure you cannot get a job and then you have to hurt them until you get a job or like in my case until I sell my books.

Now the claim of my actions leading to more and more of an inability to control rebels that are getting more and more violent and are building communities for themselves to that effect is understood but I do wonder what the rebels were supposed to have been in the first place anyway. All I know is that they are nothing but a collection of very twisted fools who largely think that they should be doing the wrong thing to do all the time no matter how harmful for others and or how destructive and the reasons for that is that they need money but that those who do the right thing do the right thing they should have been doing and therefore stole it from them. So, one moment I have been doing their stuff to a point where they have no future and the next, I am in trouble due to the increasing power of rebels, and it is rather difficult to understand how the two would work together. Whether or not they do bad things or good things has become something I manipulate them into doing because another group think that I will not live for long on account that they too want money but are female and I am single and therefore their plaything. Yes they do say I am very manipulative which people find provocative as well but before then the entire purpose of the fact they have societies and cultures with that stupid media was to claim and run the idea that everything I am or say or do each time they see me is something that they had planned to do which I stole from them; they cannot leave the devils work for the devil you see, they will spend their own money to do wicked things that foster the development of institutional wickedness which those who should profit from it the most should have been doing for themselves and given half the chance will handle my finances as well to get it done if they are desperate looking for more trouble.

These matters are not unusual; they have all got their own style – homosexuals for example cannot stop exasperating me because they want me to react so they can follow that up with actions of having anal sex in public, pop stars cannot do anything unless they touch and handle me which for them is like some kind of fix but before long it becomes something about being me and I being them in the most evil twisted wicked way by which to make out their problems should not exist and if it does should become the priority of others as though others do not have any use for their time, then make it a workable social disposition if not social policy all together, then there are the ones that snoop around royal circles as well – for those it is when they need my help to deploy my work to serve the Queen that we hear the tales as though I have nothing to do with my time. The black ones say they can do and undo because Nelson Mandela exists and that he preached love and yes it does and yes, he did but of course.

It is nothing unusual, I am only going through the facts in detail because the insults and provocation continue, and I must set the stage for what will happen next when they cross the next few thresholds, and it kicks off again. The first occasion was the part where they needed to be free, free to do wicked things for money when they feel they are desperate but the whole purpose of that has to do with the idea I will attend church on one hand while on the other approve and rubber stamp their wickedness in that way and if they don’t have it like there is anything they can do, they handle the sale derivatives of my company, pillage my personality to access aptitudes linked to family like and talk to bush and Blair who will then approve and allow them make anything they like of it on media and in the real world later, that did not end well – today they have war in the middle east and a certain Mr Obama that wants to cut me a deal. Hence their girls and women have worked out that if this aspect of me and my person and possessions have been taken up by the men then it is the part where they defile me each time they have needs I must meet to ensure I do must be the way forward; nobody will ever work out therefore what they are complaining about anyway, like rebels I should be scared of and a big mouth and a media.


It has always been a problem that can be solved when and if government spends money on infrastructure for businesses that matches their top rate of tax, so that to justify is HMRC can pursue tax evasion and tax avoidance or not and what means by which it can thereof set out but the problem has always been that of tempering such realities with a case of how much of British Identity which is the Gold that Industries are actually digging here will be affected, altered, changed or bastardised - so far of which Politicians have proven to me most untrustworthy.

Tory threats have never been an issue here; there simply seems to be something that they have which constitutes the sense that they are a threat to me and so if they turn up anywhere near me they will end up telling me all about it too, I for my part know it is rather impossible to locate what is so pleasurable about damaging my finances that their stupid Politicians enjoy so much. In the end apparently, they can wreck people’s finances and hold them down that way through hard work on media and politics and the general population just so that they might be famous first before they let such a person go and they feel I have no plans to teach them a lesson as well, so they are issuing threats. The threats themselves of course are meant to create a process of distracting me from my academic work and my job and making sure my existence becomes a useless one like their deviance promises them all together and it has built up considerable factual history here that One is to deploy as means of causing harm when he is trying to make money; first I need to ensure the ladies at the Court systems are comfortable with their families and then perhaps I can move this process of selling the insolent families of the politicians to a point of attrition, just so see if they can let me be or take their threats where they think they can.

Now I understand the story comes up endlessly about UK rates of tax but it is not as much a problem for the businesses that set up in the UK most of which the ones that have in recent times have only spent less than a decade running their businesses in the UK as such and hence were always aware of these rates of tax even when they were higher than they are now; the only group of people for whom British rates of tax is a problem is a group of idiots that are always seen to express a need to be above the law and locate people whom they can tax advantage of to make money that will solidify such a position – white and blond, preferably slim built and cannot keep  pointy fingers to themselves talking nonsense about an Arch Prince that is also black and needs to stay off getting between them and what they want all the time; the problem of course that were talk about is the one where they must be above the law, they must make the money that ensures they are by handling my public work and taking it from my purse preferably with media as well and then turn out at holiday resorts to push off even more of their problems at me and rob their new found wealth and luxury with a Royal Estate concerning which they feel I must tolerate their existence in my face until it affects my academic work then seek out other alternatives when it is time to fight as well all together. The part where it is about to get physical is the one practiced especially by their media and celebrity fools in the sense that they have got their own Royal Estate too or more so feelings of it because of course they are incredibly stupid and like to make out what they have done is a function of being clever when we all know it is the bit where Politicians give them people with cleared out personal lives to dump their problems on and get to concentrate on jobs and academic work which needs to be broken here. It’s never really been an issue, only a matter of unjustifiable activities that hurt others as an excuse for wickedness that you have dealt with and gone by on such claims for instance as a process whereby you have to lap it up and move on when you are famous and people set up products you have created an auspice to use you like a piece of meat - I did not sign a contract for it and they like to do it because they want some of mine as well (walking down the streets alone means Politicians wreck your finances so popular culture idiots can be famous first before you are allowed to pick it up again claiming it is massive, then they start to cash into aptitudes concerned with religion, then the intensity and frequency of doing so because they want to work on you rather than their jobs means they cash into ones concerned with personal and family life after they are done with the ones concerned with career and when you had been through hell and set up a product they still want to live up to a cultural saying and use like meat as well, so it does get to point - nobody made them into law around here not hurting badly enough as it were). It’s never been a big case as such; it’s a matter of people lodging themselves in your life and possessions and telling you tolerance is where you fall short as a society so they can do whatever they like it with – I do not speak of it because Politicians like to support such things happening to Royalty so it is always hushed up until they are burned as well; the part about being tough is nothing emotive, it’s just the biggest asset for Politicians and Industry fools that I am not eating well and it is rather deliberate because of my full engagements etc, so if doing what I do when suffering a fever every day as a result of bad eating is something they can do then they are good but if not the tough need to shut it for of course it is not a poor man here – I have been there and back again and am all bent over now like I was operated upon without anaesthetics or something like that. It’s never really a problem that needs to be given careful thought and attention as such, it’s a matter of killing off this sense that I am waiting to lose something every single day all the time and those who work it need to live in nostalgia as well so we can see how it goes from there; they do claim I offended them first within these plans they like to have on making money that means they want money, have no plans to work for their own and want millions of it each time they want some and so on but it really came to a head at Greenwich University where the attack was so consistent and ferocious and constant that such things as being torn between your prospective career and the graduates that have already taken it, while they were busy creating University news and magazine that was designed to draw celebrities and was consistently always shown to have a black female idiot sitting on a mini throne to that effect as well, done all the way to the US as well for good measure – end product was that I dropped out and they qualified but rather than get after the jobs they have since gotten after popular culture seeking a piece of me because of course it means I will be weighed down by the weight of the deviance of their culture and society and whilst they will be too, they will be the only ones that have the money to manage it and that money was such made at my expense; thus it’s a ‘not enough have died yet’ and ‘all that money needs to be spent to protect them from me’ kind of story. I do rather enjoy my would you could you questions for my part; it’s a story of how people deploy other persons public lives i.e. in terms of a normal person we are looking at what others think of you and how you relate with family and friends not being off limits because they want money and have no plans to work for their own (in their defence they speak of poverty and deprivation and yet it is poverty and deprivation that propels them to buy products they know people have made brokering equity with Royalty and then set about deploying those equities in public as well - I mean it is understandable that it is their own, understandable they paid for it, understandable the panties and bras are their own for instance but they clearly can deploy the equities thereof, that is their own too; so that it gets to a stage where you do believe that a tag should be placed on these things indicating they are made for the consumption of diplomats and Politicians and top business operatives and then there will be panties discrimination as well. These fools do put naked pictures of themselves on the internet only to turn out to pretend I am supposed to become more responsible doing something about it thereof, so it does become very difficult indeed to work out if it is really poverty and deprivation that was the matter).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland