The truth contrary to silly claims I once used to be Mr Nice guy is that some people wanted my Securities and Equities and so I gave it to them, wittingly or not my choice or not, which gave me freedom to concentrate on selling my books and my Job. What they did was that as soon as they realised they have it checked me out until I was not keeping any left overs for myself, then then set out on another expedition entirely which was to attack my book sales every day every time and then attack my job prospects every day and every time too; which of course was followed on with claims that it is racists that should have been equity and securities traders but because they react too quickly when told to do things they are now being shown what they could have been by me. Then when I took the incredible detour of managing the securities and Equities, doing my academic work, protecting my employability and job prospects and selling my books, they got into the expedition of taking the best bit of everything and that became subjective over time to what was the best bit to me based on what I have currently and they have used the same process to grab things off me for their stupid children as well.

Now the main point of attention these days are the ones that always get onto public places to talk about jobs and self-improvement for people as a reference or with direction pointed towards me. When they know that is that they all of them have their own various styles and attitudes based on arrogance and egoism because they come from a considerably well-off background as this is a developed Nation; thereby when they stir racism and other violence make up ideas there are people that are supposed to take care of the problem. So far, I have dealt with the Media, Commercials Industry and the Stock Market, by this prognosis it seems my next target will be the Politicians and the people. I am perfectly aware I have a business model which says, if you are not working for money you have then we have a problem; it is the reason every fool wants to gain access to media and make themselves a trustee handler of everything I own, especially and through my books - but they have no right to exist or operate in that way and more so on people who do not want them to; they think the world is full of evil and greedy people, I think I do not feel they have the right to live like that too, no idea then who told them it is how to make a living.

Now it is said that I attack other people’s freedom of course but it really does not apply that when people had set out others to tell lies about all the time concerning which they also seek prerogatives for it, the fact those they tell it about will not stand for it is not the same as attacking their foolish freedoms - at present all people say to me comes through all wrong except those who are friends and I am paying the price for that in the sense that I am not getting my book shipped to many addresses at present but the more important question is why it is happening, not whether, greedy and badly behaved violent idiots want to have freedom.

Naturally like anybody would be One is fed up with what they regard as a game that they get up to play on National and International Media which involves seeing if it is possible to get products from here completely free of charge and then confiscate the owners personal life and exclude him from certain communities they will exclusively reserve for themselves as market and name the seat of their new oppressive behaviour; hence the ending the pillaging of the derivatives and a process where people turn up to do their own market with company products has been paramount - it is supposedly therefore assumed that my ability to make entire peoples and entire economies fear me on account of those Book sales and Property Equity Assets derivatives ; natural, discussed, debated and disputed has completely died away.

Of course they do claim I make a lot of assumptions about companies and their Politicians do have idiots whose reasons for damaging my work has to do with claims it was their own on account we share a skin colour and they have democracy and freedom to play with and do not need to be afraid of what they can beat up with a big mouth but we all know what really happens is that no matter how rich people are they still think they can like their poorer ones tell lies about cultures I have stolen to cash into my royal equities, cash into my work and stifle it on claims I have lived under the shadow of their large companies and all I do and own is a spoof from it. The other effect is has is alternative lifestyles that the civil rights idiots who practice them expect the rest of us to live with as normalcy of course but its purpose it to make people’s health a plaything in order to gain power over them and make them do something about it when others need them to and they never tell it is the reasons you do what you do to them when it provokes you, they have another explanation for that to a point where talking to your people is more like an academic form of explaining the effects of their stupidities that they can then make advertisement and get famous and happy with. Here in the UK the story is that I mess things up each time ones get involved with me but the truth is rather popular culture idiots settling on somebody they can bully with benefits attached and talk nonsense about spending my stuff for me right down to my personality – it is either they do those abuses because they are making sure I am not a rival King to HRH The Prince of Wales or they are doing it to secure the Position of the Prime Minister and the most recent is that of protecting some stupid witch that writes glossy magazines which then involved working with The Princess of York to ensure I pay for an insolence, none of these things of which written and displayed authority for it will cause me no harm at all anyway. They expect people to rescue their own property and then when done run off to some great advertisement and publicity campaign to secure a big break and I am not living like that since they are nothing to me anyway. It’s the old sense that one needs to save his property from fame idiots and civil rights fools and Media trouble makers and big business goons and then run off with some form of publicity so they do not get their hands on it again in order to earn a big break, which I suppose is why they call it a big break and I will not live like that - they are nothing.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland