I need to prove something of myself all the time according to Media and popularity culture I gather but I wouldn’t know anyway, whilst the only thing they can do is get into people’s personal space and insult them until there is a reaction where they will have physical prowess advantage, their culture and society lies in shambles because of me at present and will likely get worse but even so people can build their history of provocation if they wanted, when I am not interested I will write a Blog; the case is popular culture and media idiots putting violence back into me after it was cleared out and a Public Office was given – hence there is a tendency to save myself and they are set to see how I intend to get away with it too. they have done it for years and years and years now I no longer have control of whether or not security operatives are scared sometimes around my case, which means that the criminal goons then take a hit of my finances for their media insanity that assumes it means they have got lots of disobedient power, whilst that is the case however, reality is still that I get off providing them leadership with botched finances and bottomed out bank accounts too, since controlling me those stupid insults, was the incentive for these things. They speak of being happy only when I am dead but we all know death came to me as a tool for my faith before I was given a Royal estate and allowed to live, a burden that was taken away – so those who think they can good enough can dish it if they wanted, all I can say is that neither the racists nor the black people are right in my eyes, neither the politicians nor the media are right in my eyes and every self-seeking fool in the land can continue to assume they can control me if they wanted. People would get on media to spend hours and hours and hours fostering this nonsense about how they have a need to see me get into a fist fight as if I were their mate and then we hear stories of their needs as well, whereas the issue was always as simple as what exactly they will do about getting some leadership into their stupid lives from the botched finances and bottomed out bank accounts. Ever since they realised I am a Christian who has a certain view of those that are older than I am they have been taking full advantage as abusively as possible and now think I am too weak against violence and would make a good victim to kill of their loser image – so it is probable I find it insulting but what matters is that they know it’s a bad behaviour. They do brag about getting hammered by the media when I have not started my own dialogues that will make me rich by hurting people, which will involve how the rest of the world must recognise the BBC as a trade mark for example, which will hit hard the nobodies I have to put up with every day, such that I am unable to concentrate on my Books and return to an academic environment. Of course it’s not true that my life has been stagnated, the truth is that it will not get all over my public image to make money and fame and go its way, so it needs to stay here, stay here so that it does not make that money hurting me like that to a point where it starts to claim I am stalking it as well because I need to sell Books its stupidities enjoys messing with – there are some difficulties associated with keeping this up but I am quite certain it’s all just a bit of hard work and nothing more. This is obviously the older people’s version of what the younger ones and the foolish women do with respect to ripping up people’s lives to please civil rights goons who will buy products from them for it, just so they do not have to be nice to do customer service. They always say my life has come to a stand-still when it’s an old case of confusions about being stuck between US Democrats and US Republicans who basically play up those positive thinking that you will respond to my need routine that I feel really offended by but they are as disobedient as hell for all together and then there are those who are nice about it and will share the wealth later when they get rich which drives me up the wall literarily – then we hear talk of lack of appreciation for Mr Trumps efforts which is not really the case, more a matter of going out into the world and being myself; since world leaders have invested into what they have seen, I am worried about how they will respond to any changes.


They do claim I do not appear to understand my Royal Duties and what is required of me by the Political system and Government as well but it rather goes without saying that it is a need to make use of me by insulting me, which means they end up stock, cracked and with hurting bottoms, getting involved with a Writer who can never have a quiet Office on their account - so even when a Court Member has made a proper case about being relaxed and having a relaxed outlook about life and work, we find they latch onto it and start off another story where I am said to go about taking advantage of women and generally being happy only when they are seen to behave like secretaries - so apparently the bottom hurts because I cannot have an Office to myself but it will never give me a breathing space.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland