So there is great frustration about the effects of my activities of course but it is either people are after their sales or after a process of bottoming mine out in order to play protecting your patch game while their relatives and friends run away with my market; so their main point of call is usually that of making me do things around my public life until I interfere with HM public engagements and so that tends to set the standard for how angry I get because it means that I have to put up with a decade long unemployment on account people are trying to cut me off from a Royal Estate I own through bottoming out my finances by handling my products without the legal right to do so, in order to ensure I am always being manipulated into appearing around my public work until I interfere with The Queens Public engagements and therefore get gotten rid of and the result now is that as usual their mature businesses want to make profits and mine and its markets has become their freedoms, to this end they claim I am the monopolist that started the provocation that causes them to play monopoly for destruction, I for my part say it is not that they have not been getting away with these things, it just reaches a point where One has enough of them as well – so it is a matter of whether or not I can make them roll it back especially the part about media and popular culture that means they do have their own version of my markets and will not sell their stupid products any other way, it is a bit violent and that is why it is good to ensure they build it up and then have to roll it back at a later date. They do say I am bragging of course and that is possible but then again there are normal people and there are villains like these and all that nonsense we see on media and popular culture and Politics is never really enough to determine what will happen and what will not; I will only do my best here to make them understand what don’t pass go and do not collect $100 feels like when you are doing it with other people’s companies and if my business case is legitimate I will get loans from their Banker friends as well; especially for the American ones who think when they locate female politicians who will help them have a better version of what I get from my work court which they can then invest in my Business empire to get rich, I will not break it for them as well.

They do say in their defence that all my activities are a factor of being terrified of losing a career that I clearly will lose eventually anyway as it’s a matter of time but that remains to be seen anyway; what really happens is that they interfere and observe when I pray and commune with God and then when The Holy Spirit ministers to me interfere and ensure they are the ones telling me what to do and I have ended up with a system of salvation with them in which what happens is made up as I go along as well to test Gods will and ensure that it is the one that applies – as ever, it is not that they have not been getting away with it, only that it gets to a point where they are full as well; so the story of having my stuff anyway and how there is nothing I can do about it is a familiar one, people do that all the time, it is a primary prognosis for running business in the UK, he has got my stuff, he is doing my stuff endlessly means that is what people do all the time – I mean you know the receipt for your home or car is placed somewhere safe in your home of course so you do it endlessly too and in my case it’s always a matter of what I am thinking and so their problem starts with the part where their activities meet aptitudes of mine that are concerned with personal and family life and those questions emerge concerning what I had failed to act on and they will have lies to tell, tracks to cover and claims of how I complain of what I am doing myself concerning their villainous wealth and stupid insulting bullying they think makes them real men and real women and so on. The Tory ones do say I support them but do not wish to do my part to make things better but the reality is what happens at market and the vanishing of Summer and Winter deals at the Shops because they are getting rich and these things are usual indicators we are facing a recession, not a means by which stupid Tories can squeeze customers for more money - so they might want to sell products to customers but it is not up to me as to whether they operate the way things work.

It’s like when we hear them discuss these days, how it’s impossible to fathom what way it could possibly work, whereby Social Media are worth a lot billions – whereas we have always known it’s a matter of Media catching people’s attention for long enough to get a product sold and when that has been extricated and quantified, it can be said they are worth the amount which according to their interests any advertising party would pay to get products sold to customers. It makes me angry because it reminds me of the vandalism over the last 13 years of my property that seems to have become second nature to them, not least because their disobedience allows them to visit distant violence on me in order to carry on and on as well; it makes me angry because they also suggest that they do not do it on purpose. It makes me angry because they keep boasting about how people underestimate the Communist factions of Media whereas everybody else knows that their stupid Contraptions are the only democratic things we have since everybody actually needs a job, right down to their socialist parties as well, so the rest of us need to copy it and give them a fight, it makes me angry because they think they can handle me anytime they wish, hence seeing my Books plagiarised all over their stupid day time television advertisement for invent a thing and pile it high to sell cheap and get rich quick routines, which does not necessarily happen because they are unable to buy the Books all together, it makes me angry because their stupidities can only make them money at my expense if an idiot at industry wishes to reward them on account he or she hates my guts but I am here discussing it anyway.

Now I am said to have learned my lesson about trifling with Celebrities but I am rather lost as per what lessons they believe they have taught me from the stupidities we see them exhibit in public places all the time, save the fact that if you had failed to take their intrusive behaviour so seriously as to land in a Law Court and extract money from them for it, you will end up being the one getting sued and extorted from instead. The case here is that I had a whole government express interest in seeing my academic pursuits wrecked and the same have been complaining in Public places about getting their stupidities entangled in my matters as well, never mind collecting indirect bribes all over the world to stand up at Parliament talking nonsense while people smell like their loo all day long. they succeeded in wrecking the academic work and since then I have held the view that I should study on a specific subject, picked up at my convenience basis, while I pursue a line of employment but that does not seem to work either and I have run my Bookshop the way I have consequently because the stupid celebrities are not making it easy either. I mean I do get told the abuses were racist but it could not have been so when the most contribution they were getting came from my Mum who furnished them with enough stupid verbosity to show up at University and tell me there were more superior people out there, worthy to study there and or to study what I was and hence I needed to abandon it and learn a trade while the Celebrities had found a character they could abuse to enhance their foolish quest of decadence and popularity, ripping up my Public image by it therefore – it was a matter of the fact I was not the type that was guaranteed to reach the A Grades with my academic work every single time, if I were, the insults and abuses would have been very different, I am the type that can paddle on the culture and society gimmicks and the idiots who exhibit them without failing my subjects necessarily, so the wickedness exhibited in my direction had to look that way, as stupidly as possible.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland