As for the story of being manipulated and bullied by media without end in sight; it is the same old case of the nastiest and twisted scum in the land mostly working on media; the sons of perdition ravaged by evil and looking more homosexual than everybody else, cannot tell the truth if there is no money involved. It’s the big old story where it is fighting for its life as we speak but although that media is a cowards tool for picking a fight with people and pillaging the finances and health in the hope of winning and ending a  losers image for good, once they have settled on a process where it is used to ensure hurting you does not come with consequences because when you hurt them as well they can gather a crowd and tell that crowd to believe what they say happened, which will boost their confidence and ensure they feel like it never happened but we all know once they find somebody they think they can bully, this will become a tool in its own right for starting a fight again. The black ones always say they can get involved with me whenever they like and its good, except I am wondering for the skin colour I share with them, when they hope to release me to those that actually care about me anyway and we are not talking about culture carnage and media carnage and Hollywood carnage for my friends and my people anyway, it only makes sense when we hear them complain that I have laid into them so much that if they stopped exasperating me to get a reaction, they will lose their minds, which will cost them their media jobs that pay them enough money to be motivated to hurt people all the time with cowards freedom violence by it that helps them out on looking for cheap victims to stop being a losers by; my people were just as much a handful of good people who didn’t like to be sad people as much as they are. Speaking of which the matter of how they will lose their minds when they stop is not really the main stuff, we all know they start a fight from a distance to allow their Politicians and community croons to savage your health and finance so they can attack when they think is most convenient but what you are left with is clearly that it is a worthy use of your time, which tends to explain the fact they are pure evil and we are not talking about adding up other bits about being big bad people who are idiots that learn from others to boost their incomes and make those they learn from sick and dead as a result either, that will just likely serve as motivation when you are attacked. Their whole lives relate with people in much the same way; it will exasperate you and open up your personality to gangs and criminals, so they can get on media to sit about making themselves famous and comfortable, just like my people will make films and pop music that have to do with getting associated with criminals and they will chase down the structures and rip it to make their own counter music because they are getting organised crime products but now we know they want to take over the popularity culture system at the Estate all together because they are narcissist enough to; so this other one about how they will lose their minds if they stopped while blabbing at me that I have done my worst when I say these things is meant to have been a really big version. They always say I am weak and unable to act of course but we all know that shutting down that stupid fame is all that matters; so when you protect yourself from crime and are chased down and held down for it to happen to you are trophy that an idiot needs to be famous by or when you protect your livelihood from second income sources of Politicians and they appoint themselves on media to ensure that you do not protect yourself from Politicians because there is something in it for them etc it really makes sense – I mean at this point I have grown my beard, so when I say I can see the future and it’s the bit where each time they got on that stupid media it was about the job and the job alone, it will really make me look like a popularity guru myself. If they stop, they will lose their mind and yet the bit about getting involved with me feeling like a drug fix which downside was an inability to stand on media and do anything without dealing with depression was balanced enough – it is as though I need to give some advice. I mean I get attacked because I make organised criminals worse off and then the same people after leaving me with mental illness all over my Estate engagements, says if they stopped because of the way I have handled them as well they will lose their minds in the process – it makes me so angry.

In the end they always say they want to oppress me financially and it always develops from power that is a result of stupidities getting involved with very valuable lives and it does not bother me half as much since it’s obvious their evil is about a hatred for pioneers, so that it eventually all amounts to witchcraft of dealing with a power sometimes but other time human beings doing stupid things but the nature of it is still the same i.e. rebel against it and then need it as your life depends on it and that means you are taking it from those who have it by hurting them: so in my case it’s the physical pain that makes me respond to them and no matter how much it hurts to experience my response, they are so stupid the probability is that they will definitely do it again. Hence obviously it does not do them any good to have conversations about oppressing me financially as that can only happen when I keep letting them build a history on their stupid media of screwing with my livelihood and its bottom line over a period of years until they have a history they can brag with while I had gone about finding money to pay my Bills in other ways, yap yapping the need to see me struggle financially to extricate respect for the Men and which is the same as the Politicians who start by claiming something about me is scary but in the end once they feel they can telephone a friend and deny me a job, it starts to become violently threatening. The advice I have, since it is not good for them to discuss the fact, they want to oppress me financially, is that they tell their tales about their silly evil selves to people they had signed a confidentiality agreement with, as I am not obliged to keep it a secret.

So we endure that bit exhibited especially by American media goons about flicking switches that put me out of business; I have no idea why they expected me to write my Books and run the whole business in such a way as means that people can build up my person on media and steal my identity anyway, just as I am miffed that they are unable to move on when they are not experiencing success at doing so. It’s an old story where they grew up in a certain circle and grew up in a certain neighbourhood and have developed all the way to career world in such an arrangement, so when somebody hears me speak of intellectual property administration, they will want to know if I can handle and resolve the issue of the girl that deserves other people’s income because she got beaten up by a group of boys or resolve the bit about goons that always have ideas about what other people’s ability could be used for and how appearing on media and popularity and fashion generally tends to mean they can make themselves into the enemy from within and get away with creating utter carnage on a business at will, which of course I can. I cannot understand why they feel the need to get involved with me and more so tell me to go along with the LGBT when they know it does not fit into my agenda anyway the way we see them do. This whole business of flicking a switch is something they have not got; what they have got is the usual old lazy clan and hardworking clan thing that divides Politics where they think their purpose is to make people display their ability so it can be copied into the right hand side and the left, where those who think about being moderate become centre left and centre right; I have broken up an empire and brokered he equities to sell Books for a living and the part that has become their business is that the empire never existed unless they had said so and I will forever spend all my life on the bit right after I broke up the empire and hence never earn a living or sell any Books – so as we can see if they push me with tossing their filth based problems that will help them manage a past and build a bright future of fame and fortune and lazy clan success nonsense around here, it is certainly going to push me over the edge in their case as well, what we are talking about at the moment being that the switch they will flick to put me out of business does not actually exist; the next time it gets on my nerves a useless people who have no future because they have business empires they have not been working on if they can pass insults at others and never take a thing seriously in their lives at other people’s expense, which is why the only way this nonsense can end is one where they flick a switch to put me out of business and I flick on to make them sad and serious for a change as well will become the main issue – the one where we see them talk rubbish all the time because they actually need my Books but for some strange reason are handling it to try and cheat me out of the value blabbing about how I have not got an empire damaging the Book they clearly wrote as it were, so as to make use of it without paying and find that doing so can make them rich at a later date; the truth contrary to the endless lies about me and the gimmicks about how I should have built a writing career in a way that allows people to steal my identity if they wanted is that the next time they blab about flicking switches, I am going to handle their case and make their stupidities squirm too; it learns from people it does not have respect for in order to improve its income margins and generally likes to make use of the products without payment to issue those stupid threats by and tell me to fancy its LGBT as well. 9 of 10 good looking persons that can sell a product by appearing on an advertisement are going to likely behave in such ways but what I do is intellectual property administration where clients want to know if I can handle it should they get out of hand – so they do not fit into my agenda and need to find somewhere people do to talk about flicking their switches by; I mean I do not know if a point ever existed where I was so taken by these issues or beaten down to such an extent anyway. Of course they always say that saying such things only makes me more vulnerable but we all know they are now stuck and have no relationship with consumers and those years of getting involved with my concerns to handle Royal Property and set some work after another, violence after another while they steal and peddle lifestyle has finally paid off as a result save the part where it was expected I would be working for their money as well because they were able to make themselves enemies from within that caused the revolution that took away my Royal Estate if they wanted, which is why they are always handling my possessions and public image since such a position was terribly important – the next time they wind me up and affect the finances of this business empire I am definitely going to make a matter that needs to be settled out of their case too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland