February 8, 2013The main position I have on education is not about making
exams more difficult, it is simply to recognise how fast things operate these
days and to prepare people to fulfil some requirement that their employers want
from them, so technically therefore education should be provided by companies
and employers directly but if they did that the cost would be incredible and
the gains will be so small but worse still tempered with a sense of
‘selectivism’ – so the government must now intervene and ensure that what the
employers need actually the means and process by which people are educated.
Some ask why I suppose it is the better way as opposed to waiting for the Isaac
Newton of our generation and so on but first of all the problem is a less
academic localism that we have in the modern world because of technology and
how fast it makes people work and the proximity it has therefore created
between employers and general economy trainees, hence it is important the
government gets involved and finds a way to standardise it for everybody and
then leave them all to their talents and what the employers decide to do
thereafter. The other main issue is of course that of intellectual property
security in the sense that somebody does not need to spend days travelling from
Scotland to England to confront somebody from whom he stole a breakthrough so
that the person can have some time available before he is forced to lose all
that is left of his dignity and mentality as a person because they have got the
internet and can make whatever they want to do happen in seconds, as well as
the telephone and several other means by which such things are possible. So of
course I am accused to suggesting a means that will not be favourable to those
who depend entirely on an academic qualification for what they need to have or
become but of course if I said they need to tone down their insults because of
the changes in the world and learn to respect those that can do what they
cannot, then that would have been selfish so what I choose to say here is that
if they learn to become intellectually honest they should have no problems at
all. Of course there is the media aspect of it all but that is really of little
consequence than it is given credit for; the journalists will say people need
to exist in a place where if they do their jobs on television, their homes and
privileges they get from their wives and women are safe and undisturbed but of
course this is precisely the point, that if politicians say such things we
notice it but if journalists do it does not matter because it really doesn’t. In
the end of which it is their lack of respect for the matters in their careers
and jobs which limit their means of operating unethically; so that if you have
a process where BSKYB sends out people to talk to people are the local
communities in order to make news and things of that sort, it will basically
have been impossible because BSKYB is a corporate entity but if the BBC wishes
to, people will co-operate a full 100% - this is the difference between the advertising
industry made up of real students and real graduates and real employers and
real doctors and real architects and real nurses etc to create an environment
where people share and exchange services and the main stream media. As it
stands, there isn’t a single problem in the business of broadcasting which is
not fundamentally invented by the BBC because of course while it is possible
for the BBC to speak to local people to make news and profit through
information but not so possible for others, all that the BBC as an
establishment spends all the time they have with is career piracy in a grand
and institutional way. Then they will tell me I figure out facts and then
present them like they were my own ideas but there have never been facts on
this matter but what people are predisposed to get corrupt with if they do get
corrupt: the BBC is basically an establishment that believes that when it comes
to rules around its profession that makes its people behave ethically towards
other human beings, they are above the law, the complain about other private
broadcasters and perhaps their backgrounds in advertising of which does not
make any sense whatsoever as explained above i.e. that if privately owned
broadcasters were to be corrupt and the BBC were to be corrupt the threshold
and destruction is higher for the BBC but what is happening at the moment is
really that there is not a problem in the industry that affects people, which
is not invented by the BBC and nobody knows exactly what it is they want
either. Like the old stuff about things I do to Landlord I rent places with and
stuff, when in actual fact some landlords are more interested in what
privileges they can have and what futures their stupid children can get ahead
of you with, on grounds you sit around a book and read it for a qualification
and a career; such that when you rent homes with them it appears to them that
it does not matter what they do with your space because when they bully you and
have a laugh with their friends or even claim your reputation as their own and
make noise about how they have reached an aesthetical state of bullying you as
well, you have become weedy and something people like to try and cause pain or
suffering, while they themselves have a strange relationship with money and the
end product is that renting a home means you have no energy for study or work –
so it is the surprise bumping into me every day in a condition where they have
no regard for my space and in my mind I am paying them for a space but in
theirs I might as well not have lived in that space so their space can be
bigger etc that leads to a process where they are in trouble as well, soon the
worries mean they have no energy left to get to work and then I can play games
too; stay up all night to play video games or just stay up all night to work
and sleep during the day and so we hear the complains as well but to me we are
nowhere close because of course it is a matter of when their bodies hurt like
mine does on those stupid things they do that we will find out how much of a
laugh until their sides hurt they must be having. These lower class idiots are
completely convinced everybody thinks when they do evil things they do not know
what they do as such as evil things and for the middle class ones they have got
the price for insulting me to pay and I cannot have enough of getting it too
for my part. It’s like when I say there is no problem in the broadcasting
industry that is not invented by the BBC and people do not understand the full
gravity of what I am saying as such; I mean they will take revenge on me for
messing up the social class of their plebs but how jumping on the civil service
to wreck my finances and handle my personal details to keep it so helps to
ensure I have no excuse when I damage their social class I have no clue. It
remains as it has always been therefore that they should be getting on the
popular culture industry to make money that can be used to apply revenge for
activities of the upper class on me and I am already showing off my badges for
my plebe based activities, important fact there remains they need to get off my
public work and off my book sales so I do not have to deploy the office of
state as well, by which time they will then have told me where I am supposed to
be to their hearts content. Projects remain the same therefore; collect civil
service for female journalists and that popular culture industry for strangulation.
Posted by Ikpe Uno. Posted In : Income sustainability