December 9, 2014The men and Politicians stuff is really not half the problem
here that they believe and want everybody else to think they are; the facts
about it are that when you have become unemployed in traumatic circumstances
what you want to do is take your time and during that time it will be
financially difficult and pull yourself out but what they then do with
government assistance is set out series and series and series of activities
that are designed to ensure that there is this career they find out you have got
which you now have to give up and that does nothing but prolong the number of
days you spend on government support and in my case it has now run into 6 years
and counting; the reality therefore being that if I face up to it the bottom
line is that the existence of men regardless of Politicians tends t mean there
is a part of the civil service which ceases to be functional and that is a lot
to demand for a group of people. In my case to be exact it started 12 years ago
and has since continued in that way – when I get a job they want to be able to
arrange music tracks in a studio that usurps everything about my person,
followed with a process where they spend the income on charities overseas which
does nothing to dispute their claims that those who get killed by ISIL in Iraq when
caught by the group are actually are as innocent as they claim are, never mind
the feverish need to see that others get killed as collateral damage as well.
So the part about how it did not warrant all the destruction I have wrought is
very well understood but of course people should always give up 12 years of
their time to become the guy that is responsible for falling sales in a company
due to what their music tracks get up to when once redundant become their
plaything forever, so they might give up a certain career that they should be
giving up to others, hence it’s a matter of settling how important the idiots
really are at the end of the day, never mind those stupid media goons that turn
up on TV to pretend I buy media equipment so they can invade my Court and talk
through to me with it as well, then there are also the civil rights idiots who
are out as minions to enforce the will of another group of idiots sitting down
somewhere to pretend power and play secret societies, which is why I do the
things I do to them considering I have learned from being the guy on whom they
force anything that happens to them so that I might get up and do something
about it because I know how with the result that they find somebody who always
brings good things to others depending on how much he is made to suffer for
their idiots of secret societies who help them out with stories about poverty
and deprivation as an excuse when we know their nature fundamentally destroys
wealth or makes it stunted for those they do not notice that much – so this is
pretty much the story of men and Politicians in a large sense of the word. Other
facts will be a matter of what I cannot back up which has never really been a
problem because they are really stupid and that is why they do these things,
will like to tell me they are not of course but if we put that to the test
people will lose their lives and so I always say not enough have died yet when
they want a test of whether or not they are stupid as I have said thereof. I mean
in the end I write books that are largely in the interest of the Church most of
the time and do not expect to have a conversation with popular culture goons
and or media freaks to sell them but what do we know if it is not men on media
building up publicity for it that I had never sanctioned or even paid for
because they want to set that up and supplant the product with something of
their own in order to get rich, so this is usually a very testing activity of
course and they have not got a clue what they are doing either – hence the
media and Politicians lying all the time right up to suggestions I abuse
children and women and every time Parliament is having a conversation about it
that becomes what they want to talk about as if such nonsense are actually a
worthy career path to follow as it were – of course I might say I don’t believe
all I see or hear on media but the Politicians will be out on a game to
exasperate me over such things which is why I always feel like bending them
over as well unnaturally and so we end up where we are today and they have
become a massive waste of space and tax payer funds; the part where I cannot
back anything up being the part where I am supposed to be flustered so they can
orchestrate some discrimination like the bloody cowards they are and so when
their foolishness and twisted minds are matched with their inability to work
out what exactly they are doing, it is always apt to leave it there and say it’s
a respect thing and I am quite fed up. Bottom line being this is supposed to
have been some of the most insolent scum on the planet; they have no respect
for me because they are older and so things like 12 years of a career I need to
give up and change for example, while their children and even football people
conduct those aesthetical competition and especially the one about who the most
spiritually beautiful man is, then complain later when you handle them as well
and they never really feel they are up to it when they need to play their
football to make the money they can blow off their big mouth with and then they
start to become racist but until then it is something else entirely all
together every blessed day. I mean if I am Royalty, anybody would have been
able to develop an understanding that the books I write have to be the most
difficult things I get to do but a career is better than none, except men and
Politicians of course turning up here
all the time to show they exist in lala land and for those who are
presenters for good measure their insults do create the question of which one
they are presenting anyway all together, it is the only way they get to
understand and climb down from on top of me with that stupid media and crowd
It is not a
complicated matter as a whole – it’s just that in their view I am a toddler
walking beside my mum and if I were Prime Minister elected today they would
still have felt that 90% of their minds will be perfectly comfortable with a
case where they turned up at my Office to enforce the will of my parents who
will make me behave the way they want; so when they say all that destruction
isn’t worth it, this does actually bring it into perspective considering as I
mentioned before it’s been 12 years since it last started. So there is no
respect there whatsoever in anyway whatsoever and their complains will never
make any sense to me, I want them to climb off from my top with their crowd
vandalism and keep their foolishness far and far away from my book sales and
then all will be well. We do hear that talk that the UK is being de-Christianised
of course so to speak which is utter nonsense – it’s the other face of the lack
of respect issue that defines my relationship with men and they like to say
they get to Church because they want to cut me off and ensure the books I have
written which provokes them are never sold and that I will never be able to get
another job as well but that is what they say, how they started is something
else all together and was mostly about stupid black idiots with a need for
money setting me up for their whit friends to do what they liked with
considering something they could handle in the first place of which we know
what that is all about too and the white idiots turning up as fat white scum in
filthy cloths with fat Children asking Politicians and media for help to ensure
they can dominate me first before I can do my academic work and then my job
when I am finished can be discussed later; I like to put the matter the other
way i.e. if people are not here to buy books they should not turn up. Otherwise
it’s a matter of going through hell to secure and work on the outcomes of facts
you have placed in a book to make it worthy to sell to others as a product
instead of a free blog on a website for example and people will think the best
way to get the information is to exasperate you until you talk, so that it
becomes a matter of what writers do for a living and whether or not politicians
and media can respect them one such being me for it and for my part every
occasion will lead to an outcome where it becomes really violent and when the
violence is done it becomes all confusing all well for these are the sort of
behaviour that can make an animal out of a perfectly normal person as if they
can give to the frugal.
Of course I am aware of the nagging complain that people actually cannot make out what the purpose of my books are and that purpose is then made up as we go along but I don’t know which part their questions are channelled to either; are they referring to Private Equity Intellectual Property Administration, are they referring to what I do to serve my boss the Queen that can easily result in people having a history they have had with me completely destroyed because I am not allowed a moments peace when HM is displeased with it, are they referring to the part where I serve the Church which is where some of the most diverse activities I engage in are located – the public face of it these days being largely that of every victim of child abuse and sex abuse seeking somebody they can attack to have things they have never had now that they are grown up, about which if everything else I do is ignored we should be alright as long as the twisted goons are having the publicity instead? The part where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is all very well but never actually true – yes it is true as a progressive statement because of what people are trying to accomplish but it will never work – they can stand at one end of the part of society where small businesses serve big ones and then stand at the other end where big businesses are served by small ones, to use these their sex abuse idiots as tools that can help them enforce violently something about those that are given to them to do what they like with to recover energy which is the point where they employ some beautiful boys and girls to do celebrity nonsense and get famous, giving money to each other to pretend it has happened when it gets recorded in National statistics and so on but if they make any profit at my expense or make any humiliating me there will be trouble yet again as it were. Money does not just vanish from the stock markets, they stole it for a reason and in my view it was so they can give it back or so they can spend it and need to do either as soon as possible but the part where they delay my book sales will not continue until my retirement age either, that is not how to handle and look after a job – there is no such thing as rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, people are to stay off my concerns if they are not here to buy books and it is only one planet unless they have a bank account on Mars for example and there is another specie living there.
Posted by Ikpe Uno. Posted In : The West