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I do get told I make a point of pride out of hurting my bum and pretending others were worse off for their own personal decisions; this is not what happens, what happens is time and again coming into contact with what is a block sense that some women get along with women and you are not invited, some men get along with men and you are not invited, both sections are out of your league but cannot keep their hands off you, so each time they are informed you wish to be on your own, they decide that could never happen and each time you find out what they decide it so, the reason is that they want to own the way you associate yourself with the Country and have need of your public image, while the ethnic minorities are just dependent on this problem making them so much better off at your expense all the time, knowing that as an ethnic minority there was prospect you will spend resources and energy getting yourself comfortable where you live before you had started to think about the career: so I want to be on my own and I am certain the idiots are not deaf too – irrespective of those conditions where they get more respect from me than they get from their children but want to maintain the superiority of their children at the same time which is clearly not my problem, the society ones that latch onto the fact I am broke but with a good reputation and the stupidities they want to exhibit on that will always be profitable therefore they are likely to get away with 100% of the times they do it and hence cannot have enough but my party piece is the one where the very service process associated with selling my Books was the means by which they communicated through and made operable the practical jokes they want to play with my career as stupid as human beings can be.
Now they say I could never get away from the fact I stink which I understand but there is a cure for it and we are getting to that very soon – we all know at this stage that even the idea of my front porch and backyard swirling around in my head while I am in my own home is at the centre of this nonsense about my attitude that Politicians and Media have been well informed about, as stupidly as possible and that they get their personal comforts and peace of mind and beauty sleep from my personal space everyday – the one where they are then able to keep an eye on me and hurt my already ailing tummy with their bad habit children and insulting wives and the distant violence they want to play up all the time and its then used to ensure I do not make a single move that makes them uncomfortable which means getting out of bed makes them uncomfortable never mind writing Books or attending a job, as stupidly as possible. Then it will stand up somewhere pretending I am unlikely to tear up the Celebrity culture over the way they pick up bits of my book and feed it to the Public to play practical jokes on my career and personal life for their dreams of power insults, about which once done I will only have to tidy up the business of their involvement with me thereafter. They say when I talk like that it feeds into the activities of people at the Monarchy whom they try to get along with, which it does as these people are the reasons I am involved with Celebrities at all i.e. they got involved with Celebrities on my account and Celebrities wanted to find out a thing or two about me, whereby we have now reached a stage where they make money off my Public image and will not concentrate on their own jobs and now they know I can control their stupid pathological fear of work, which is what stagnation they can only deal with by organising themselves for the jobs that get to their heads, keeping off my Books and not following me around is all about, I want to find out what they think is the best way to put a stop to it as well for my part. Its never true that I do bad things that catch up with me, I simply have not responded to these stupidities for years nor is it true I am afraid of the consequences of what my tummy does, as these abuses and the means by which they can boast my life ending up in the hands of media and celebrities which they curate to get rich quick and escape work have such an effect but if they handle me physically, I suspect it to be a fight that will ever end as it were.
They have suggested that I am a hateful person and that this fact is never taken seriously but I am not hateful at all; if I said the insults of sugar babies make me feel like vomiting all the time while to ensure they got what they wanted their fingers are always up my bum in their minds like their stupid men have taught them to do when they want to get ahead of others, its not so difficult for people to put a stop to it in the first place but before I pick up the matter and burn it all the way back to every negro idiot that keeps making those stupid statements about me being their bitch and so on, about how people get ahead from their ex while they don’t like they have nothing in this world to live for, let us find out how they plan to stop it first of all. There is no issue here to answer, just the physical damage done to my property and they do this damage because they had become convinced that there is nothing I can do about it, so now that it is about to develop into something of me having a license to so whatever I liked, we must find out how they plan to stop it of their own accord first of all. The same way they want to control me by ripping up the academic work lest I do the evil thing of shutting down a personality that should be making them media moguls by getting a University qualification and ending up in an Office, not paying the fees and never paying the Bills, is the same way I shut down the access to popular culture as well, such that when they feel stagnated they understand they will never get an exit for me and need to get organised for a job in hand especially when it gets to their heads – it is about to develop into something of watching them play off the gimmick on controlling me to a stage where they veer off a corner and end up with something they cannot control all together.
It’s the big old story about having written a Book and ending up with a few years history of insults while they stifled the sales in preparation for those foolish statements made because they think they are real men, about what they were to read from the Books being something they were going to find out as they grew older anyway, but I got there first and now wish to use it as a tool for dominance, on account they understand their stupid selves to have built up communities of civil rights twerps who want to play practical jokes with peoples careers; so for a Published work, its impossible to just get into an Office and proceed with the concerns of the day apparently and I want to find out how they plan to stop it before I made my move too.
Generally it is usually a predictable matter of being able to suggest they should be rewarded for recognising me as a lazy person when for them 'it happened' on my account like I have to tolerate their ceaseless insults - hence we immediately progress to the matter of the fact I should be paying attention to the Career not get distracted by them, playing into the possibility that the gimmicks which distract me, its abuses, ageist insolence and vices are set to become a major project here.
I mean speaking of regrets, I do regret those times when I allowed it temporarily those stories about being careful with the gospel lest I damage peoples culture and yes I did snap out of it when it weakened me and ensured their master the devil gave them the go ahead to attack me endlessly which is what they do to this day considering that sharing the gospel with others have nothing whatsoever to do with what the idiots think or are thinking in anyway whatsoever. So it seems they have no pla...
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Of course we are very conversant with the tales about how I would never say what I say among my own race of people but there is nothing new about that in any case – reality is that they, nobody gets to tell me what to do: all it really does is create a sense in my mind that their own is damaged and they want to damage mine as well and it does nothing but propel me to damage it for them even further whatever it is seems to be their big case, this is why people complain I never discuss it, you need less than 30 seconds to say such things and a discussion would make no sense whatsoever. If you work with them and they wreck your own chasing their envy that is to them the greatest thing that happened in the world, that is an office space in which you worked with them and their envy freak nonsense, it is annoying enough but when it turns up on media again and again and again there is nothing to discuss, they are looking for s fight and nothing more than that. It is so unfair on those who are paying for telling you what to do, when people think it is fun to throw it up in the air and play around – it does not work that way.
It is not that much of a big issue most of the time - people simply continue to play around with violent deviance which exist in actual fact only because those who practice them are used to the sense that when they have needs it is met by others, have a very bad upbringing and are wired very differently from everybody else - when I do nothing or say nothing about anything unless the damage is done, no fools republican or otherwise gets to tell me what to do and no idiot liberal and or democrat or otherwise gets to talk nonsense about my activities ending up in their history - they will think about the consequences getting worse and shut their big mouth: writers are known for books they write not other peoples foolishness and I don't care if I did it all in public which means people can make up their minds about what they like - they can make up their stupid wishy washy minds about squad.
We hear those tales all the time about how much I complain when I like to make out I am really tough and what is happening to me isn’t actually a threat from people whom I don’t know what they are capable of but a process of playing with me; I wouldn’t know anyway since the one thing that tends to solve their black idiots problem is when people mark them out and decide the day they will die as it were and then they can make such noise from there and pretend others will not have any plans whatsoever besides which they will therefore have been the ones to fire the first shot etc. Of course when I say so they will brag about a need they have to do it first and it simply cannot suffice for them to tell them to shut their trap as it were, so they can do it first and speak of those who are complaining about being played around with from there.
I mean if they were such successful bullies we would have been having this conversation in the first place; since we are talking about always being stalked whenever you walk into an academic institution which will end in paying fees for ruin that they turn up to orchestrate because you have not got the guts or means to do anything about them and then my personal favourite where they never listen to anything anybody says to them about what people don’t want done to their possessions whenever they have that stupid popular culture and its music industry to play around with and then there is my personal favourite where all I have worked for whilst the sufferings of black people is created by a white man and I must accept it at their will is boiled down to being determined on the basis of who is tougher and can create more good feeling at the expense of others to facilitate lifestyle for young people and customers – it is the part that means it can only be reasoned with if they are broken down to their lowest and commonest denominator as well and hence difficult to understand why these matters are discussed if they are such successful bullies.
I mean everybody else is a normal person so the part about them that seems to be extensively different is largely linked to their jobs that they think about and do so often it becomes a part of them; for these black idiots that aspect of them is concerned with where they stand on young people and so if their problems are not a function of Politicians it has to be white people all together and I intend to rip up that stupid popular culture and everything that is linked to a means they have to stalk me at academic institutions as well, so there is really no point people over thinking it. I understand they say it’s about the far east and I find it impossible to understand which part of what I said was difficult for them to understand anyway; if they are such successful bullies, why has the issue of those who complain all over the world when they are only being played with a topic for conversation?
The case of my position not being clear on sexual abuse is not the emotive issue here either; whilst I might do people favours telling them they are not the only complicated individuals on the planet and nothing they do here will go unpunished, the reality is still that they have come to enjoy enormously the need to grab my work and toss it to the dogs, then turn up in public to seek bitter angry peoples happiness and advertisement and wealth, which they finish off by getting off on media to do everything I would have done to get out of it which does not involve gang fighting and hurting people, every time they do they claim to be homosexuals, claim to be humanists, claim to be atheists and all worth not looking for trouble all the time. This is too high for them, so if they have no wish to complain they might want to pick on people their size so others can have the opportunity to move on whenever they start as well, otherwise face the high consequences of reaching me all the time too , and sell themselves to whatever they like after that, it might have been news if we were less vigilant. It might be they are the worlds worst envy idiots who can work violence with it but if they dont threaten me there will be no problems; crime does not pay and handling my work without permission is a crime - we see them cover their tracks all the time so I might be the one in the dock over such accusations, it does serve a clear indication I have no elected that stupid Popular culture as the lifestyle for me too.