December 2, 2014I mean to suggest that these idiots get out of bed every day to help people pick up parts of their lives that have been lost to them as a result of spending all the time they have working to earn a living is ridiculous, they are culture pricks that need lots of help from industry idiots who will aid them with a process of getting fans to serve them what they need to be important while buying their music CDs to make them rich in order to consolidate whatever mess they have made of my work to save their lives that are being ripped to shreds in the course of their activities; it was always a mathematical certainty that they will have these weaknesses – it’s like their industry idiots making me angry all the time so when they meet me and get nervous I must pay with a big mouth which is something they have never been able to enforce, especially their community idiots who have never said a thing that others can understand in their lives save have an intense need to sit beside somebody important and famous in the University when Politicians feel like putting them there to talk nonsense about social progress, which again we all know does nothing for anybody, then get into parliament to complain about the abuses and make out I have a mission to complete so they can confiscate a royal estate with a big mouth. We do hear the Royal ones and the Industry ones and the Media ones and Politicians say they have done nothing to offend me which has resulted in actions I have taken against them as well but that isn’t true – what these idiots own is the black women that control and get the better of me and what those black people do is get gay privileges from me very violently ad strewn it outside thereof every single second in order to please them; this is never been a problem either since the same black women now need them to play ball so that they can secure attention from me on a daily basis which is clearly not enough as it were, since it’s all very well the story of their problems until these threats are put forward in the form of a case of having found a Christian that will be made homosexual so women might be powerful, then you find yourself paying attention. We do hear them issue the threats but of course I don’t mind the threats – after all in terms of the Royal enemies, it is clear that the fact they don’t like me is not the same thing as the right to handle my possessions – it’s been more than a decade of it while even HM decisions does nothing to change their will, so now they know what will happen and what they are going to do will be determined over the book sales and to be exact therefore about what they do to provoke me, it’s a matter of the things the law and the patents do to protect market for my book sales that they want to take advantage of without success only to get on media and built up a feeling that they had such things and cash into that feeling, then turn it into an industry and bottom out my sales whether or not the law and the patents are there which is quite a distance to travel to look for trouble before you start to speak of how you did not offend somebody that has offended you and your big business, for my part I say their inability to listen to what others don’t want them to do with their possessions will lead us to a place where we have royals and politicians and industry idiots with their media on one hand and an author that is tired of their slight comments and insulting body language that wrecks his book sales and prevents others from listening to what he has to so on the other. So we do hear them speak of how it is my own people that are my biggest problem which makes no sense since it is difficult to work out what part they are playing in the matter of idiots who share a skin colour with me and need it as a contact point I cannot change in order to ensure they have access to my valuables at all times in an environment where there are no rules, especially the relatives but I believe I have been clear for my bit about where what it is exactly they can do will be tested.
So do we hear all I do is futile because it only offers self improvements but there is no such thing – people can keep their body language and their slight comments and statements that affect my book sales and public work in any way to themselves or realise that making them clear in public will affect my book sales and court my wrath; I understand this is an unreasonable position I cannot back up which is utter nonsense since it is as reasonable as reality itself i.e. we have done the bit where people prevent me from antagonising them as per my faith is my choice and now everybody knows there is no choice for them because they serve the devil and he will never let them rest in any 24 hours unless they are attacking me in some way which is why when I say such things they say whatever happens the end product will be that I keep out of their homes while keeping their eyes fixed on my market numbers as well – their homes where they serve the devil and he gives them orders to seek me out and have a go at me everyday being what they are referring to as it were.
I hear they say it is a complicated issue but it isn’t – when I was a child, the Politicians need to get off his evils and ensure that some goon regularly gets off his marijuana to sit beside me in a University lecture room was to be followed by a need to get things done bearing in mind they never turn up anywhere for a good reason, so that my statement about what I really don’t want might be clear but as I grew into a man and these things show a signs they can carry on forever while excuses are made by them to destroy the one thing that ensure Christian is not in a fight with Satan’s servants because of what he gives them orders to do from a secret room where even their wives do not visit, which is something we are always aware of when it comes to making a living and so on, it meant that my message changes to realities about the fact I am the boss and I know best and I know best for me and for them and can and will enforce it as well – this is where we are – they can have neither freedom nor power and it is not a bad thing to leave me alone and steer clear. So in context I hear of the things they do to solicit for power and as everybody can see they need my power for that in the first place which discredits it but because of the level and context of abuse, people tend to think it has meaning which is why I have to do these things: it is not that I am not covering my tracks either, kicking their women and looking after young people – I am covering my tracks. I understand they say my books are written to ensure I am being provocative i.e. I need to ensure everything they do with their wickedness is unable to put me in that zone of Christian v Devil worshippers that are provocative by nature and expect Politics and society and modernisation to cover for them unless they have a footing they have never fought for, unless people want to talk about their modernism and pretend it is not happening which is why they need to stop pretending they know more about me than I do about myself and stay out of turning up to make decisions about me but that the books put people in that zone directly but that is precisely the point i.e. if the insults of their bone headed children and community croons and the abuses of their politicians are so valuable they make people rich, I am sure that if I make the deepest recesses of it available as a market item there will be an explosion of demand, apparently that is not happening so that is the way it will be until they turn up here for a fight and tell me I talk much because I am a coward and hence we can throw punches when we are Journalists and Statesmen and until then it is up for sale and when they are not buying we have a problem because others want to; besides especially for the industry ones having been this evil zones must be avoided by making sure my book sales are not killed off, and they are the ones that want to steal my personality with some personality contest that means they want to put me there permanently as well to confiscate something and get rich instead of look after their insulting attitude to build customer relations, there are simply some things they do which are provocative in a general sense and do it they do to an extent where the book sales re damaged as well – hence they know what exactly they do to provoke me and what I mean when I say what it is they suppose they can do will be settled around the book sales as well. None of the behaviour they have in my direction is good for business they have simply built it up through media that make claims of how a business that exists in my head for the time being of which they have spied on the blue prints on my computer belongs to them and so we must find out if their insults and attacks and abuses especially for the greedy and ambitious Politicians is because I owe them money as it were – we hear of the ones that work in the security services of course but that is what happens anyway – they go there and then they pick up a job at the secret services and the bosses there will at some point decide to put them on a mission and set off a state of affairs which means having been when I play video games it disturbs them because what they saw can be used to better their careers, something about the video games play have changed and then we have this condition where we cannot seem to witness the end of their celebrity idiots getting off to all sorts which is where we are now and the same principle applies; we have come to a head with these threats I get from them and I am waiting for the next wrong move as well, just like even HM decision does not dissuade them with that big mouth and it means they cannot leave people alone. They are as I have mentioned before very irresponsible people who need responsibility for every aspect of their stupid lives and that is why they need the media so much with which to take advantage of other peoples responsibility and when combined with the talk of power and dominating me in order to solicit for world dominance among Politicians that see things their way we have this problem where I don’t want to see the Satan in their homes that they claim I will stay out of when the fight starts otherwise I will cut it up again and don’t mind killing for the process of doing that too either; I hear they say terrorists don’t like me anyway and I never said they did, they simply understand that it takes something to raise women and then benefit from the things they do to improve a living, so when they kill mine I feel I have lost a piece of the future – all very well that these idiots do claim terrorism actually has no purpose and is wanton violence that is not actually true but they are the ones with the guns and the onus is on them not to lose their vision – when they do it, they will never win. All together it gets to a point with these people that can kill for what they want and the media has spun up all these things their Politicians and industry idiots can play with to handle my possessions and issue accusations and live in a world where they are guaranteed to have whatever they want, and it is building to a head as well – for them the day I will want to rough them up the gangs they get themselves involved with because I don’t let them turn up on public places to make use of my responsibility will be asleep and it is not as if we have not been there before either. I understand it is said I never finish off anything because I enjoy these fighting as well and it isn’t true, I don’t; I never finish off anything because it will mean these idiots have time to have a life and that will encourage them to behave in such ways in the future as well, so it needs to carry on and on and on otherwise the need to get out of bed and get dressed and get outside to implement the will of the Satan you serve in your own home against a Christian will continue and it will continue to be the one where he should not be killed but just detached over a period of decades from his quality of life which can then be ascribed to you and then you can cash into in order to get rich as well stating wealth inequality and setting out an original provocation that is to be enforced by insulting statements and body language all over the Parliament to keep it going until your aim has been attained; it is normally assumed the neighbourhoods did not operate in this way in the first place and that nothing will happen when they had decided they want to bully me with it as well – so yes I can say Politicians and Media and Industries, I am the boss I know best and that would be the end but they would say that can never happen whilst they need to handle my possessions and use my own work and property to fight me just so as to make a statement that gets people to see them as the oppressed in the first place. If such statements as the right to feel their money makes them superior to me is not uttered or run and more so on public places then we would not have had a problem because it is these kinds of statements they build up on media to cash into my market with from getting feelings that are made up of things the laws and the patents have prevented them from doing with my possessions. They on the other hand claim it was okay for me to get all popular with wrecking the businesses of drugs and gang Lords and am now complaining for it as well, which is utter rubbish; what happened is that they started first along with their media idiots that want people Royal Office to end up in their area so they might never get it back looking for trouble all the time and so I do my government work and they do their drugs and gangs business and both meet in the middle and that is where the drugs and gangs became unpopular enough to lose them money but they will not clean up and go straight if they have Labour Party idiots and other socialist scum like them in parliament to play games with and so they turned up to lose that and making statements like I have a super yacht and that must be superior to you at least, I have a right to is one of those things that mean I cannot sell the books because they are doing popular culture fame and fortune and it will not do; besides which we are only dealing with Books that were written for 2001 to 2010 decade and the ones for 2010 to 2020 will be sold on this same planet as well and so will the ones for 2020 to 2030, all of which have been completed anyway – so it is not a bad thing to leave me alone an steer clear as it were. I hear it is the way I behave as though I have been beaten that gives incentives and encourages these things but that is never actually true; the truth is that of realities around the way The Labour Party behaves in the House of Lords – I mean it is an unwritten constitution and anybody keyed into the correct thing will notice when the minds of the people is being divided asunder and people and their families are being broken up and broken down and so on and the institutions of government are re-organised to help that happen; it has become the only state of affairs public statement we hear from them – that your thing that gets in their eyes will become somebody else’s, that you career will be collected and handed to another – yap, yap, yap 24/7 lies that are tiring which is what creates the confusion I am beaten as it were; they will tell these lies using the Church if they can and when that is not enough they will use the Media and when that is not enough they will use Politics – yet they can always leave me alone and steer clear as this is not their own lives; they have not given me back my £30,000 they ripped up at Greenwich University playing their games – it was by the way supposed to have been the reality that marked the end of the Child that wanted to get things done to preserve his statement considering they never turn up anywhere for a good reason.
The story of how I am one of those people that chase culture and try to do something about it which is completely pointless processes of trying to rule those that are better than me with a sense of what is right is utter nonsense; I have made an example of this matter and they have had 14 years of my time to show how much they hate those who turn up in a great City like London to chase religion and morality instead of enjoy life and everybody has seen the primary prognosis is to leave no stone unturned when handling me as violently as possible to ensure I am out there having sex and generally doing everything that is immoral in the books, the question therefore is that of funny or not, power or not, how much more of my time they bloody want before it becomes something a lot more serious than they give it credit for? We understand they always turn to the story of how the business and community that emerge from it are jobs I couldn’t do but that is because they think I don’t know these cultures exist because of sales men and that all these problems are caused and created by them and so it seems they too think people are unaware I have history with the manufacturing Industry as well and understand the kind of jobs I am good at are very, very rare and even more so in a condition where they are able to do whatever they like; we hear them all the time and even the Politicians and the media and the job centre staff are interested in nothing but perforating your bottle so they can enjoy themselves with their civil and criminal disobedience talking nonsense about how I am insane for example and when get home of which it makes me so angry and what is happening with that culture the rest of it that is stemming from the issue of doing moral things in great cities is collateral damage and they know it too – it will remain that way until the day they turn up for a fight; I even have this conditions I have marked out for female journalists where their communities are areas of comfort that people can play their games with and that was because of that other game of the Royal Estate in the hands of the children of rich people who use it to ensure that play time is educating and rewarding on account they have those sales business and that media nonsense going for them; as I said of which it is not that I am not covering my tracks kicking their women and looking after young people and black women who invented this whole love thing to persecute me using their culture hence creating this bubble around me where there are no rules resulting in my business becoming an empire while the money ends up somewhere else and they claim its racism to cover theirs as well are not doing so. We all know what Industries do is create products and sell to people and maintain history with those people so they can sell them more products but they take these things too personally on themselves for their part and I have no place for those cultures or their stupid big mouth that I bet they will one day turn up here to prove considering they have no plans to keep off my book sales as well. Hence it’s a matter of the Royal Estate being things their stupid children play with when play time is rewarding and their communities are things that the Court can play with to make play time rewarding – the blacks mostly come from smaller countries where black race people live of course while I come from one of the largest so I know if I wanted a Community that will work with me to ensure each point where they touch my possessions is dealt with through blood chilling means, I can muster enough to ensure I win all of the time too, so the Court playing with the Communities which also includes sexual playing is for now the best way forward for all. It’s like the story of falling living standards and the way the economy is developing of which is largely a matter for the Politicians; the day they decide bankers can do their jobs and Politicians can do theirs is clearly the day they will be able to control anything around here or they can continue on the same path with bankers as the demy Gods who are the points at which the entire country starts to get rich before it trickles down to everybody else and whine all the time. I for my part understand this is an unwritten constitution and he can turn up here with his fat belly and fat cigar to give his speech to his minions, there will be no time to lose in chasing him right down to his organised crime products like his class A drugs which he buys because he has enough money to look after a health that can cope with its effects and then come out at the other end feeling invincible and at the tip of his performance thereof; after all if people like these end up with Court cases then they might win them and create the new Judge made laws in the Country but if I play my part, then it means if I can just end up in a Court room with the richest banker in the land then everybody will understand that my books have been unjustly messed with.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.