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I am informed that I have such a difficult time because I never do anything by myself but what happens is that I go about bothering people on Royal matters and do not bother the same who raise these points as such – networking for family life, I met some female journalists doing respectable work in an environment where smaller people found a way to get away from big bad people and enjoy some freedom and normalcy and a group of goons decided there was an opportunity to make money selling me out, hence such claims tended to suggest I had no idea what this was. Then there is also the part where I bother people on Royal matters which I do not bother them for, only for an interest to be taken and my finances wrecked which does not make any sense, as the result was that if I built a system that helped people with their careers and finances, it was my finances that people wanted, thus I want to get to the bottom it and move it out. It works for me as a matter of being involved with Government; bother a company and they will ask what I had, should they agree to allow me work some equities for them, I will be in there on matters structural unemployment, inflation and various other economy and socioeconomic matters when it came to Policy making, like when Politicians could not agree on what to do with Sewer companies dumping waste in the Water system because they were told that the whole sewage system needed overhauling – whereas we know that they lived in a world where they built the offices, occupied those offices and divided professional responsibility, therefore it would never have made sense to say that somebody who was responsible for the sewage could blame the process of creating complications for somebody who had to clean up the Rivers, then blame it on the person who built the sewage system, actually made sense. They say I hide the real facts on the matter but it’s only the Americans who think that setting out a stage where they became some Royalty and had access to the huge American market was the right thing to do which it isn’t, I am now fed up with them trashing my finances and getting imagination up my bum to make a case of me running round between the men and women as an expression of superiority that came from their Country, about which I have shown enough to express the fact I am capable of taking action on the matter if it does not bother me so much as I am of the view they were of very ugly behaviour generally, thus the part where they do not think they ought to work for money even though they needed it, does not hit me so hard for this reason, like it does most people. The German influence bits were another who wanted my public image, and none knows why I am stripped of all I did to demand and desire that space on their right-hand side as well, making a mess of my career.
I am told that I suggested I could resolve this matter but am having huge difficulties which is not the case – the matter is well resolved and ready to go, updates available all the time, the problem is that some people preferred to build a crowd for the purpose of creating me new versions of it for fun. It is still the same problem all round however, whatever on earth it would take to stop big brothers and big sisters getting into a habit of believing I want to live in such a way as meant they hung about with their freedoms of expression, showering me with insults and telling me what to do such that they built an atmosphere from it that they worked for civil disobedience and crime that the law could do nothing about at my expense. Apparently, their stupidities were such that nothing I said would ever stop them but then we are also having the conversation which I did not initiate. It is unthinkable that the reason we are doing this is largely that I wrote a Book which assisted them on the very abusive activities they channel at me but those Books were and still are publicly available to everybody at the market, not specifically targeted at them – it would be nice if they stopped handling me, shooting off the mouth about my helplessness while complaining that I am working towards a position that will ensure I secure their attention for a progressive reason on the matter. We are having to respond to it as a community on the other hand because they were damaging somebody’s finances and it becomes another one of the main points, that if that was what they had decided to do, I want options and ideas if they do not wish to get hurt, since I had run of mine. As for the core reasons we are working through such nonsense, it was the same tale as usual i.e. Celebrities and Media personalities who claimed I was a character that spent time sorting out how I might rub shoulders with them while even criminals were nice people buying show business, had decided I was a thing that they could have and own, when and if they wanted to, which then plays out on my finances understandably, it needs to stop threatening me. The story of me rubbing shoulders on the other hand was a matter of bothering people about Royal matters which the last time we checked, they invited themselves into and will not move off – I rub shoulders with them they say, before then they claimed that the corruption of involvement performed on my career and finances was so severe and so destructive, even their stupidities acknowledged that there were consequences to such behaviour, save in this case, I was too insignificant for those consequences to apply. Now it is free to own anything it wants, needs to stop threatening me and needs to stop making a mess of my finances; where this is heading is a question of the society men, them in the middle and every self-seeking abusive twat linked to their celebrity culture, is it time for me to get out of my door and chase my concerns at minimal risk of their gimmicks, is it all up to them or up to me?
I am not assuming that saying these stops the problem either, I am always tired because they never stop working on me – cordon my social life and public image, chase ownership of my personal, make sales happen on my mental wellbeing and party it off, pushing poking prodding, building communities that get imagination around the private parts but then again as much as this problem goes back since first grade, lazy people can give others a break from these their stupid sources of energy, once they were financially comfortable. It never stops telling lies about me, to keep it going and this is set to develop into a good enough stage for any first clashes that may occur. They do claim it’s not clear how I got into this position but I am not in any position – it picks up a case of having found me in a wholly private setting and builds me a public profile from it, then it begins to get abusive, get paid for being popular on my social life, get around criminal backyard at my expense, showers me with insults and tells lies about me for energy that will allow me chase its dreams – we can see otherwise how insignificant the problem really is. I do not think it is a crisis either, I was not this angry years ago, now I think I need to get out of the Hermitage and meet up for them over it.
They do claim the cause of all these were my choice of diplomatic alliances but the point of my diplomatic alliances is what had since turned out to be a public sermon, their stupidities are not in charge of any Politics, society, public or social policy in this Country and need to stop getting on public places to berate me over a need to decide how I existed while complaining about rape. I dropped out of University because they wanted to ensure I did not shut them out of getting paid for being popular on my social life, rather than getting a real job and they believe if there was a way the Kremlin did not get along with the white House impacting their white first and white supremacist stupidities showing up on my career in such a manner, I would want none of it. Apparently it was likely to pose a threat to somebody, implying that this nonsense had since gotten serious even though it is still being pursued daily.
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- Diplomatic Security at Culture.
- HH The Arch Prince's Office. Films and Equities. Papers in functional aesthetics.
- Office Papers and Dossiers for Film Equities
- financial Security Bundles
The Emporium Trust
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File Cabinet
- Film making and Global Politics (3)
- Film making and My Office (4)
- Film making and reality (1)
- Film making, Political diplomacy & moral decadence (1)
- Film Politics (2)
- International Community corridors - HH The Arch Prince's Mobility review (1)
- My Empire (2)
- My Intellectual Property (1)
- Politics, Social deviance and Moving picture responsibilities (1)
- Real world Movies (1)
- Show biz v Diplomacy (1)
- The Firm Literary Empire Trust at the Global Film Industry (1)
Now the threat it is said I pose to financial businesses and industries is actually a truth for a change - the violent fantasy world people live in which implies they can do whatever they like with anybody of their choice and get away with it in search for their needs and greed; the facts about that is that this is The Queens realm and not their own and since I am The Arch Prince can do what I like and that includes just looking around and reviewing peoples company equities in order to write blogs and sell books, it is a privilege I deserve in the sense that I too can look around and stretch forth my hands and take anything I want. The importance of mentioning it is not just the violence that is so insignificant I should do nothing about it and the media insults but also that they check me up regularly to see how far I will go on the matter so they can find out if they can still create areas in which they can sit down and develop their finance anomalies with which to carry on in that way making fortunes a penny of which there was no work whatsoever involved in acquiring. So I believe they understand what I mean when I say this is The Queen realm and not their own – I will go far enough alright, by the way of which I get all these ideas from the things they do to stifle my company talking nonsense about their money freak wet dreams that involve medium size leverages chasing high risk assets and high risk investments – something like that anyway.
The claim I continue to fight the forces that made me who I am are not actually based on fact; although it is not surprising that they are saying such things it has however come to a point where there needs to be a response – I mean they never listen to anything anybody says and I have brought them down to their very basic level to express that fact without all those stupid insolent media and politics nonsense that helps to annoy some people to a point where they resort to violence to confuse and scare people all over the world, so that much everybody now knows about them for the most part as it were. There is a name for them in the Bible and it is the sons of disobedience and so it is also the case that they do get off and establish churches and if I were known to have attended on an occasion I am still at a loss as to what it really means about whether or not they are the forces that made me who I am but in the end it does apply to gay pride anyway so it does not matter and when it comes down to it the questions would be more about how better off being obedient has made me; about which I know I am financially worse off because of some life of plebes I live which annoys people in Royal Circles and propels them to do things to ensure I am never ever happy ad content enough to concentrate on anything which if I want their point of view I will keep them and if not I will cut them lose from me naturally and if I am not better off around my faith I know the reasons are that I spend a lot of time thinking about something else other than my faith which leads to a result where I am not better off with it, thus the question of why they themselves are not better off? The answer of which everybody already knows and everybody already knows is somebody else’s fault and that much they know about why they are not better off implying they do not have much going on in there to contend with me.
It does not mean that I need help from the Media anyway – during teenage years it did seem that the only worry with these socialism types was a process of preaching wealth distribution until they became rich and then they will kill to ensure they never shared their own wealth too but obviously there is worry around the need they have to waste peoples times and ensue they are able to cling to peoples finances, then set about trying to help the people whose finances they are clinging to all the time, thus the snap point is usually when you cannot protect yourself with your own pocket money because they need to ensure that you do not, so they might be relevant to you and then it gets serious from there as their inability to move on just becomes a real problem; I have heard people say it is the most dangerous ideology ever tried in history and according to history itself Nazism came from socialism all together. I do not need any help from the Media; we are here because the violent money loving evil civil rights women will not stop threatening to have the boys in neighbourhood beat me up for what I have refused to give up so they might be comfortable; seems as though its not career criminal to them and I shouldn’t handle it that way as far as they are concerned – the boys however have been beating up for years now. It does not apply that this is a big problem for me as such; the fact that I tolerate the lies they tell to do damage to my property and make up stories that offer them self improvements doing so, is not to say I have developed an opinion that suggests damage is competition - it is not competition and they can only continue until I find a way to harm them while I cover my tracks too; but then again of which on doing that I will have been doing it knowing that money is not the answer for everything.
They always say that I cannot see a corroboration between my activities and what racists get up to of which there is none; racists get up to as many things as the number of times ethnic minorities make them fix problems for everybody; usually it tells me that being so truthful about facts I am being forced to share with the world by their stupid selves will end me up in a situation where I have to try and get by fighting for everybody’s civil rights and then it becomes obvious that its corrupted disposition which allows bad people to chase my finances and makes women feel unsafe is supposed to have ensured he can student Union leadership insults tackle anybody that takes advantage of him while he is dealing with the so called problems if at all he is that is. So the racial tensions are a matter of the number of times he is told off and he makes the white people fix it for years a profitable violence and disobedience, for being told off.
So it is the same case where we see them and their white friends get around doing peoples careers and public image and even personality and coolness all the time but that being the case, it is still so difficult to communicate to them that they need show up anywhere near my concerns if they want to read my Books, a cracked up and out of my league all the time. In the end poor people will always be hungry and I will always think that eating all the time is not the way to live; there is no real reason to get bullied and belly whipped for it, if people are so certain that they do not want to complain about you as well.
I am lost as per where they suppose I got off requiring their help as well, when we all know they never stop insults and abuses and harassment that make people vulnerable to such things and then set about looking for pressure points by which to make people give up what they have worked for if pushed etc pointing to the tummy and the anus and the penis and so on with those comments a media job, that it will never keep where its money is located and stop keeping an eye on my finances while it claims to control and own my public image as well, making out it is some sort of stupid modern fun. They always say I get myself out an then dig myself in all over again, which is utter nonsense - they are not important and need to get off my Public image; religious people will always abstain from food and poor people will always be hungry - those who do not want to complain about others should stop tummy whipping people too; its an integration issue.
So its an old case of say it to 10 people who work with media while media says a counter to 20 million people from the general public, which continues to wreck my finances and makes them feel like the boys with the best toys that everybody wants like that at my expense over the last 15 years, which cycle I am going to break in a very painful way before it stops as well – however speaking of the facts by itself, I am not interested in what everybody else thinks, the important thing is that they keep their insults where the money that gets to their heads is located and stay away from me. They would say I like some media and then I don’t like others but that was a case where somebody will ask me for a bit of friendship and the Camera Man along with the Manager will be unhappy about it, never mind the part where my Court and personal life is free for all until they no longer think it exists as something they want. So I am unable to understand how people would lose a three score salary job because others got into the Office to organise themselves and chase bottoms and its these morbid facts of what they are doing with their Offices at this Estate that causes me to get complains at a very high level out of them as well all together; we can always see that what is written here began from a tale of me in a difficult situation and in dire need of their help, which does nothing to ally difficulties associated with criminals chasing the Christian that has been detached from processes of putting distance between him and bad people financially since he rather believes in working for his money on account he can by the way of which the attention these goons pay for me was courted by them too, a job they are paying a lot of attention to apparently (the insults ensure criminals target the guy that knows how to work for his money, the threats ensure that the criminals justify their actions on grounds of being in a position to do violent things for him - a stupid job on media that is apparently getting the attention it should obviously).
They say I am a coward who has no wish to join the Military and that this is what it is all about but the Military has nothing to do with people being bullied in the neighbourhoods by a collection of idiots who then make stories out of it for a decade and a half because the victim has no responded, only to find their story makes it difficult for them to live in the neighbourhoods, so they have begun to threaten him with violence – so if they do not tummy whip me they will not complain about me a cracked up out of my league queer society that will wind me up and make me sell it for them as well; it has always been a filthy disgusting inability to let other people be whenever they want to make use of it and I do not feel bullied – the first time they raised a case they needed a whole parliament and National Media and civil service, this time they think they have got very abusive forms of news and entertainment irregular heart beat TV etc and need to leave the Armed forces out of it, solve their problems by themselves, so when I handle them as well they can tell those lies they are fond of.
Just like they are used to this idea of the Men and Women that can cause younger people to wedge their bodies against the violent problems in society when they do not work for it and run away from the benefits out of respect and if I do not feel hard objects in my mind come between me and my seat when I sit down in my own home or do not feel that mess around get through my head and chest and tummy and so on, they do not have anything to worry about and do not have to think about feeling me as well; those stupidities are meant to be things they want to do with their time in the neighbourhoods, if it takes up my time, they feel me as well.