I am aware of the claim that I am very unprofessional at my work which is nothing unusual but I am not; it’s the same case of Politicians making out that very evil and twisted deviant goons who want somebody they may control to get rich quick and avoid working for money are nice people at my expense while the society goons they love to support to put pressure on me are failed attempts at being successful shop managers building communities of goons with ideas about what to do to me and chasing my bum all day long, to garnish their abuses with processes of being secret nightmare home renters that get gangs and criminals as close to my bedroom as they possibly can – it brings forth this result where I have little energy to chase my concerns and even have let myself go and failed to tidy up very often. The part where the Monarchy is involved being that this business of chasing bottoms does not actually work with the Armed Forces because it is an arrangement where people operate together as a team in a confined environment for a long period of time – blabbing nonsense at me when they know this is how it works and the reason they think that whenever they do National service they need to tackle me like their Politicians tackle me to claim they are nice people will not help and they are aware of this too; as for the bit about doing me favours by chasing my bum to ensure I never get involved with service or get killed, we all know they are only realising that service living and civilian living are two separate things while I have a Royal Office to look after, whereby each time there are public security matters, I have to get them resolved whether or not I have the money to do so – it makes a mockery of these other goons that will make decisions for the Queen over their modernism on my account as well, since we know that if Industry is obsessed with security matters whenever I have done such things I will make friends who have money and they will end up being very useful financial allies; the idea I am desperate to consummate the Office of an Arch Prince by marrying into the Royal family meaning they show up here to destroy with abandon while I am not.

As for the story of my attitude meaning that the Media wants to plan an attack on me which I have never really taken seriously, there is little or nothing that the Media can do – they have recently recovered their strength performing wickedness they find exhilarating naturally, so I have gone from a character they were worried about to somebody that is now afraid of them, as stupidly as they could get. In the end the reasons I ensure there is always a conundrum everyday is to ensure that this whole bottom chasing issue never stops – I have done so because although most are not aware, its usually between the Media and the society goons who are a failed attempt at being successful shop keepers chasing peoples bottoms to claim they are selling things and getting gangs or criminals as close to peoples bedrooms as they can in the neighbourhoods, so the Media ones about anything that looks like peace and quiet around here being where the wars and the things that stop them from looking like characters that have something to trade off with the rich and get connected should end up, so I do not think any of the decisions I make about it are too harsh either – its been over 18 years of a daily process of inventing something new to do to some grown-ups, which can only be handled if people grew out of it, knowing their victims had a mind that had bills and invoices to pay off and that if the friends were to have sex next door their victims would feel every aspect of it, such is the mind of an adult, but they have always had stupid media to play foolish games with. The part where there are celebrities I would never mess with is another story entirely, I think they are all some of the most disrespectful twerps in the world who are not paying my bills but should not let it be said I stopped them passing their insults at me to suggest they were very important all together; we all know I have successfully contained the business of them setting out abusive fame by which to get money off Industry goons who make their money to attack people with and so the next step will likely be that the companies involved get around with me to get me performing the same service I have done with other broker companies, which means that I will be set and paid to get rid of them – as for those I could never mess with, the worse case is that I could get harmed by their boys from the neighbourhood and the situation will be so bad that these boys will decide their days of fame is done, otherwise what adds up to assets spent to build community relations with families that have trusted me and my Book sale business with systems that they understand to be the base by which they gather money to pay their way and put something aside as inheritance for the children should never again be something I either see them make advertisement on or on account of a need to take pictures of their stupid selves on my public image, blowing kisses at criminals, becomes something they have taken money out of making those stupid insults they claim adds up to advertisement – it’s obviously the only way they will get to own all the money in the world and dominate some sitting ducks with their big mouth. The rest of the time, they might want to keep away from my Books and stop following me around unless they contributed a single word or sentence in it and then they may threaten me again.

 Government at the Manufacturing Industry 

Please note Timelines Dates for Authenticity
  • Finance in the UK.
  • HH The Arch Prince's Office finance papers in functional aesthetics.
  • Social Equity for Finance Industry Misconduct 


Showing category "Banking and Reality" (Show all posts)


Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, In : Banking and Reality 

I don’t think the finance Industry is a bad thing – if I were Prime Minister, the last thing I would want to do is tell people to make a wish and go into the City to get rich then sit back and expect regulations to sort things out when people rummage all around it but this is largely the biggest preoccupation of Politicians who feel it is the spot where they are to express the best of their own vanities and vice. People always say I am wrong but it was always easy to say if you see your f...

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Banking to recovery in currency

Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, April 11, 2011, In : Banking and Reality 


I have not got a clue where people make their deductions from where they come to the conclusion that it is creditors and not tax payers that must foot the expenses of banking crises whenever they happen.

Tax payers money was deployed during the financial crisis to ensure that tax payers money was circulating in the economy and banks were trying to recover from the crash. Thus the money was given to them in...

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File Cabinet 



Of course it has been distressing to put up with a process where people appear to have a knack for handling and doing damage to my work all the time; especially the means by which to get rid of a process where my Books may be catchy or interesting knowing it is my profit margins - they always make excuses for it and have tales to tell about a bad childhood and other things etc but of course we all know they are evil people who have no sense of right and wrong that makes any real meaning and of course do what they do in order to ensure people are willing to harm me if they give those people some of their silly money of which they have not got enough for two to mention some facts. 

We hear them speak of those that cannot handle competition of course but we all know the only justification for getting out of bed to wreck peoples livelihoods and finances for them is their Political problems and the need to have something good to look at to make their day and hence the aim is to detach people from areas of society they belong because they want to be those people. I don’t think competition is a problem either since we also know that the only reasons Pop stars exists is first to ensure they can spend your own, second to ensure you always come up with it and third to ensure the world knows the reason it happens is because they like what you do, that is why they always do all they do to ensure they are able to manipulate you to make all three happen – so I don’t mind the challenge of competition provided we will hear no complains later on; I mean everybody knows I can always start it off as a book sales objective and that this is really what their challenge is i.e. whether I can create and fulfil an objective of taking care of the problem they create for me which hampers my book sales. They say they are watchful friends of course, I don’t mind such tales for my part either since everybody knows what happens is that whenever I get involved with anybody what comes through because they have media to play with is how many books I am selling, the warning on my part being that they are the reasons for it and for their part a case of how much of that they are stifling – usual reason is to have sex with women that want nothing to do with them but now it has become the means to wealth and fame and everybody knows as well they like to brag about some inability to fight that I have whereas in reality the whole purpose of all they do has to do with trapping me in a secret society where they belong and control certain trappings of power hence by a wave of their hands or a strike of my chest can manipulate me whether I like it or not the more I don’t like it the better, into a fight against those who do not do what they want and so we see it play out with the sense that if media wants to be able to wreck the finances of a government official in order to push them to do civil rights for it and therefore make history they can fantasise it and make it happen over me – hence a need that will never be met. I believe my warnings are clear; I will teach them one they will never forget for my part before this is over and of course it is the way it happens that when their attention is drawn to harming people in such ways, when people have no savings to their name or a job, they will soon get into a euphoria of doing these sort of activities not long after: I accept the challenge of competition therefore and last we checked their stupid businesses had become communities in their own right using markets I created for my books by making sure people read them without getting a copy of their own and they kept that up on media to ensure they don’t have to since somebody will always give them a gist of it. As I said: I accept the challenge - I am a Bitch and they own the l communities and my right hand side, a Pop star fuck and we will see how deep the rabbit hole goes as well on this matter, that is a promise, just like we all know my parents were responsible for it all and they are allies.