I am now said to be at logger heads with the Fashion Industry but I am not – the truth is that the Fashion Industry and Show Business Industry were responsible for botching my academic work and we can now see the relationship Liberal USA has established with Local Gangs and Muslims on the matter as well if there was a doubt; so at University it was a matter of suffering tummy Ulcer and then ending up with at eating disorder as well while studying for a First Degree because of them and their idiots showed up there to make an announcement of my tummy issues which rather convinced me the idea it’s a pain that I wake up to everyday and could manage, was delusional. It has continued to handle me years after that and so I set out a social media to express what I am doing and to make it available to Fashion operatives that are interested and what I got instead was the need some had to invest my life instead of my Books, on the premise of deploying my assets to make money that will have suggested they are trying to convince themselves that they were superior to me and if I did anything unusual they will simply walk away with what they had taken – this had to be stopped but there was more to it than I had imagined; there was the building me hell on the high streets taking pictures of their stupid selves on my public image for the magazines aspect, there was the quick community of fashion twerps full of entitled and incredibly stupid girls selling a quick fashion on Publicity my Publishers built for my Books and therefore my Literary Empire market in the process with express intent to destroy it and make me serve them, as stupidly as possible, so the outcome now is that I have set out a means of security for Fashion Brokers and a clear statement about a social media that is a click away from them thus Fashion property from the concerns of an Arch Prince does not exist anywhere else on this planet, if they fail to follow the way it works I will build them publicity as the perpetual inquirers who make products out of an inquiry and build business empires on doing so, the same way I build their women a publicity about the mess that is made here so the narcissism that gets happier the more I am distressed and thereby creates the idea people need to get involved with their products because it is happy and a happy place to be will meet with it in the Middle. That said, its still a complicated matter as some are usually just interested in being friendly, however which I need to keep an eye on the part where the academic work and finances are damaged so that if they had stopped being nice I were incapacitated. They understand very large companies have brokered equities with me to build corner stone products for their expensive services and items and these products do not exist anywhere else and are not made by any other companies – it is pretty important and those who want to run their Fashion on it need to follow what legitimate Brokers have already done or I will do my best to shut them down too. Most of the time its largely a barely criminal nonsense about stupid women thinking they may behave with me anyway they wanted and stupid men wanting some Americans to oppress me while they deployed my Asset equity to get rich in American Cities.
Its an old case of people who wish to be able to handle and manipulate those they think they must get their hands on to ensure they may get rich without having to do a days work in their lives - so its the games and abuses and destruction that they perform here to achieve this, which has brought about consequences they want their Politicians to act on like idiots that have completely lost their minds and we are going to have another major one if they fail to keep away from my Books and keep following me around to perform their nonsense for it. Its not true that I am unable to move on from it as stopping them from investing my Asset equities and making sure they do not create alternatives to my Books will surely set me on the path to a clearer processes of operating the Office - the part about women and my bad behaviour towards women as well was nothing unusual; the insults they pass at me is due to the fact I am a Man and I am certain it is possible for them to rest it a while when required, otherwise the processes of making sure they cannot damage absolutely anything they got their hands on at this Hermitage will continue and we are set to listen to more complaining - its not true the world is moving on and I am having trouble catching up either; I allowed them wreck my finances so their familiarity might come to a stop but I have only become a character they are certain they can bully and wish to attack all the time with the women wanting to show that they hate my guts on account of the fact I have developed a deterrence for each and every gimmick - The Media is that which I have nothing to concern myself with; its the old case of career squatters squatting at the best part of my career and each time I returned to tell them off will get told what life could be, therefore clear they need stop running off their jobs on Publicity I build for myself unless they were splitting the salary with me. All else can be accounted for as a gimmick concerning those who have and those who have not with the Jobs of CEOs and Managers as the subject, purpose being that in my case, I am made to do security Job that makes them comfortable while they chase my Royal Office and Public image which is an eventuality they own as separate from the CEOs and Managers all together, as stupidly as possible; the women know that while they spend their time on this there are equally evil society men with a gimmick about younger men being stronger than usual and society knows what I am thinking always so I do not get to pay the price for their stupidities on both sides all of the time.
I am told I had suggested I can tackle what people put at me on the internet which I can, I am just not that busy working on tackling what people put at me on the internet – however it has become very clear if they do it, I will sack their own in the real world environment in return. The truth of it has always been a matter of what people who are purely evil get up to, such that when all the means of making you get into a fight with gangs because they need to make money with your public image had failed, then it becomes the very clingy and vicious nonsense that brews insults they think can always be profitable like the ones I have to deal with all the time, led by some stupid Americans and a foolish media where people blame others for standing up somewhere to pass insults at somebody until it became their reputation when they have a job that is reliant on a public image to perform at the same time – of which whether or not they are urgently in need of an exorcist I do not understand what the problem is when I had detached it from mainstream living in the first place, such that what we see is a process where they are doing the devils work for him with their own hands, asking for more of what they are complaining about but believe they had it all figured out when the US Government attacks some Muslims and then makes friends with rich Muslims and they are allowed to assume I will be the better and easier target they needed all along. It’s a matter of their insulting dreams of power and how contents of my Books are being fed to the Public, along with how what I do at this Office is spied on and fed to the Public; they complain about my attitude all the time but this was never an indication of how stupid human beings can be to me, as far as they were concerned.
Now they feel like they want to negotiate my existence all together in my absence using media to make up the two sides, one of me and one of them and them one that is me will agree with the other and I will simply have to live with it – I never see the idiots toss mud at Their President’s motorcade in the US then turn out to settle a case for him when they have planned to netogate his position either, I have no idea what they would have thought he should say or do or what indeed they woul...
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Everybody knows that the reasons politicians never have a clue what they are doing is because they cannot let other people be and the result is always that their position ends up being one of those you remember about yourself when you were in school each time the poor grades come through and you begin to reflect on the time you realised you were losing track of the teachers about which you should have done something but continue to wish there was another grade on the sheet in front of you, except that in their case they have worked out whom they want to bully to ensure those grades are changed or their output is changed before those grades come in and have become along with their business idiots confident in community bullying alongside secret service unethical behaviour which will see me react like I normally do so they can tell me that replacing respect I should get from them with a process of twisting me to extricate an atmosphere of decadence and fame is something about which I will be regarded as mentally ill if I mention hence those stories their idiots tell after abusing me to provoke me of how I steal other peoples jobs. The business part I will say little about since we all know the job of big business is not to tell government what to do but to ensure small businesses are employed providing services where they are needed, so that their foolish friends who cannot keep it out of other peoples government business can then turn up to tell me that they have trouble putting those who pay ten times the amount of tax as everybody else put together in line like nobody knows they twisted it all into that corner so they can talk such nonsense but of course the real problem begins where we are at present which is the habit politicians have developed of finding ways of usurping my time for something else and then extricating some fun of office space from it as well to satisfy some twisted desire and a vanity; it has now come to a point where their media idiots want to play power games with me reporting nonsense about how my position means more and more lesbians will tend to explore themselves and last time I checked this was one of the problems I had dealt with as far back as 2008 at the height of the economic crisis concerning which the stupid bankers and stock market idiots applicable will not revert to their jobs of managing finances for everybody instead of provoking me and talking nonsense on public media I have not authorised them to do about my books - the first occasion about my royal property and public work never ended well and this issue is therefore far from over. All I can say as a matter of warning is that those accusations by their society idiots can continue but when it leads to a condition where my products are insecure either on the Internet or anywhere else I will handle that stupid white culture again and this time they will have public campaigns to run about how I come in from overseas to exterminate it for real.
So it is all happening like it did the first time i.e. they had tax payer funds to spend on themselves to provide for themselves for their time at work is to be spent vandalising my property and naming their actions celebrity lifestyle and Popular culture. Now the main concern people have for most of the time is a matter of how much trouble I am in with Americans which makes no sense whatsoever - I mean if the US wants to rule the world with little tourism economies that spend their time like ferret idiots doing other peoples good international reputation for them, then that is perfectly fine - I mean it is usually a case of US leadership one moment and US bombs the next anyway, however the case arises along the lines of British Politicians that will tie me down to please the Americans and so that is what they have heard in the air waves and thus turned up egos pumped up to find out if it is really the case.
It seems I am constantly expected to say something about happenings around the world – today’s one 18/7/2014 is about the tragedy in Ukraine of The Malaysian Airliner yesterday: I wouldn’t know, all I know is that Obama is playing his games, he thinks people are not going to die when he does as it were; so that every fool that is an aide of his office or close to it wants to be able to make a statement about how they have never seen anybody so abused and then used again when the time comes as I am and then when I ask them what’s more after it they say it’s a matter of how I and women like me provoke racists which does mean it has come to an end after years of turning up to look for trouble and make me fight for them leading to a process where they have never been so badly treated in their stupid lives of which their corruption of involvement is what got them a hearing in the first place. So it does apply that this power issue has now reached a stage where it is not worth the effort anymore.
They do speak of an anti-democracy undertone to be found in all I do in terms of the fact i do not like it when people think for themselves over me but we can all see how deviated these activities are from a Country that is the way it is because whatever it is, is how the people want it - right down to plans they had to make money with the perks of my office being thwarted thereby creating a new hate campaign of a demagogue that says they hate people who do their stuff for them and claim its a service referring to when you try and determine what they can take and what they cannot. Hence for now the Internet being my domain and day time television is next on the cards too because I have to deal with the image of my Company because of them every blessed day while they complain about my books and think any slightest income for me will put them in danger and yet I still remember how much they said the consequences for those games that leads to an outcome where they attack me and then threaten me because I have expressed displeasure which puts them and their freedom at risk hurt.