In : Democracy, Freedom and the Theft of self improvement
I am said to be insane by the Media; they claim my activities are the definition of insanity – the truth is rather that of the fact the stage at which Politicians spent tax payer funds to help them out with financial problems they brought upon themselves by means of their own personal decisions, was not the point at which they were in need of money and self-confidence, they have only just topped it up as well with a business of building crowds of society twerps with ideas about what to do to me and what they are complaining about at this point is my view that should they had decided to work on something together for a change in their stupid lives and it involved tackling me, the opportunism of popularity, stock market and money gimmicks as well as that of Politics, it would still have been a daunting task to win as it were. So the main issue is that the great and the good, the Politicians and Celebrities, the media and television personalities have an attitude which suggests the problems that encumber anything they do with their lifestyles on the left must end up making others work and feel sore all day long to make it even better and more decadent – the society trouble makers do the same as well but their own is not about money or lifestyle, its about what people do not actually know about them on the right hand side; the crux of the matter being that I cannot step outside of my door without being made to smell like my loo on account they had both decided it had something to do with me, to a point where they worked hard enough to see me drop out of University so they might play practical jokes on me that their stupidities have made out adds up to what their civil rights looks like – this is what the problem is not me having lost my mind.
They speak of me shutting down their access to fame but we all know those who make a living from having a public image should have tended it and not set about chasing mine, still if I got around giving away such advice it will then all depend on me – which is usually the stage I get told that I will whether I fancied it or not by some almighty Americans talking nonsense until I handle their own again as it were. Hence they say I have mental illness but it depends on which one bothers me when I don’t – what we have is that every gimmick these goons put aside, ranging from insults and abuses associated with my best thoughts and best ideas, to make me respond to the madness that passes on their right hand side and left hand side and become susceptible to civil rights practical jokes that cannot stop making money on my public image, to claims that my personality are a product of sleeping with peoples wives adds up to a process of picking up a temporary arrangement that I am meant to look after for the purpose of making sure that I had built myself enough deterrence for it, especially as its largely a matter of them being important enough to handle me while I am not important enough to handle them, so whilst their children run around the neighbourhoods making a mess for all their hands are constantly getting up my bum in the imagination, meaning that the eventual outcomes are that they will be handling peoples lives and property to get on with Celebrities and I mostly usually think that I would rather have that happen right away as I have had enough of them since I dropped out of University over this nonsense the last time we checked and they passed their exams to make themselves into a greater problem and if they handle me because of what I do to ensure they did it right away while I supervised, I am really going to do my best to hurt them seriously for it. Its much the same as those tales they tell of me being The Queens concubine, whilst complaining about the consequences as if they were dealing with the one that will end up creating a war when he handles their stupidities all together - so that they roll their eyes and pass around insults each time I speak of Public matters and government issues and it therefore implies this is what their civil rights looks like hence if I went against it will churn my tummy and wreck my life tends to suggest they make their own laws in this Country but what really happens is that they harm other people and end up in the law Courts where the real law is read out to them, is not a good enough security to assume this is a disposition by which to trouble me like that all of the time - they have themselves pointed out that they have played so much of these gimmicks out to a point that it has become part of their identity such that when made to stop they will lose their identity in the process, so we can see they understood what the risks were.
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In : Democracy, Freedom and the Theft of self improvement
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The part about what people know about the lives of people up and down the Country which their MPs bring up all the time is one where they are not making any sense; there are two facts concerned in the matter and one of those is that of how around me is a product and a system of permission for deployment which only I have the right to give and therefore those who give it as well to themselves or to others are looking for trouble and those who look for trouble always find it – what they do about this state of affairs therefore is deploy my work to get pop stars songs they can sing to entertain and hold people up in markets I created for a company in little bubbles created to ensure they turn up to sell things and get rich, giving me a problem of regularly turning up in areas of town I have never been to before to find my work being deployed by people in some other person’s name held together by the kind of music they want to listen to, this is therefore something they never tell people is the way their stupid lives work. The other issue is about my book sales and that is where it will all go wrong all together too; I don’t care how heavy the things I do to ensure no idiot profits from my work first before I do becomes as a result of the existence of a free and democratic world, when people see a product and they want it and more so that badly what they do is buy it whether or not I on a daily basis read all of the contents of my books to them myself, it’s simple respect and simple curtsey and if this stupid game actually succeeds I will make the west into something they cannot recognise anymore. For now it’s all civil rights power games so far until it is time to pay as well and I am collecting that stupid civil service for journalists to play around with and then there will be less mystery about how much about their stupid lives other people actually know. This is the world I live in and I am sure these insults and abuses is not the way they live at home – they have their own stupid worlds to live in therefore too. There is always that talk of things like self confidence being the reasons they are out to get rich with my work before I do for example and it makes wonder if that is not one of the things that must be seriously dealt with as well; as I said, I do not care how heavy it becomes, what happens is that when people want a product they pay for and pick it up not harass the owner and make up social and cultural insulting greedy based excuses for doing so.
Of course the Obamas are known to the British Royal Family, in the same light I fail to see what right it gives the US president to rip up my book sales day after day and continue in that way for the last five years telling stories about civil liberties as he goes along as well which makes no sense whatsoever.
I know they speak of fighting all the time but of course everybody now knows that it is only when I kick them seriously that light is shed on poor countries with power mongers and greed freaks with strange needs as leaders and the activities they get up to especially in places like Africa for example – however which they see no need to stay off violating my work and profit margins offered by my patents, at least not yet. The part about my support for the 50p Top Tax rate is very well understood but has no basis on reality as this top tax rate is the highest we can go as a Country and these are nor normal times when you can simply impose such a tax rate without considering employer propensity to employ and pay workers, never mind the low interest rates that are more in support of workers than employers at present, which is the way it should be i.e. more money made by employees, more money employers can make otherwise they are running a scam that is as big as the entire economy. Those who say the enforcement of a 50p tax rate is something that from now on they will fight tooth and nail is something they say because they think I am stupid – they believe they will just make the money and run away. Hence it is never true that I either support the Government or support them as whole even though it must be mentioned that the only thing the Labour party offers us along the lines of evidence such as the fact they want to use an economic instability to create wealth and social equality and they have not yet sorted out the wickedness and abusive behaviour of their so called poor people towards absolutely anybody they bloody well wish which costs them everything and ensures their stupid children they bring up in such ways amount to nothing unless people like me are tied down and robbed, further putting forward the fact that although they preach justice they fundamentally cannot do without a condition where they have somebody tied down for them to take advantage of – is the fact that if they had their way the UK would be run by a more liberal fascist government than the Nazis in Germany were, drawing attention to examples like how much they cared about people and the community and how much they cared about society etc with other peoples tummy which they must have ensured are trapped in the UK to be used in such ways after all they have has been savaged as well. Apparently they are at a less scary version at this point doing us all a favour by being leaders who do not shy away from taking control or like to hide behind consultation and liberalism, which as we all know is a big mouth being really ridiculous mostly; of which there is not an economic plan they have placed in front of voters in this Country that is not concerned with spending treasury money. Nothing done therefore about the kind of equality they would create if there was something done to redress the matter of their idiots running around making out people think they are poor but live like kings and can maker servants of anybody all the time and channeled at everybody too.